Meet the boss.

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You stared at the door before you, your eyes narrowed as you were thinking about your next step. You decided to go with the shy and scaredy cat act. It would be less suspicious, you began panting and you mumbled a few random words before you got a reaction. 

"Get in already, I can hear you panting." A cold, firm voice ordered and you stood, deciding to go on with pretending to be scared... you purposely gulped loudly and then knocked the door just to keep appearances before receiving his permission once again.

"Good morning, mister Kaiba." You greeted in a low tone, looking at the floor. Your (h/c) hair hiding most of your face, Kaiba scoffed.

"Don't just stand there, I don't have all day." He stated and you took a deep breath and came forward, he offered a sit and you took it. He looked at the lower half of your face since that was all he could see, your clothes though plain somehow suited you and the fact that you were obedient to his commands, was to his liking. 

"Excuse me sir... but why exactly did you even accept interviewing me? I was almost certain my application would be rejected, taken that I am not the brightest person in the world." You pointed out and he smirked.

"Clearly... still, it was all for a change of pace. So far, all the secreteries I had were outstanding when it came to knowledge but not in knowing their place." He responded coldly. The two of you spent a maximum of fifteen minutes talking before he told you, you'd start working for him, today, right now... and you took full advantage of the fact that he thought you were a shy, weak girl to began your own investigation.

Now, your life was anything but simple, your mother had attempted to murder you shortly after your father raped you, that resulted in you killing both of them, it was then that the head of an organization took you in and raised you as his own daughter, giving you a very strong sense of right and wrong... you had been the number one member in an organization that specialized in shutting down companies or in making them greater. 

This organization was called "ZJ" meaning "Zeus Jugde", your main objective was collecting information about a company, uncovering its dirt... well, if there was actually any dirt and sending their presidents behind bars. And you had been given the task to collect info on the Kaiba Corporation. 

This whole thing began when three scouts entered a place called the Battle City... there, they found the body of a boy, he had both green and teal hair... he was dressed in a long white sheelved jacket with purple markings, white shorts, navy blue knee high socks and brown loafers. After a small research the boy was identified as Noah Kaiba, son of Gozaburo Kaiba, what made you interested in this case was the fact that both Seto Kaiba and his younger brother Mokuba were there... these two were adobted by Gozaburo while Noah was his biological son, on top of that Noah was involved in a car accident a while before Seto and Mokuba were adobted. Currently Noah was in a coma but the doctors of your organization were sure they could bring him back, leaving you to uncover the truth about these three brothers.  

"Sir Kaiba, you have a meeting to attend to in less than ten minutes, should I rescedule your meetings with other companies while you're attending this one?" You asked and he smiled, he had to admit you got into your work pretty fast.

"Yes, I will be quick but having some free time to check on a few files might not be so bad." He agreed and you nodded before sitting on your office and began calling companies, unconsciously you pulled your (h/c) locks back revealing your (e/c) eyes, Seto for a moment was caught off guard as he somehow found them beautifull, realizing his stare, you looked over at him and blinked giving him a confused look.

"Is there something wrong, sir Kaiba?" You asked him gently, Seto shook his head and just left. The second he closed the door you began searching all the filles in his computer, cracking the codes was easy and as you transfered the files to a disk you erased all traces of you, hacking his computer before returning back to the task he had given you. And you were just in time as Mokuba Kaiba came in, when he saw you he smiled and you gave him a genuine smile.

"Good morning, can I help you with something?" You offered and he nodded.

"Where is my brother?" He asked and you chuckled.

"Mr. Kaiba is at a meeting right now, as his brother you have the right to see his schedule if you want." You replied and he smiled.

"No thanks, I'll wait for him here." He responded and sat on your desk watching you as you worked without distractions, Mokuba already knew his brother's schedule but the fact that you acknowledged him as your superior made him both happy and sad for some odd reason. 

He weirdly felt attached to you, when his brother entered his office again you gave him a full report on the meetings and he was suprised to see that you had arranged a ten minute break in between for him to cool off. He wondered if your shy nature lasted only when you first met someone, if so he wondered how you acted when you got closer to someone. However, as soon as he thought that, he became angry with himself, why should he care about someone as insignificant as you? He turned his attention to his brother before sending you off to get him some coffee.

"What is it Mokuba?" Seto asked as he looked at his computer.

"She's really good and she is very diligent, not to mention that she was willing to give him your full schedule since I was your brother." Mokuba explained and Seto was once again in deep thoughts, perhaps... you might had been a good choice after all.

Hahaha...if only you both knew, what was going to happen in future... if only.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now