His weakness

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Seto had been feeling strange, ever since you came he has been unable to concetrate. None of his previous employees showed the skills you had, well most of his previous secreteries had attempted to advance through seduction and charm, traits that they didn't possess in his mind. 

He found most of them boring and in occasions annoying, however in your case he had to admit that he saw charm and at times he even found you cute. It annoyed him that he, Seto Kaiba, was paying attention to you rather than his company... to top it all when he saw an unfamiliar boy talking to you, he thought about demanding explainations. 

Mokuba on the other hand was far too friendly with you, he was always happy when you were around and the fact that you'd make him laugh at times made him get close to you. You on the other hand... well, thanks to Kaiba's long list of meetings you had all the time in the world to check the information you had taken and make enough copies of each file, sending them to your cousin and current partner Justin. 

You had noticed Seto's interest in you and despite trying to act like an idiot, when you worked your true self would sometimes come out... you thanked God that most of the time he was either arguing with someone or looking at the files of his computer. There was one time however, that he saw a glimpse of your cunning nature, when you handled the president of a lesser company and manipulated him to exactly what Seto had asked of you... and he found it incredible.

 "Seto, the car will be here in ten minutes. We should really get going." Mokuba told his brother and Seto hummed in response as he tapped something in his computer. You glanced at him confused, he did acknowledge his brother's words yet he seemed unwilling to move... was what he was looking at so interesting? Suddenly your phone rang, you picked it up and spoke gently.


"(Name), it's Justin. Listen, I want you to befriend Yugi Muto and his group. Raul said we might learn a great deal of information about Noah Kaiba." He instructed and you hummed in response.

"I think you might have the wrong person?" You responded and Seto looked at your direction.

"Who is it?" He asked, his tone showing his suspicions. You looked over at Seto, faking your confusion.

"They are asking for someone named Emma." You whispered and Seto frowned, he stood up and came at your side at once, snatching the phone from your hand.

"This is Seto Kaiba, you have the wrong number, moron." He stated sternly and closed the phone, you blinked a bit surprised at his reaction but soon turned to your computer, only for Seto to pull you up.

"Mr Kaiba?" You questioned unsure of what to expect.

"You're coming along." He ordered and your eyes widen... this was the first time he told you to tag along... you wondered if that was a good idea, you now had more people to get close to. You glanced over at Mokuba who had a wide smile, was this really something good? With a simple nod you took your envelope with his schedule and walked right behind him while Mokuba ran to his brother side. 

"About time." He whispered and Seto glanced at his brother annoyed, he was pretty sure it was the guy he saw the other day... he really didn't like the idea of getting out of schedule just so you could play couple with a random loser... at least that's what he kept saying to himself. Mokuba on the other hand was one hundrend percent sure that his brother was falling fast and hard for you... and he simply didn't enjoy the idea of sharing your attention. 

Meanwhile Justin was watching a different member of your organization, Nora interact with Yugi Muto and his group of friends, the fact that you said " you might have the wrong person" meant that someone had to make a head start and introduce you to them later on. 

Your job was by no means easy and the head of the organization, Raul Moltegro, knew all too well that he was applying a lot of pressure but he also knew you could handle as much. He had trained you so that you could escape even the most damgerous situations, such as being trapped at the top floor of a skyscraper with a bomb and only five minutes to escape while keeping some vital information... his teachings were rough and his methods could be considered cruel but he made you strong and after you succeeded or failed he'd show a side most people thought he didn't have, that of a kind and caring father, willing to do anything to keep those dear to him happy and well. 

"I wonder if Seto Kaiba is suspecting her... she's our best agent but he is no fool either." He muttered and then he nearly lost his cool as he saw a limousine pass by with you in it... Seto Kaiba was sitting across you and was looking at Yugi, the two had something of an argument while one of Yugi's friends, Joey, who attempted and failed to outsmart Kaiba. When Yugi noticed you, you used your usual "cute and shy" act on him and it worked perfectly... however. Justin saw Seto glaring at the short, spikey haired dueler and he knew it wasn't because he had lost to him more than once. Then he looked at you, you either acted or you truly were oblivious of the situation you were truly in... perhaps Raul should take care of this matter personally.

"(Name), I want you to cancel the last two meeting for today." Kaiba ordered, interrupting your little chit chat with Yugi, you turned and looked over at him with a curious expression.

"Okay, they weren't really all that important... would you like me to place in a week from now?"

"Yes, also you will be attending all meetings with me from now on. It seems you aren't as incompetent as I originally thought." He added and you smiled gently at him, earning a shocked expression from him.

"I'm happy to hear that." You responded and Justin noted how he had just figured out Seto Kaiba's greatest weakness... you. 

And he planned to put it to good use.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now