To Battle

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You had been living a dream that didn't seem to end.

A while after Naoki was born you spent time with him and Seto. It was the best three months of your life. Naoki was a calm baby, you were gratefull for that, especially at night since he never, not even once woke you up with his crying.

As for Seto, he was at first hesitant to hold his son but once he got the hang of it, he would spent hours with him. He became one silly father who hid it with a stern glare that fooled neither you nor your son. Mostly because he'd do that when he'd give Naoki all kinds of gifts.

You'd usually shake your head with a smile and tell him that he wasn't fooling anyone, so he should just stop. Still it was cute how attentive he was with the baby.

"He is being so silly." You told Nora who smiled at your words.

"Well, that's the best you're gonna get with a guy like him."

"I guess so."

"Unless he reacts different to girls." She added and you gave her a "hell no" look.

"Too early."

"Wanna bet?"


"He will give you another one, it's just a matter of time."

"Why are you so sure?"

"He has no self control when it comes to you. And you love it." 

You rolled your eyes but it'd be a lie if you denied it. Nora was being her usual teasing self but... something was off.

"Nora, tell me. What's been going with ZJ lately."

"What do you mean?"

"Raul hasn't called once since I left the hospital. And if someone knows everything going on in ZJ, that someone is you."

"You really want to know?"


"Well, ZJ is in deep trouble."


"You know all these secret goverment teams and organazations, right?"

"Why would they be causing us trouble?"

"Cause the goverment thinks we've become too strong and thus too dangerous to be left alone."

"This is madness!!!"

"Yeah but that's not my point."

"Get to the main problem then."

"They want Raul out and one of their own."

"Hell no!!!"

"That's why Raul hasn't been in contact, involving you means danger for you and Naoki."

"How do you know all that?"

"That's for me to know."

"So what do we do now?"

"Pegasus has been standing in their way and rumors say that your darling Seto is on the offensive too."

"Seto? Why would he keep that a secret?"

"That I don't know."

You hummed and looked outside the window. Why was this happening now? 

Nora had told you all that but... she didn't say that Zegfried Von Schroeder was the one leaking the informations of your group thanks to traitors who did not appreciate not being at the top despite barely doing their jobs.

She had found and handed them over to Justin to "have a talk". Not even an hour later the ambulance had taken them both to the emergencies... and Nora couldn't be happier.

"I must talk to Raul, please help me contact him Nora!" You begged but she shook her head.

"That would be dangerous girl, you know that. But I have a plan."

You sighed in relief, this was your only chance. You had to save Raul and ZJ, no matter what.

Meanwhile Seto was withdrawing all financial support from goverment projects, revealing as many scandals as his men could find and had made it clear that keeping it up, would mean trouble. But they still had the guts to try and say that HE was the one making a mistake.

"It makes one wonder if Joey Wheeler isn't the greatest disgrace to humanity after all." He mumbled as he finished reading some documents. In all honesty, he didn't care for Raul or ZJ, however he knew that you'd never forgive him or yourself if nothing was done.

And then there was Justin, he knew that he of all people would cause an even greater argument and might manage to turn the tables on him if he was to remain silent.

"Seto, we don't even know why Zegfried is being like that."

"That sorry excuse of a duelist wants my wife."

"(Name)? Why?"

"Who cares why? All that matters is that once again he's acting like the fool he truly is. And this time he will not walk away like nothing ever happened."

Seto was determined to make that man suffer, he would take Zegfrieds life with his own two hands. He had worked hard to win you over, to have the happy family he desperately craved.

And there was no way he was letting someone to just take it all away like that. He would fight, just as he did all his life, with Gozaburo and any other idiot who tried to harm him and what was his.

And just like always, he was going to be the winner.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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