Standing strong.

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It's been one month since you and Seto became a couple, your life was a dream now. For starters it was proved that Kaiba Corporation was clean and thus you would never have to face Seto as an enemy, second of all Noah had woken up after you spent a small amount of time each day talking to him. The boy had went under surgery and his face had changed, his hair were now black and but his eyes remained the same, some of his features remained as you requested. It was illegal since he was only a child but if he were to appear in public as he was... 

- (Name). Seto's voice brought you back to reality, you stood up and went to his office. Though he acted proffesionally he would occasionally send you flowers or kiss you when no one was around, it was clear that he enjoyed having you close at all times and showed it to you daily. 

- Is there something you need, Seto? You asked gently and he smiled.

- Today we're leaving early. He said and you blinked confused, there weren't any important meetings this week so you weren't surprised that he was more relaxed but... the two of you were only three hours here... 

- Seto, isn't it a bit early?

- I know what I am doing.

- I never doubted that. You said and he chuckled.

- Wise choice.

- Someone is in a good mood. You said and he stood up, that was to be expected. Three days ago it was his birthday and you organized a classy but quite enjoyable party, not to mention he had the chance to find an excuse to keep you in his home for those three days. As serious as he was, he could become awfully doting and cuddly at times, he seemed unwilling to share you with anyone, Mokuba being the only exception. As he stood up he extended his hand and you took it, coming closer to him as his free hand went around your waist.

- Is there a reason I should be?

- Can't think of one, right now.

- Well I can. A familiar voice said, you turned around and saw Justin.

- Not again. You mumbled and Seto rolled his eyes.

- How many times have I kicked you out of the company by now? He asked and Justin growled.

- You and me are going to duel, right now! He said and Seto frowned.

- Why don't you go with Yugi and his groub of dweebs? They are more at your level, maybe you might actually land a blow that's worth noticing. Nora popped up from behind and looked at Justin with a satisfied smirk.

- Do you need some ice for that?

- Shut up.

- I will but he wont. She said and pointed at Seto. 

- Nora! Justin roared and Seto smirked.

- At least she seems to be smarter than you are. He replied and you decided you had enough. 

- Seto if what he wants is a duel, get it over with. Besides there are some recent documents I need to see, I am sure by the time you're done I will also be over with them. You said and Seto seemed to think about it before he grabbed his deck.

- Very well, I'll give you another lesson regarding superiority. He said and the two males left with Nora right behind them. As you said you arranged those recent documents and within twenty minutes you were done, you looked at the clock and decided to call Noah and see if he was okay.

- Hello?

- Hi Noah, how are you? You asked gently.

- I'm fine. But still, it's kind of humiliating going to school and act like I don't know most of the things they teach... or at least they try to teach them.

- Don't be like that, I am sure you can enjoy your time at school a bit more.

- Never mind that, how are you doing? I heard Justin say that he was going to challenge Seto again.

- He did, they're duelling right now.

- How many times does that make?

- Thirteen times and Seto has won all of them.

- He's an idiot.

- Can't argue about that.

- By the way, I don't uderstand why Nora sticks around with him so much?

- To annoy him and amuse herself. 

- I thought these two were a thing.

- No, Nora's type is someone like Yugi Mutto. 

- Why am I not impressed?

- No one would be. She likes to tease a lot and that boy is far too easy of a target for her.

- I see, well I need to get back to class. See you later. He said and ended the call. After that you went to the arena Seto had created just as the duel ended with one of the three blue eyes dragons delivering the final blow.

- And that's the end of yet another hillarious duel. Nora said and you smirked.

- Never thought you'd come here.

- It's not like I'm getting in the way. She said as she looked at you.

- I know you wanted me and Seto to become a couple.

- And I did it. Who do you think convinced Raul that the guy was okay? As weird as it sounds, he had his "super protecive father" mode on regarding this topic.

- Thanks. You said and after that you turned completely to Seto, the two of returned to the office, packed your things and left. Seto told you that you'd have lunch together and that he wanted to stay at your place tonight. Naturally you said yes and that made him all the more willing not to let go of you. He really loved you, he never thought this could happen to him of all people.

- I never thought I'd fall in love either. But here I am, having my first and most unexpected relationship with a man I thought I'd never meet, let alone date. You said, both hands on his face. Seto leaned down and kissed you before the two of you entered the car. 

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now