Enjoying life.

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The cruise Seto had organized was progressing smoothly, although he began getting annoyed at the phone calls you were receiving every five minutes. Sometimes it was to congratulate you for getting married, other times it was Justin who was yelling about how stupid you were for marrying him.... thankfully when it was Justin you'd just hang up and give your all of your attention to Seto.

He eventually decided to ruin your phone, accidentally throwing some of his coffee on it and doing anything to break the damn thing while making it loo like an accident. And as one could guess, it worked out perfectely. He promised to get you a better one but you insisted that you buy one with your own money... given the luxury you were given thus far and knowing that his tendancy to have not only the best, meant that he'd probably have someone design a phone for you exclusively.

- Seto, you really shouldn't waste so much money on me. You said, earning an annoyed sigh from him.

- I've said this countless times, maybe more than  the times Yugi had used the word "destiny" to describe every single event in his and my life.

You couldn't help but chuckle at that... it was during those moments that you find him funny and kinda cute. You decided to tease him a bit and see how he'd react to it, given how much he wanted to base everything to logic and reality.

- I wonder what our meeting can be considered then.

- It is the result of you being suspicious of me and wanting to make sure that I wasn't a shady rich brat. It has nothing to do with Yugi's fairytales about destiny.

You burst out laughing, you had seen that coming, Seto would never use the words "fate" and "destiny" to decribe... well, anything.

While the two of you were trying to become couple of the year. Nao and Mokuba were dealing with Justin, listening to him complain, shout and argue with... no one in particular. He just wanted to complain and the two boys just hapened to be nearby.

- Is he... always like that? Mokuba asked and Nao nodded.

- Every second of every day, you'll get used to it. It usually lasts two hours, sometimes though it can go on for four or more hours. He whispered and Mokuba looked at him shocked.

- And you stand here and listen to him?

- If you try to leave, he'll follow and continue with his tantrum, there's no escape from it.

The two boys then turned to look at Justin who was walking up and down the room, saying how stupid you were for falling in love with Seto... and then Nora came in the room.

- Justin, it's already been three hours, are you done or do I need to go for my third coffee? She asked with a small smile and Justin glared at her.

- You're no better than she is. Of all the guys you could choose, it had to be Pegasus!!!

- Oh? Then what type of man would suit me?

- Anyone that works on a circus. He spat and Nora rolled her eyes.

- Is it because you  got rejected by Tea again?

At that both boys looked at Justin, Tea?! As in Tea, the girl that was Yugi's friend? Justin had a crush on her? Seriously?

- She's not my type, I never asked her out! How many times do I have to repeat myself?!

- Then why did you ask to meet her at a park and tried to spend as much time as possible with her, you even told her about how much pigeons scare you.

Justin's blush was impossible to hide, the boys were looking at him with a smile...and were having fun, seeing as Nora was revealing some pretty interesting secrets regarding Justin.

- Pigeons? Nao asked and Justin glared at him.

- Have you seen their eyes? They have that devilish red colour, it looks like it wants to kill you... not to mention it's on the side of their heads!

- That's the case for every bird... I think. Nao said and he began wondering if he finally found a way to make Justin shut up.

- I'm not going to encounter and eagle in the middle of the street here. 

- You might encounter another bird, what are you going to do then? Nao asked, a teasing smile on his face.

- He'll either shoot the poor thing, or he'll run away while trying to look brave. Nora said and Mokuba chuckled, now that was more like what he was used to.

The three of them kept teasing Justin until he completely forgot that he was complaining about you and Seto, NOW he was complaining about Nora's desire to tease the living hell out of everyone. Unfortunately from him, Pegasus joined in and Justin barely kept himself from slamming his head on the wall, when he couldn't take it anymore, he left the room, claiming that he had to use the bathroom.

At the same time Raul had received a phone call from Seto who told him to ensure that Justin wouldn't ruin their precious trip just because he was mad at his own lack of ability or common sense. Needless to say, Raul was less than pleased to know that the two were still at odds with each other.

- They both have no intention of showing some sort of respect for each other. 

Raul's mumble wasn't directed to anyone in particular... but honestly, this whole thing had gotten out of control, Seto was now officially a member of ZJ and as such, Justin would have to respect him and Seto would have to learn the same lesson as well, which was obviously close to impossible. 

Suddenly there was a message sent to him by you, he opened it and saw thousands of photos you and Seto had taken while you travelled around Europe. Seto had his hands crossed and looked away at every picture, acting as if he didn't care at all about this, his smile though betrayed him. 

Raul chuckled and looked at your smilling face, he was happy that you were finally enjoying life. He really did see you as his own daughter and loved you as such. 

Meanwhile, Seto was once again above you, kissing every inch of your body, a few groans escaping him now and then, he couldn't help but adore your body every time the two of you were on a bed, a couch or somewhere with enough privacy to enjoy yourselves. 

- Seto... I don't think we should...

- Have I ever made you feel pain? 

- No.

- Have I lied to you regarding this matter in particular?

- No.

- Then why not?

- Because... well... we've been at it every single day and night... I... need a bit of a break. 

Seto looked at you and smirked, he loved how you were looking away, your hands trying to cover your blushing face. He pressed a kiss on your forehead, he would hold back for today. But tomorrow he was going to make sure you couldn't get out of the bed... now that he had married you, he was already working towards the next step to ensure that the world knew, you were his.

Now, he wanted you to bear his child.

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