I belong

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Seto's plan and Justin's had began with a very simple invite. An invite to those that seeked to suck out money from you and them. 

And they accepted eagerly, just as expected.

Justin had ensured that Nora would take you, Nao and Mokuba out to officially meet and bond with Karen. He also told Raul that he planned to visit Seto for a small talk, regarding your pregnancy and what that child meant to him, vowing not to go overboard this time.

Raul was not sure but after Nora spoke to him, he knew that Justin meant his words.

And indeed, while waiting the two began discussing this matter.

- Let me perfectely honest with you, Kaiba. 

- Like you've ever not been honest.

Justin glared at him and took a deep breath.

- Seto Kaiba... if trash could talk, they'd probably vote you their king. I doubt there's a man more disgusting and sick in the mind as you. 

- That's rich, coming from you.

- Don't try preaching any of your lousy upper-class bullsh*t to me. I've destroyed more lives than you and trust me, had it not been for (Name) right now I would have put at least twelve bombs all over the place if it meant getting rid of you.

- You didn't manage to do it with one, you think twelve is going to work?

- I didn't come her to fight.

- Hard to believe.

- Will you pipe down for five minutes?!

Seto shrugged and gestured at Justin to continue, he didn't believe there was really much to say but at this point, he knew he wouldn't hear the typical nonsense Yugi and his team of losers repeated all the time.

- Unfortunately for me, my cousine adores you. She says that you've changed and have improved with your behavior... which is clearly untrue.

- Mhm. 

- Because the universe has decided that my life wasn't difficult enough as it is, she is now pregnant with your child and she clearly plans on raising it as best as she can.

- Having (Name) for a mother is already the best thing a kid could ask.

- No argues on that, judging by Nao's attachment to her, she clearly has mother material written all over her.

- You're right about that one.

Both stayed silent for a short while... clearly, it was so unnatural for them to agree on anything... it seem unreal.

- Seto Kaiba... how far do your feelings for her go?

- Have I not made it obvious?

- Killing someone for your supposed lover may seem like a love declaration to you...but that doesn't mean that it's the same for me or her.

Seto was quiet for a few minutes, thinking about his answer.

How far did his love for you go? What were you to him... well, there was one answer he could and would give.

- She is my whole life, the reason I breath and wish to exist. She is the only person to ever invade my thoughts so much, to make me crave more of her.  She is the only woman who I've ever loved this much. I will give everything to her, no matter what she asks of me.

Justin closed his eyes, taking in all the information he just received. Clearly Seto's obsession wasn't born out of nowhere, he had standards, which you either met or brought down completely by simply being yourself.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now