A disaster of a party Pt.2

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Things had gone out of control, Justin was indeed doing his best to make this night a nightmare. He drugged some of the drinks the guests took causing them to feel sick and some were forced to leave with unpleasant memories, ruined a truly staggering amount of food, spread false rumours amongs around and used you and Seto's personality to back up his claims, making it look like it was the truth and finally, he ridiculed Seto by splashing wine on his face and claiming it was an accident. Seto tried to kick him out but Justin had managed to get himself crowded with guests who wanted to talk to him, making it impossible for the guards to just take him. You had been staring at Seto for a while now, he had lost whatever patience remained in him... you wished Raul hadn't been drugged as well, he left urgently after realizing Justin's game. 

- He's going down. Seto hissed and you looked at Justin, why was he so set on ruining this? In a last attempt to end this, you went over to your cousin and after turning the guests interest to you, Seto's guards took Justin and brought him out. Seto following behind them.

Once they were all out Seto's gaze turned deadly. He was done playing games.

- If I see you anywhere near (Name) or me again, I will kill you with my bare hands. He growled in a low dark tone.

- Aww... nice try, rich brat. You don't scare me. Justin said and Seto punched him the second he stopped talking.

- You think I'm joking? Listen and listen well, (Name) is mine, I won and now I have the right to have her. She will be with me forever and you will either accept it and give up or die. Seto said and Justin chuckled.

- And who will she suspect if I suddenly dissapear?

- A couple of people, really. You aren't the most liked person from what I know. Seto said and Justin laughed.

- And what do you know?

- Should I talk about ZJ? He asked and Justin paled.

- What?

- You thought I wouldn't find out? I searched everything about (Name) and discovered who she really is and why she came to me in the first place.

- So you ARE using her! Justin roared as he came closer.

- No, YOU are using her. (Name) decided not to harm me... and that is making you so angry, the fact that she loves me, the fact that she wants me. 

- If you know about ZJ... why would you keep this facade? 

- Because I also love her, I adore her... a woman like her is almost impossible to come by... strong, smart, beautifull, talented and passionate. If there is an ideal about the right woman then she is the one. Seto said and Justin frowned.

- I wonder, what will she think once she finds out? That the man she "loves" knows all about her little secret, I can already bet she'll think you were using her this entire time... and Raul will definetely cancel the engagement as well. He said and Seto grabbed Justin and threw him down, his hands squeezing Justin's neck as rage took hold of his mind. Justin managed to push Seto and stood up.

- Kill him! Seto ordered and the guards brought their guns out. However a voice interuppted... your voice.

- Stop! You said and both males turned to look at you... you couldn't believe what Seto had said... what you had heard. Seto was clearly shocked himself... this couldn't be happening... not now!!!

- (Name)... I... 

- What are you both thinking?! 

- He started! Justin said but you just shook your head, tears falling down your face as you turned to look at Seto.

- You knew all along? You asked him and he shook his head.

- I found out later... 

- And you didn't tell me about?! Do you have any idea how much I was scared of telling you? Of revealing the truth? You asked and Seto nodded.

- I wanted you to tell me when you were ready.

- And in the meantime kill my cousin. You said and Seto growled.

- Nicely said, Seto Kaiba. Couldn't have said that little speech better, if I may say so. Justin said and Seto turned to him.

- You had this planned, didn't you?!

- Yep... and you fell for it, the same way a fish goes for the bait on a hook. 

- Shut up!!!

- Both of you, enough!!! You said and walked over to them, getting in the middle to prevent any more conflicts. 

- (Name), let's go back home. Seto said and took your hand, only for Justin to pull you away.

- Like hell, I'm leaving her with you after tonight! He said, taking hold of your other hand, both males glared at each other before you pulled your hands away.

- I'm going back to MY house. When you two make peace, contact me. You said and called for a taxi. Seto tailed after you as you entered, not willing to let you go, but Justin held him back.

- Let go. Seto warned.

- She doesn't want to see you. You lost. He said and Seto watched as the taxi left, he turned and glared at Justin.

-  I haven't lost anything yet! She is still engaged to me and thus, mine.

- That doesn't change the fact that she doesn't want to see you.

- Listen here you worthless piece of junk! (Name) is going to marry me, she is going to be my wife and if I must kill you, Raul and everyone else in that organization of yours then so be it! But you will not take her from me! No one will ever take her from me! He shouted as he freed himself and Justin smirked.

- I wonder how Raul will react to this. He said and suddenly someone cleared their throat. It was Nora.

- I do recall (Name) saying that you two make peace. It's the only way for you both to explain a few things to her. Unless of course, you want her to hate you. She said and Justin turned to her.

- Where the hell did you come from?

- That's the least of your concerns, I assure you. Nora said and Seto knew she was right.

- Why don't you talk to her then? Seto proposed and Nora chuckled.

- As always, men are incapable of understanding a woman's logic. 

- What's that suppose to mean? Justin asked.

- Never mind, both of you better make some sort of agreement... don't torture the poor girl any further, okay? She asked and then left, the two males extended deadly glares before they turned to leave, both already planning on murdering one another and put this whole drama to rest.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now