Turning to the dark.

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Seto was staring at you, you hadn't really talked to him since that scene at the party. You had been giving him short, monotone answers but that wasn't the worst part in his opinion. No, the worst thing was that he had gone back to being "Mister Kaiba" instead of your Seto... and he hated it to no end. And the fact that men were getting the courage to talk and flirt with you didn't make the situation any better. 

- (Name) can you go and call Mokuba? Seto asked you, hoping that when you met Mokuba, he'd try to get you to warm up to him again.

- Yes, mister Kaiba. You replied coldly and left. Just as you left however, a member of the group of mechanic designs came in, he seemed scared... and he had good reason to be.

- Get here already, don't waste my time more than necessary. Seto said coldly and the man came closer.

- Is there anything you want from me, mister Kaiba? He asked and Seto's glare turned deadly.

- You're fired.

- What? But why?

- Not only are you the slowest in your group according to reports, you also had the nerve to flirt with my fiancee.

- Mister Kaiba... please reconsider... I never meant to offend you.

- You have half an hour to pack your things and leave... and if my fiancee hears from you again, you'll wish you were dead, understood? Seto said and signalled his men to escort the poor unfortunate employee outside. Just minutes later, Mokuba came but he was alone.

- Um... brother... I don't think you're going to like this.

- Where is (Name)? Seto asked, worry clear in his tone.

- Did you fire someone? Because (Name) saw him and he told her you fired him.... and she is pretty pissed at you for it. Mokuba said and Seto growled.

- Why can't trash stay queit and leave the rest of us live our lives? He asked and stood up, heading outside, he saw you with that same man outside and stormed towards you. The second the man saw him, he cowered in fear while you glared at him.

- Is something the matter? You asked and Seto took your hand into his.

- Let's go, we have a lot of work ahead of us today.

- Not until I am done with my conversation, it's quite important. You replied and Seto scoffed.

- Talking with losers can certainely wait. He said and you pulled away.

- Since you fired him, I have offered him a job at Raul's company. I can't believe you'd do something so heartless. You said and Seto groaned.

- I'm doing my job, Kaiba Corp needs to be prepared for anything... people like him are lazy good for nothings, they just slow others down.

- Mr Kaiba! I'd like you to mind your manners. You said and he glared at the male, making a decision to try and ease the tension.

- What the hell are you looking at? Get back to work! He shouted and the man realizing what that meant smiled and run back inside. You were left speechless, turning to slowly look at him in the eye.

- I can't believe you. You said, you sounded exhausted and then turned to head inside with Seto right behind you. 

- (Name) can't we talk normally? I can't stand it when you act like that. He said as he pulled you into a different smaller office.

- After what you said at the party, I'm suprised you actually believe we have something to say.

- He pushed me to my limits! He has been doing it for so long! I couldn't control it! He said and you remained calm at his outburst.

- That's no excuse to order them to kill him... or the fact that you deceived me for even a day. 

- I didn't deceive you! I would never do anything to cause you harm! He said, grabbing your shoulders and pulling you closer.

- Let me go Seto! That hurts! You said and his reaction was immediate. Letting your shoulders go, his hands took yours as he made you cup his face, he was getting desperate but he didn't care. Having you hate him hurt so much more than having his pride destroyed...

- I just want us to go back to how we were. He confessed and you felt your resistance melt... after all you loved him, you wouldn't leave it at that but... you cared for him a lot.

- Listen Seto, what you did cannot be excused, I can't be with someone who will try and harm my own family... I'm sure you also wouldn't be with someone who would try to harm Mokuba. You said and Seto frowned... that was true but... you weren't like that. These thoughts were pushed aside as he realized that you had called him by his name.

- (Name)... Justin was pushing me too much, I'd never say something like that had he not gone too far. And I'd never try to make a fool out of you, I'm not a monster. He said and you pulled back.

- We have a lot of work to do, we'll talk later. You said and Seto seemed unwilling to let it go... but he didn't want to loose the progress he had made so far. However in his mind, he planned to use darker means to make those flirting rats stay away. As you exit the room, Seto arranged for a large number of them to be taken after their work was done while already having their replacements ready. He would kill them himself, if anything he planned to do so to have the idea grow on him when it was Justin's turn. Seto had decided that it wouldn't end until he himself ensured that Justin wouldn't stand in his way again, you would never learn that Justin was killed, or at least that Seto was the one behind it, he'd make sure of it. He'd win you back and destroy the only thing that threatened his happiness for good.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now