Heart of gold.

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It had been nearly ten minutes after you returned home when you received an invitation to attend a party, hosted by Seto Kaiba in his house tomorrow after you were done working. That made you anxious... what was this man up to? You already knew that tomorrow was your birthday so it really made you wonder if he was trying to get on your good side or throw dust in your eyes in case he was planning something that would definetely be considered dirty and unjust. You left a heavy sigh, it wasn't like your presence was demanded... right? Seto Kaiba already knew who he had invited and wouldn't need you to tell him... so you weren't really obliged to go...right?

"I better speak with Raul about this." You mumbled and as if on cue, your phone rang showing Raul's number on the screen. 

"Hello, (Name)."

"Greetings sir, how have you been?" You asked and you heard him groan.

"You don't need to be formal. You have long since completed your training and are no longer a simple scout. Besides, you are my daughter."

"Adopted daughter-"

"How many more times are we going to argue about this?"

"I am not related by blood to you, Raul... it's only natural of me to be this way."

"No, not really. You're just being stubborn."

"I killed my own parents Raul..."

"And we both know they deserved it because they were horrible in every way."

"It's not about what they were but about what I am."

"(Name), this is literally the fifty sixth time I've said it this month and I will keep on-"

"Just because you don't think of me as a killer, doesn't mean everyone thinks of it the same."

"When you say "everyone", who are you exactly reffering to?"

"Does it matter?" 

"Yes it does!!! You're MY daughter, adopted or not... you are at the top of ZJ and adorable as hell."

"I am not adorable."

"You are and don't bother arguing with me."

"Alright, alright... that's not what I wanted to talk about. It's about Seto Kaiba."

"Ah yes, I took the disk and I admit he has done some pretty deep research. Also I got an invitation to a party he's hosting tomorrow."

"Then I guess he really is up to no good."


"I received an invitation as well." 

"Well well, it seems this young man is setting the stage for something and we are to act as puppets... interesting."

"You mean we're both going?"

"We have to, otherwise we won't know what he's up to."

"Raul, maybe I shouldn't go... if he knows something that wasn't in his computer then we are in trouble."

"He can't hurt us, his power doesn't go as far as he believes. Trust me on this." 

"That doesn't change the fact that he's not someone to mess with." 

"Are you scared of him, (Name)?"

"No... but I don't want to get into a pointless fight. So far I have found nothing that puts him in my list of trash to be dealt with." 

"So you're saying that this whole thing with Noah Kaiba is-"

"I am not saying anything about this matter. Noah was involved in an accident and I really don't know why he was in that island... or why Seto and Mokuba didn't look for him. There are no records to show that Seto or Mokuba knew of Noah's existence either."

"Then I guess we'll only know the truth when the boy wakes up."

"Can he wake up? He's in a coma, right?"

"Almost, it took a few surgiries but we are still have a problem. Our doctors have found that his brain fanctions perfectly and his heart beats normally as well... he can sense us but perhaps he doesn't believe it is safe to leave his current state behind and rejoin the world." 

"Then... we need to make him feel safe? How?"

"I think you might be the answer, you know what it is like to be alone, what it's like to be in constant danger and full of doubt... that used to be your world. Correct?"

"A fragment of that world still exists in me."

"Then maybe you have to make Noah understand that he has nothing to fear."

"It's not going to be easy, I still work for Seto Kaiba."

"We have transfered him to the house right next to yours, there will be absoloute secrecy and you can be sure, Seto Kaiba will not know of this. I have made sure of it, so don't worry about this."

"Alright then... I guess, I can try."

"Wonderfull, I'll come by and pick you up, my  dear daughter. Till then." He replied and ended the call. After that you decided to take a shower... boy it was as if you had entered heaven... working for both Kaiba Corporation and ZJ was tiring. After you got out you were thinking what to make for dinner when your bell rang. Who on earth would visit you so late?

"Okay, I don't who could be at this hour but they better have a good excuse for coming here." You groaned and moved forward, when you opened it you saw Mokuba... and he seemed really happy to see you. And well, you couldn't scream at a child, poor boy knew not of your role as ZJ agent.

"(Name), did you get the invitation?"

"I did.... Mokuba what are you doing here? It's late... does your brother even know you're here?" You asked and he chuckled.

"He sent me to give you these." He answered and gave you two large bags. You blinked at that and let him in, Seto had sent him here? Really?

"Would you like something to drink?"

"No, thanks. I just came to deliver these for tomorrow, my brother said you had to look presentable."

"I have dresses that work pretty well... if I didn't know better I'd think he's trying to pick a fight with me." You argued and Mokuba shook his head.

"No way, besides tomorrow is your big moment."


"The party is for you." 

"Eh?! Why would your brother host a party for me?!"

"It's his way of showing affection, he'll never say it out loud though." Mokuba explained and your eyes widen.

"Uh huh.... okay... I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning then."

"Oh no, you wont have to come tomorrow, we'll be busy with the party." You were shocked by the boy's words, you were almost sure that you had misunderstood these two, especially Seto... 

"You two have hearts of gold." You mumbled and kissed Mokuba on the cheek, he blushed and smiled at you... in his mind he wished his brother didn't mess things up and lose you because that would be a disaster, in their eyes you were the one with the heart of gold, after all. 

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now