His soft side.

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Ever since Seto and Mokuba came and saw your house, things had gotten weird... whenever Kaiba had a meeting or wanted a second opinion he would ask you, it was always you... and you didn't like it even when Mokuba said it was a sign of his brother's acceptance.

Your research had come to a halt and you needed to spend time in the office alone, Seto Kaiba had been always researching something and it was taking a good amount of his time, meaning it had to be important. 

Your chance came when he called you to say he'd come to his office late because he was going to duel Yugi Muto and prove he was the best. It took you literally five minutes to close the phone, get a new disk and hack Seto's computer once again. This time, you saw a new file with your name on it and it had two different passwords, both were easy to crack... you had been trained to think like your targets and therefor when it came down to passwords things got easy, people usually placed a word, a number, a date... anything that they felt it was theirs to know and keep. 

The first code, was the date he hired you and the second was the day he visited your house... when you opened the file you froze, you saw articles about Raul, some of your personal information... things that were supposed to be classified... thankfully there was nothing regarding ZJ. 

You relaxed and copied everything before closing the computer, got two cups of coffee ready and returned to your office, arranging some reports and making a few calls to ensure everything in the corporation worked perfectly. 

As you predicted, Seto entered a few minutes after your last phone call and he was moody... meaning he lost the duel... well, he was by far a top duelist but Yugi had proved to be even better, challenging someone like him was a risk and the defeat could be very painfull. Seto's mood improved however when he saw the cup of coffee, a few mails from companies overseas that agreed to make deals in his own terms and the reports from each department arranged perfectly, he looked over at you and noticed how focused you were on your tasks and how your diligent nature proved your worth. 

"Maybe not everything's a waste of time." He mumbled and you looked over at him, finally noticing his gaze.

"Is there something you need, mr Kaiba?" You asked and he frowned, although you always called him like that he found himself wanting to be called something more... intimate.

"You can call me Seto when we are alone." He groaned and your eyes widen.

"Won't I be disrespecfull?" You argued, Seto rolled his eyes at that.

"You've proved to be worth my time, you've surpassed my current expectations and therefore you get something of an upgrade." He responded and you knew that if you translated to a shorter sentence it'd be " I actually like you".

"Thank you, Mr Seto." You replied and he looked at you annoyed.

"The "mister" part wasn't necessary." He growled and you were dumpfounded. He really was showing a soft spot here... which was very alerting. What was going on here?

"I think it'd be best to take one step at a time, sir." You argued and he sighed.

"Do as you like." He muttered, no longer interested in the conversation, he sat down and opened his computer, suddenly something crossed his mind and entered the file with your name. 

He looked at your birth certificate and realized that tomorrow was your birthday, for a moment he was unsure of what to do... after Gozaburo adobted him, his birthdays were always miserable...so far he had discovered nothing that proved that Raul, the man who raised you was like Gozaburo. 

He did find out that you were placed under some sort of training to become a strong and indebendent spirit and despite your shell, you had what it took to become great. He had witnessed it but didn't plan to help you bring it out, mostly because he knew that if you became the person that training was supposed to turn you into... you'd leave Kaiba Corporation and him behind. A small part in his heart had already been taken over by you and it was only a matter of time before he gave in to his emotions. 

Meanwhile Justin had been planning to drive Seto Kaiba insane, he knew that if there was one thing that could make even the great Seto Kaiba fall that was jealousy, he would make sure that he got envious so much, that he'd use his power for his own selfish reasons, all while he collected proof of that so that he could shut Kaiba Corporation for good. He didn't plan on letting you fall in love with Seto, let him escape and ruin everything. 

Nora on the other hand was more than willing to hook you up with Seto, she had a bad habit of wanting to make everyone a couple with whoever she thought would be an ideal match... and she had the best selective hearing one could get.

"So Justin, where do you think they should go for their first date... I was thinking that they should go for one of the traditional roots like the beach... what do you think?"

"They are not a couple and as along as I live Seto Kaiba will not get his way with her."

"Why so much interest in keeping them apart, besides so far her investigation has proved that the illegal actions of Kaiba Corporation were done under Gozaburo's name and they had been shattered completely by Seto, therefore there is no reason for us to try and destroy him."

"You're forgetting Noah Kaiba, that poor child spent the majority of his life in a digital world created by Gozaburo... and after the distraction of that island Seto Kaiba has showed no interest in him."

"Maybe because he might not even know the boy exists? I doubt his adopted father told him the story of his entire life." Nora argued and Justin sighed.

"Anyway, Seto Kaiba is already getting soft... and that's all I need to make him fall in love with (Name) and then destroy him like the arrogant jerk he is."

"Or make him the president of two companies instead of one." Nora shot back with a smile and Justin glared at her.

"Are you challenging me?"

"Indeed I am... and I bet that we're going to have a happy ending with these two. I can't wait until the wedding of these two." She teased, both already thinking of how to take advantage of Seto's soft side that was slowly coming to the surface.  

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