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The days that followed after you and Seto spoke marked a time of Seto's overflowing hatred and bloodlust. He used everything in his power to learn if anyone had approached you, he would learn who they were, where they lived, when they met you... everything, then the real horror began. Those who were working under him were spared only because you knew them but the rest were free targets. 

Seto created a special underground torture chamber, where he spent hours venting his anger and jealousy, at first he didn't like the idea of getting his hands dirty with the blood of filth, which was why he installed a bathroom so that he could clean himself after his "special entertaiment sessions". He also made sure that Mokuba knew nothing about this, he was never going to find out as long as Seto had control. In time he grew used to the idea of killing his rivals himself, their screams and pleas for mercy fueled his sick imagination, dreaming of the day he could take all of this hatred on your cousin for creating such a huge gap between him and you. However no matter how many he killed, he knew that you would always be a target, which made him realize that pretending to try and gain Justin's friendship would be the quickest way. And so he tried over and over, sending gifts and even inviting Justin to his house or to another location and he always ensured that you knew of it. 

As for you, it pleased you that Seto was trying to befriend Justin and seemed to ask for forgiveness, which was completely ironic since you had no idea what he was really doing and scheming. You were slowly starting to forgive Seto and you were showing it, you were once again gentle and loving. 

- Seto, are you sure you're alright? You seem so pale. You said and he shook his head.

- I just feel dissapointed. I did ask for your Justin's forgiveness and I am trying to get along... but that man just seemes unwilling to listen... or at least send a response of some sort. He said and that did hit some guilt in you, you hadn't really urged Justin to respond so you felt that this was somehow your fault.

- It's okay, he was always hostile to those outside of our family. I'm just happy that you've tried. You said, gently caressing his cheek. Seto smiled, he was certain that nothing would ever be able to calm him down other than your touch. He had always dreamed of having someone love him back like this. 

- Anyway, let's speak of something more pleasant. Did you really mean what you said earlier?

- Yes. We can dinner at my place and if you want, you can sleep over. There's nothing urgent this week. You said and God knows how happy that made him. Finally you were once again inviting him to your house. 

- Very well. But tell me, do you really want to delay our wedding plans?

- Seto, the time isn't right for a wedding. Raul is still shaken by the fact that you now about ZJ.  

- If he feels like I am such a threat I can become a member of ZJ. He proposed and you seemed surprised. Your surprise however soon turned to amusement.

- Two different people with the same idea. You said and Seto smirked.

- So that was Raul's idea as well?

- Yes. 

- That's good. Tell him that if he really wants to, I'll do it. 

- Seto, this isn't a simple decision.

- Of course it is, after all I want to prove to you that I never meant you any harm.

- Seto...

- Now let's finish with our work and we can talk all we want later. He said and leaned forward for a quick kiss before both of you went back to work. Seto was more than happy to join ZJ, aside from being closer to you, it'd keep suspicions away from him and give him a chance to pay Justin a little visit.

 Meanwhile Raul was having a very hard time with Nao and Justin. Mostly because Nao wanted to move in with you and Justin wanted to do the same... and Raul knew why Justin wanted to go but not why Nao was so determined to move out of the main house.

- It's not going to be for a long time so there's no problem! 

- Yes but you still haven't told me why, Nao.

- Because (Name) is.... well, she's...

- He wants some female love from a person he can consider family. A familiar voice said in a taunting manner, causing Nao to turn red, he turned and glared at Nora.

- Don't you know how to knock?! 

- Don't you know how to talk? She replied and Justin groaned.

- Anyway, about my request... 

- No. Raul said firmly.

- Why?!

- Do you really have to ask? It's clear you don't like the way things are going between (Name) and Seto and you want to do something about it.

- He ordered his men to kill me!

- And apologized as well as tried to make it up to you. 

- How can someone forgive something like this?! It's unreasonable!

- We are not even sure if he really did plan to kill you.

- They had guns! 

- And you had a smart mouth. Seto Kaiba isn't the best, I can admit that much. But you yourself have placed your own unreasonable grudge against high society above your own family's happiness. 

- I have not!

- Yes you have! Do you have any idea how annoying and tiring it is to deal with all this drama? Nao asked and Justin rolled his eyes.

- Whatever, you're just a kid.

- A kid that knows you are being more dramatic than any soap opera I know. 

- He's got a point, Justin. Nora said and Justin glared at her.

- Seriously, choose a side or don't talk at all!!! He shouted and Raul cleared his throat getting the attention of everyone in the room.

- Justin, you're not going to stay over at (Name)'s. Nao go back your things, you'll go tomorrow after school and stay for a while. Nora, go back to your office and finish your work. That's the end, no complaints, leave. He said and all three nodded and left, Raul sighed at all this commotion. Perhaps he was a bit too relaxed about all this fuss with Seto Kaiba, however he trusted the young man and wanted you to be happy with the man you loved, hopefully he wouldn't regret allowing the two of you to be together.

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