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You had been walking around town, looking for a gift for Nao. He was in a very sour mood ever since he left your house, probably because Justin simply wouldn't shut up. He had also been double crossing him as well, telling you everything Justin was planning and you in turn took measures to ensure things didn't go out of cotrol. You were wondering why your own cousin was so against your relationship with Seto. He was a good man, he was arrogant and harsh to people... maybe a bit too much for his own good but... that was the result of a life full of hardships and pain. You were certain you'd have been the same had Raul not come to your rescue...

- It's all so confusing. You murmured.

- Oh, hi (Name). A familiar voice said and you looked ahead of you, it was Yugi Muto. You smilled and got closer.

- Hi, Yugi. It's been a while. 

- Yeah... we only really meet when Kaiba wants to fight me. He replied with a goofy smiled, you found this little guy cute. Even when he would mysteriously turn into a taller and much cooler version of himself. You noticed his usual accessory wasn't there, chained around his neck. You recalled that there was a short while when Seto went to Egypt as well, it took him a few days but he eventually came back, maybe that had something to do with it?

- So? How are things going? 

- Oh! Everything's fine, actually I was wondering how come you're not with Seto. You two are almost always together.

- Key word "almost", anyway I'm looking for a gift for my baby brother... my cousin has really been a handfull and has really brought poor Nao to his limits.

- Your family problems seem to hunt you whenever we meet. If I recall, last time we spoke, your cousin and Seto were also fighting. 

- Indeed, I really don't understand why Justin is so against my relationship with Seto.

- Because rich boy has a serious attitude problem. A new voice said, you looked up and saw Joey, Tristan and Tea walking towards you.

- He can be a little much, still Seto's a good guy. You assured them but Joey scoffed.

- Doubt it.

- Come on, Joey. Don't be like that, (Name)'s got a point, he has helped us at times.

- More like, we forced him to help us. He didn't really have many alternatives. Tristan said and you blinked, well that was new.

- Seto hasn't really said anything about that. You said and Tea waved her hands with a small smile.

- Don't worry about it, it was all a very long time ago. 

- I see, well... it was nice seeing you all. I really need to go though. You said and Yugi smilled.

- Okay, I guess we'll see you later. He replied and after that, you left.

  Meanwhile Seto had already been informed of your meeting with Yugi, he had people watching you every time he wasn't around, thankfully he had made sure that you'd spent the majority of every day with him, leaving up to two or three hours for you to be alone. Still, it was meetings like that one that made him desire to not even let you have an hour alone, he saw how filth kept trying to reach for you, how the tried to drag you down to their own little, pathetic reality. But he wouldn't allow it, he had still a week and a half to make sure his claim on you would be so strong and clear, not even God would question it. The second he ended the call from the man who reported to him, he made a few calls and then he called you.

- Hello, Seto. What's up?

- Can you bring your little brother here? 

- Right now? 

- Yes.

- I'm on the street right now, I'll call him and see if he's free. Why?

- I just got him a little something. Having to deal with Justin all the time must be driving the poor kid mad. I am on the verge of going mad every time I meet that guy... and it happens once every now and then. 

- He he, alright I'll call you back and give you an answer. You said and ended the call. Seto smirked and waited patiently as nine large gifts were brought to his office, he would start with Nao and then move to Raul. He was positive he could get them to agree in having you engaged to him. He also planned on proposing next week. Till then, earning the support of those two was essential to his plan. When you called him back, you told him that you were both coming and Seto had a wide grin on his face.

- Perfect, I'll see you soon. He replied, it was on that moment that Mokuba entered.

- Who's coming?

- (Name) and Nao. 

- Nao's coming?! Cool! Mokuba said excited. Nao and Mokuba had grown close and they trusted each other a lot, Seto was glad to see that as it made his plan all the more easier. 

- Any news regarding Justin? Seto asked and Mokuba shook his head.

- No, he's been really quiet. Like there is nothing for him to worry about.

- I don't like it. Seto said and Mokuba looked at his brother confused.

- Why?

- That foolish looser can come up with a pretty good scheme, as much as I hate to admit it... he's not like Wheeler, a walking disaster that can only get worse. Either way, it's not good. 

- I see...

 Mokuba wasn't sure if his brother was insulting Joey or praising Justin, then again that wasn't the point. Seto wanted to make sure Justin didn't do ANYTHING that would ruin his plans for you.

- Then... what do we do?

- I want someone the find out exactly what that muggot is up to. I want to be sure that whatever it is that he's plotting will fail. In the meantime I'm going to make sure a certain pointy haired dwarf keeps his distance as well. Seto replied, he was more worried of Yugi actually manage to worm his way into your heart than Justin getting dirt on him. The reason was simple, Yugi had already beaten him on something... and he didn't plan on loosing you to him too.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now