First date.

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The next day after you and Seto officially became a couple you went to your office, having a pretty normal day. That is until Justin arrived along with Seto.

"Pack your things (Name), you're quitting. Justin said and you glared at him."

"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are. No way are you staying here." He growled and Seto glared at him, eyes filled with malice.

"Since when do I allow dogs to give orders in my company?" He asked and Justin turned to him.

"Buzz off pal."

"We're not pals, however I am (Name)'s schedule for today." He responded and you turned to him suprised, what was that supposed to mean?

"I am her cousin and if you think you're going on a date with her today, then you need a reality check."

"The one who needs a reality check here is you, Justin." You finally said as you stood up.

"(Name), you know you can't stay here, you know what it is that you must do."

"What I must do is let myself find happiness. If you can't accept the fact that I am happy then that means we're at war." You hissed and Seto smiled as he came closer, he wrapped an arm around you while smilling at Justin, it was a victorious and arrogant smile that irritated him to the very core.

"We'll see what Raul has to say about this." Justin murmured and you smiled.

"He already agreed, I called him earlier today and he was as happy as I am." You replied and Seto's smile became wider. 

"Then I suppose our buisness here is done. Save what remains of your so called pride and leave my company. I'll need to hire a new cleaning crew to erase your stench." He mocked and Justin muttered something before storming off. After that you turned to Seto.

"How did you guys even meet?"

"He was outside the company."

"Wonderfull. Ugh."

"I know that in almost every family there is someone that is far more stupid than the rest. I just figured out the smartest in your family." He announced and looked at you, well that was an interesting compliment.

"I see. Well, that was interesting but... I am not here to watch you and Justin argue. I have a file with today's meetings and some documents that require your attention." You sighed, Seto looked at you seriously before placing his lips on yours for a minute, he then turned and went to his office. You blinked, not sure why he kissed you but one ring from the phone and you returned back to reality. You sat down and began working like any other day, however you were once interrupted when one of the security members left a bunch of roses on your desk. You took the card and read it slowly.

" Today, is our first date. I'll pick you at six o'clock. 


You blushed thinking back, Justin did mentioned it... but you didn't imagine it'd happen today. You calmed yourself and continued working before you had your lunch break, you ate quickly and returned to work, not noticing Seto's gaze. He began wondering if you had been like that all the time, ignoring him while working hard. True, he saw your reaction when you got the flowers but that wasn't enough for him. He felt like he wasn't really getting your attention for more than a minute. He looked at his computer and as he was arranging some files he heard Mokuba talking to you, apparently you two decided to go out and have a talk... he smiled, the fact that his little brother had won you over and the opposite pleased him. Never before did he feel the need to have someone other than Mokuba around, or the desire to spend time with another like he planned to with you.

"(Name), you can leave for today." Seto informed you and you looked over at him.

"But it's been only fifteen minutes after my lunch break." You argued and he rolled his eyes.

"Well, if I remember correctly ladies take their time when they get dolled up." He shot back and you blushed and looked away.

"True but we're not talking about dressing up, we're talking about my duty as your secretary." You mumbled and Mokuba chuckled.

"It's okay (Name), you can go." He assured and you sighed in defeat, the two of them were your employers despite their attitude and so you obeyed. You returned home and took a hot bath, enjoying the warm water that enveloped you. After you were done, you looked over at your wardrobe, you weren't sure what Seto was thinking and so you couldn't decide if you should look formal or a bit more casual. Thankfully Mokuba sent you a message and informed you that you weren't going somewhere fancy yet, Seto wanted to let you feel loose and free and not have you worry about your manners and stuff. 

"Thanks Mokuba." You replied before you ended the call. You then picked something that'd look nice but wouldn't be too fancy.


After you were done, you texted Raul and informed him of what was going on

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After you were done, you texted Raul and informed him of what was going on. He wished you a good time seconds before there was a knock on the door. You opened and saw Seto, he was dressed loosely too. You grabbed your bag and the two of you left.

   He spent the entire day asking about your interests and things you enjoyed and made sure to go wherever you wanted while forcing you not to pay for anything, which made you feel guilty. Despite his sharp tongue he showed he cared for you and made sure you weren't tired, hungry or thirsty. With his hand around your waist he kept you close and you could feel him relax knowing he had you within his reach.

"Let's sit here." He proposed as he pointed at a bench, the two of you spent a few minutes in silence before you decided to speak.

"I never would have imagined the day I'd go on a date would come. Thank you Seto." You stated and he looked at you.

"For what?"

"Well, this is my very first date and I can't think of a way it could have gone better. Being out here with you is probably one of the best things that's happened to me in years." You explained and if only you knew what that did to his heart.

"Well get used to it, there are still a lot of things I plan to show you... today was only a small taste." He answered with a smile and you chuckled.

"I trust you, I'm sure I'll be quite surprised in the future." You said and after the two of you went back to your place where Seto stayed the night, the two of you shared a bed and until dawn you two slept in each other's embrace.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now