Not the same.

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- I can't believe it! Joey shouted as he read the piece of papper in his hands.

- So you and Kaiba are going to get married next month? Tristan asked and you nodded.

- Yeah... apparently my father decided that it's okay as long as I am willing. 

- What about that spoiled rich kid? Don't tell me he didn't complain. Joey said and you chuckled.

- He did complain but not for the reason you're thinking. You said and Tea smiled.

- I think it's wonderfull! I never imagined Kaiba would fall in love, much less desire marriage.

- Indeed. I'm quite shocked myself. Yugi said as he placed the invitation in his pocket.

- I'm more surprised that he allowed you to invite us. Tristan said and you sighed.

- It took a lot of effort but I got my way.

- Now that's something I'd love to see. Rich boy loosing his attitude... that'd be something to remember.

- Given the size of your brain, I doubt much can stay in.

You all turned to see Seto glaring at Joey, he moved closer and wrapped and arm around your waist, it was a possessive action, one to show that you belonged to him.

- Seto. You scolded but his expression didn't change. God knows how much Kaiba wanted to rip Yugi and his friends apart, you seemed to treasure them and he hated it. He was supposed the only one you loved the most... so why were you opening up to those losers?!

- Wanna repeat that, Kaiba? Joey said and brought out his cards.

- Accepting a challenge from you is a waste of time. A tree would put up a better fight. He said with a smirk and Joey exploded.

- I'd like to see if you'd still have that same smirk when you loose.

- Easy there, buddy. Tristan said as he grabbed Joey. You turned to Seto and cleared your throat.

- Shouldn't you be working, I'm positive I arranged everything before going out. You said and he smirked.

- You're forgetting who you're talking to. 

- No, I am not. You said with a smile. Seto turned you around and the two of you began walking away, you looked back and waved goodbye at them. 

- Are you trying to make me jealous? Seto asked and you looked at him surprised.

- What do you mean?

- Forget it. He answered with a sigh and you raised an eyebrow. What was this all of sudden?

In his mind Seto was already thinking of how to monopolize you for the next six weeks, it was bad enough that you had to look and talk to other men during work... but he couldn't stand it having you look and smile at strangers... at loosers like Wheeler... he couldn't just let you go, no one  was going to take you from him, he was the first to get to you and so he had the right to keep you for himself. The rest were not important, he could replace them at any given moment. If he had to kill any male you looked at, just so that he could ensure that he would be the only one you loved, then he'd drag them to his torture chamber and make them wish you never looked at them. 

Meanwhile Raul was looking at a file, the file regarding your case. You had killed your parents because you had no choice, you had given yourself to the authorities and he just happened to be there to see an old foe get what he deserved. He still remembered your eyes, they were wide and red due to your crying, your face was a mix of terror and confusion, you clearly didn't know what to do or what to say. That expression of yours made him understand that you had suffered, that you had been broken... just like many of the people he had at ZJ. 

- You seem worried about something. Nora said as she looked at him, she had just returned after spying some rich people indulge in some.... unpleasant hobbies of theirs. 

- I'm simply thinking, what would have happened to that poor girl had I not reached out to her then?

- She would have been convicted and she would have suffered for what she did, at least that's what I think but... you said she was still a kid, correct?

- You speak as if you're not the same age as her.

- I am two years her senior, thank you for reminding me. Nora said and Raul chuckled.

- Hopefully she'll have a happy ending now.

- Seto Kaiba is handsome, rich, head over hills in love with her and has a truly amusing character.

- You're saying it because you think you can get under his skin.

- I can get under anyone's skin, however that's not my point.

- Justin told me that you wanted these two to get together.

- Aside from being a really good match for each other, they are both depending on each other at some point.  (Name) not so much but Seto Kaiba is literally wrapped around her little finger, the second something goes wrong he is next to her. Hell, I even managed to see him sulk yesterday.

- Spying on them isn't a good idea.

- Then they shouldn't be all lovey dovey at work. Beside's I'm not with my darling.

- You're in a relationship?

- Yep. You definetely know him.

- I can already tell that it's not Justin.

- Have you ever heard the name Pegasus?

The second she said that name, Raul was looking at her like she was an allien.

- I'm not going to ask how the two of you got together. I will only ask, does he know about ZJ?

- Nope, he's trying to figure me out though.

- Oh good lord, things only get more complicated.

- Actually... we have one more problem.

- What?

- Have you ever heard the name Ziegfried Von Schroeder?

- I do, he participated in a tournament that Seto organized. He and his little brother competed and lost, then he tried to use a virus to ruin Kaiba Corp.

- And he has taken an interest at your dear daughter.

- When did he even manage to see her?

- Seto doesn't let her go too far away from his side. He had her right behind him when he dueled with Ziegfried, it wasn't really much of a surprise.

- Seto is going to become a member of ZJ before he and (Name) get married, if the Schroeder family provoke him after the wedding, we will have to side with Kaiba Corp and destroy them.

- You mean... IF the Schroeder family manage to provoke him. Raul, as long as your daughter is right beside Seto, he's a tame puppy. 

- It's not the same for her though, you said it yourself Nora. If (Name) decides that Ziegfried Von Schroeder needs to be dealt with, I will be unable to stop her.

- Let me repeat then. (Name) isn't the same as Seto, if she was similar to him, then we'd have to be worried, thanfully she isn't and she'll probably ignore them. So no need to worry.

- I hope you're right. It'd be pity to start a war of power.

- Trust me, I know what's going to happen.

- We'll see about that.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now