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You were in so much pain. Like a knife plunged into your belly and dragging itself up and down.

Taking breaths was the only thing you could do as the ambulance brought you to the hospital. The doctors were quickly rushed to your side, probably due to Seto's threats of complete and utter destruction if they did not ease your pain as soon as humanly possible.

Your screams echoed throughout the hallway, Mokuba and Nao were both worried, Seto was inside with you but still... anything could happen. 

Justin had been busy, your sudden birth gave him the opportunity to forward the plans he and Seto had... also he finally got the chance to go baby shopping after Nora's constant nagging about "being a good uncle". 

He wasn't going to be a good uncle, no,no. He was going to be the best uncle in existence and make both Nora and anyone else who questioned him shut up.

So, going back to you and that pain that only got worse once the doctors determined that the baby actually got stuck midway. Seto hissed at them to do what was necessary instead of giving explainations in the middle of this painfull drama.

They went on for hours, the baby getting out slower than what Seto expected and with you losing strength with each push. Finally, you both heard a sentence that gave you hope.

- One last push and we're done!

That was all you needed to hear, with a loud cry you pushed with all your might, your cry was soon replaced with the cries of a newborn. You collapsed and looked at Seto who was smilling brightly.

- It's a boy. He said and you smiled, your son... he was finally here.

The doctors explained that the baby had to be under carefull watch due to it premature birth. You did not argue since you were talking about your son and his safety. 

Seto stayed with you until you fell asleep, later on leaving to see his son. One look at the little one and he noticed the few (h/c) hair he had. He wondered if his eyes would be the same color as yours too, he wouldn't mind if his son had his eyes but he thought yours were a much more pleasant color.

Not five minutes later he saw Justin appear, he seemed happy and by the look in his eyes. Seto was sure that their plan was going on smoothly.

- So, you're done with clean up duty?

- Yeah, how's (Name).

- She was in a lot of pain. I'm seriously thinking of sueing the hospital.

- It's not their fault she was in pain, besides, if you plan on having more kids then she's going to go through that again. And you can't go on sueing hospitals for that.

Seto remained quiet after that, clearly Justin had a point but there was no way he'd ever admit that.

- So, what about our previous topic.

- It can be done even faster than expected, still it'd be good not to rush. Both for (Name)'s sake and my nephews.

Seto nodded, indeed that was true, even if he wanted this to end quickly, he had to think of you and your baby. 

- Very well. 

- Have you thought of a name for the baby?

- I was thinking... Naoki.

- So, you want an honest son.

Seto remained silent, he wanted his son to become a good, honest man. To be different from him, a person who had to manipulate the law to gain power... and even when he had that power he was willing to do anything for you, he became a killer who would destroy whoever gazed upon you... and he didn't want his son to be like that.

- Seto!

Mokuba's voice snapped him back to reality, he watched as his little brother looked the newborn with pure joy. It was such an innocent and touching scene that Seto smiled with genuine happiness. 

Meanwhile Nora was keeping an eye on the figure that was standing a good distance away from your room. Ziegfried, was looking at them with the most envious he could master. Nora smirked, being a bachelor wasn't all that fun right now, wasn't it?

The biggest joke in this scenario was that before she had entered ZJ, she had been engaged to Ziegfried, an engagement that lasted less than a week when she quite literally said "screw it, I am not marrying a snobbish girly jerk." 

Ziegfried had insulted her, telling her that she was only a means to an end that if he could have it his way, he'd be single forever.

And then the romance between Seto and (Name) became one of the biggest slaps in his face. The information he gathered about you and how you and Seto became a thing was interesting and hillarious, especially because Ziegfried wanted to originally use you only to end up falling for you.

And that had been reason number two that Nora wanted you and Seto together. Sure the first was that she thought you'd be cute together but giving Ziegfried a lesson was also VERY tempting.

- This is really so much fun. She mumbled, at that moment Ziegfried's and Nora's eyes met, it took him a moment to realize who she was and when he did, his entire face turned from shocked to furious. Nora only gave her signature smile of mischief and went inside your room.

She turned her gaze to you, you were still asleep. She smiled, a faint guilt appearing in her eyes. She really had thrown you into the jaws of a beast but... sometimes friends do extreme things for each other.

She had studied human nature, she knew Seto would fall in love, she knew that eventually you'd accept him...and she knew that by urging Raul to make you act was one thing that would lead either to a happy ending or a nightmare.

If it was the latter she'd help you to the best of her abilities. But thankfully, this was not the case. 

The sound of your voice made her focus back on you, you slowly opened your eyes and focused on her.

- Nora?

- Well, well. Look who decided to wake up, congratulations on having a cute baby boy I'll spoil rotten.

You chuckled at her words.

- Only if I let you.

At that it was her turn to chuckle, yeah, she was a manipulator and a tease... but she was a true friend to those who deserved it.

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