Moment of Dreams.

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After Seto and Nora had their little conversation, things became better for him. Justin was sent to Russia and was ordered to investigate not one but six companies, he was also forbidden to return until his mission was over. Needless to say, Seto was exremely happy with the way things turned out. 

Meanwhile you, were oblivious to the torture and death that was occuring almost every night in Seto's home. His latest victim was a woman who had attempted and failed to ruin your wedding by ruining both your wedding dress and the invitations. Seto had caught her in the act and had been furious, slapping her across the face and having his men take her to his torture chamber.  Once he was done with his duties as head of Kaibe Corp and returned home, he spent a total of six hours causing her pain, ensuring that she wouldn't die from blood loss. When night came, he was much calmer than before.

- Well, I've got all of my anger out. He said, giving a quick glance at the woman that was chained to the wall. She gave him a cold glare and Seto scoffed.

- You're an asshole.

- And you're going to become a corpse. It's the least you can do to atone for trying to ruin my wedding. He said and she laughed mockingly.

- You think I care about your pathetic excuse of a wedding? What I want if for that witch to suffer for what she did to me!!! 

- Ah yes, I remember that you were the daughter of one of the companies she investigated. According to my men, you were envious of her beauty and bullied her ruthlessly.... it's a miracle Justin didn't kill you for that.

- That wench doesn't deserve any form of happiness! Not after ruining my family and my life!!! She screamed and Seto smirked.

- It's your own fault for being both weak and stupid. Even a rock would have been more carefull than you and your family... not to mention smarter. 

- Shut your mouth!!! She shouted, coughing up blood as she kept forcing herself to talk and move as much as her broken bones and tremendous loss of blood would allow her to. 

Seto rolled his eyes, clearly uninterested in her burst of anger. He brought out a large kitchen knife and approached, his already cold gaze becomming so scary, that the woman thought that the knife seemed more mearcifull than those empty, ice cold eyes. 

- You and anyone else that will try to hurt my future wife, will meet the same end. She is above you and the rest of those simple minded idiots. He mumbled before stabbing her in the heart, killing her instantly. With that over, he ordered his men to dispose of the body. He went to the small bathroom that was attached to the torture chamber and made sure to take a good bath before going back to the shared bedroom he had with you. He found you reading a book, your eyes slowly moving from the page you were reading to Seto, a smile appearing when you saw him.

- Welcome back. You said warmly and he smiled as he approached. He sat next to you and pulled you into a hug. 

- In three or better yet two days we're finally getting married. He mumbled and you chuckled.

- Don't tell me you got cold feet?

At those words Seto looked at you like you were mad, it was hillarious. Seeing the head of Kaiba Corp acting like a child.

- That was the worst joke you've made ever since we met. He said and you pecked his lips before placing your head on his chest.

- Do pardon me for teasing you.

- Never mind. Anyway, you seem very calm for a woman about to get married. Aren't women usually freaking out over things such a wedding?

- Well, thanks to Raul, Mokuba, Nao and Nora things were taken care of faster than expected. 

- I still can't believe my little brother became so invested in this idea.

- It just means that he cares deeply about you, Seto.

- I know. He replied and you smiled.

- Tomorrow we won't be able to meet at all. You said and he rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe that someone came up with the idea that if you see the bride one day before the wedding, it'd mean bad luck. It was ridiculous!!!

- That is for simple minded fools.

- Is that why you told me not to come for work tomorrow? You asked and he looked away, a faint blush on his face.

- You need to rest after going through all that for our wedding. He said and you laughed.

- You're cute, Seto.

- I can't take that as a compliment. He said and you smirked.

- Then you're too sweet and caring. You said and he smiled at that.

- Just for you. He said and burried his face in your hair. 

After a small cuddling session, the two of you went to bed. Sleeping together was one of Seto's favourite things, the fact that he had someone he cared for with him like this, the fact that someone he loved and treasured was willing to give back that very same affection  was a dream come true. Could someone blame him for spoiling you so much? Certainely not.

The next day, you both spent your days seperately, Seto giving his full attention to his work, while you were ordered to relax and laze around all day long by both Seto and Raul. Nao and Mokuba came over and you had a very good time, Yugi and his friends also came over and chatted with you, joking and laughing till night came and they had to leave. Nao and Mokuba asked you to stay over, which you agreed to since they had helped you so much and had ensured that everything were as you wanted. You went to bed early, dreaming of how you could finally have the chance to be happy. 

When the sun appeared the next day, you also woke up, excited to finally be with the person you loved from the bottom of your heart forever. You were more than ready, to get married.

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