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By the time your honeymoon was over, you had put down sixty to seventy girls that tried to approach your husband. Seto had been the same, though in his case, any man that came to you was killed without you knowing it. At the same time he was still trying to get you pregnant, his vision of a family with you had taken over his mind, the thought that he could be something more than just a husband was driving him crazy. 

When he heard though that you also wanted to adopt a child, he began seeing that he could repeat history but with a much better ending. His time with Gozaburo had been a nightmare that he got rid of by himself. But if he did adopt, he would ensure that the child wouldn't go through what he did.

And especially, what you went through.

Seto had asked Raul about the details of your past and upon learning, he thought that your parents were lucky since they died by your hand and not by his. Had he met you back then and found out what was going on, he would have tortured them so much, they'd be screaming for you to kill them, though he wouldn't allow it. The thought that such dirty, disgusting creatures created the most amazing girl in existence was so iconic, that if he did believe in the supernatural, he'd think God sent him a miracle.

As for you, you had realized what Seto was after, in a way, you found it cute. Him wanting to be a father, to have a family...  though, you'd appreciate it if he stopped trying 24 hours a day. At this point you were going to forget what clothes were meant for! 

Thankfully the opinion of a doctor was enough to make Seto stop for three days a week, upon hearing that your body needed rest AND upon hearing that he might hurt the baby if you were already pregnant. The doctor told him to come after a few weeks to check wether you were pregnant or not, which made Seto stop almost immediately. 

At the same time Justin had sent Seto a small gift, it was information about your remaining relatives who were thinking of exploiting you now that you were his wife. He was furious upon hearing it and decided to get rid of them before you even knew they existed. For once Justin had no intention of exposing Seto, much less try to stop him.

He hated them just as much, for they had sold his mother to his father for money, Justin hadn't been able to hurt back then and he knew Raul would stop him, should he ever make his intentions known, so he would cover for Seto Kaiba just this once.

In his eyes, this murder would be justice, one that had been delayed for decades. He was now trying his best to make things seem good, that he had given up... Nora herself knew what was going on but she had told Justin she'd stay quiet, considering the situation. 

Nao and Mokuba were left in the dark along with you, there was no need for two young boys to know. 

- We really have made a grand scheme here, haven't we? 

Nora's words made Justin turn around and nod.

- This might be the first time that I wish Seto Kaiba wins at anything. 

- You know, if you weren't so stuck up in your own version of justice, you'd be much more likeable. Considering your dedication to your friends and family.

- I have no intetion of changing who I am just to make people like me. 

- This is a line Seto Kaiba would use if I asked him the same thing.

- Don't even start with that.

Nora chuckled, she had recently discovered that Justin had started dating a girl named Karen. She was a foreigner and a total bookworm, she was shy and very reserved, which led to a lot of bullying, during one of these unfortunate moements, Justin was nearby and gave the bullies a lesson they'd remember for the rest of their lives. Then he took Karen to a hospital, gave her his phone number and told her that if her bullies came back to run and call him immediately. 

Everything was pretty much obvious from that point on. The two kept this whole thing going for three weeks before Justin asked Karen out. It was a weird situation at first, mostly because no one thought he'd a get a girlfriend in the first place, let alone with such a shy and caring nature.

 Days went by... and there were no news from ZJ or from anyone in need of your help... in a way, it made you sad. You had spent your entire life devoted to doing what was right, following a strict code of protecting the weak.... but now, you weren't asked to do anything. You told Raul that you were ready to get back in the game and he agreed to let you know if there was something that needed your attention. 

But still, no one asked for you. Thankfully today was your visit to the doctor so Seto could finally discover if there was a baby in your womb. You had felt sick but you hadn't really eaten anything in days, mostly because you were asleep or a mess after a night with Seto. You drank water and took showers but aside from that, nothing felt different.

Seto had hopes, your attitude was similar to that of pregnant women, you'd sad one moment and overjoyed the next, though you didn't seem to notice it. 

The two arrived at the doctors office and Seto was clearly curious, watching you like  a hawk while the doctor examined you. Once he was done he turned to him and smiled.

- Congratulations mister Kaiba, your wife is indeed pregnant. 

- Can we tell the gender? He asked and you cleared your throat.

- I think it's a bit too early for that.

Seto shrugged but was still very happy to know that you were carrying his child... or rather, his first child. Because he planned to have at least three kids with you, plus the kids you would choose to adopt... yeah, he was going to have a big happy family... and anyone that dared threaten this dream of his would be his guest at the torture chamber.

That was a promise. 

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now