Dominant couple

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You looked at Seto's sleeping face with a small smile. To be honest you couldn't really do much, your entire body was in pain... Seto hadn't really given you a break. He would just stop for one to two minutes and then ravish you again. It wasn't until you both couldn't go on anymore that you decided to just sleep already.

You looked at a clock on the wall across the bed and wondered if you'd wake up at two o'clock every day from now on. You were a bit hungry but decided not to wake him up. Instead you managed to get off the bed silently and dress up in something simple... and then you realized that everything in your closet had been changed to extremely expensive and lavish clothing. You turned and gave a look of desbelief to the sleeping man. You then turned and just looked for something simple, you were lucky that Seto had kept some of your own clothes and had placed them among the rest.

You went to the restaurant and decided to eat quickly and then surprise Seto by serving him lunch yourself when he woke up. You didn't really do stuff like that, however you decided to give it a try just this once and see how things would go.

Meanwhile back home, Raul was staring at a very smug Pegasus and an equally smug Nora. Those two were a nightmare! Their teasing was the worst he'd ever experienced in his life... how on earth did those two became a couple? Did they want to see the whole world burn or something? 

Probably yes.

- So... to sum this whole thing up. You want to ally yourself with us... for no real reason?

Nora and Pegasus looked at each other and then at Raul before nodding happily.

- Pretty much, yes. They said in union and Raul sighed, this was crazy, he knew it was crazy and yet he couldn't really say no, not now that Nora had told her lover what the hell she was doing for a living. 

- You two, are going to be the death of me.

- Isn't that Justin's job? Nora asked and Raul looked at her annoyed.

- Very well, we will do it... if (Name) and Seto agree to it. 

- Ah yes, I was wondering about Kaiba boy. He actually joined the team too.

At Maximillion's words Raul nodded and decided to just give it a rest for now, he wasn't sure anyone in this world was ready for that duo. 

Suddenly Justin came inside and he was furious. It didn't really surprise anyone at this point, seeing him angry was the same as seeing a cloud on the sky.


- I sent you an invitation. Nora said and Justin glared at her.

- I was suddenly forced to go to Russia and then you sent me to Africa!!! 

- You were already abroad, so what's to be mad about? She asked and Justin turned to Raul.

- How could you let her marry Seto Kaiba?!

- She's an adult and can do whatever she wants.

- He's a lunatic!!!! 

- And you're obsessed with keeping them apart for no good reason. Raul said sternly, he wasn't aware that Seto had actually gone on a killing spree while you and your family were mostly concerned with the wedding.

- That guy will do anything for power! Don't you see that he's trying to have our protection against his enemies?!

- Well one of his so called "enemies" is Nora's boyfriend and he also wants to join ZJ.

At Raul's words Justin's jaw fell, he looked at Nora, then at Pegasus and then shouted.


- Justin, lower your tone, we're not monkeys arguing over a banana or something. Nora said with a small smile. It'd be a lie to say that she wasn't having fun out of this whole madness.

- And before you talk, know that if (Name) and Seto agree then we'll accept Pegasus as a member of our organization.

- Oh, so you want me to beg Seto Kaiba now?!

At those words Nora chuckled and Raul rolled his eyes. This was really getting out of control... and perhaps he himself would take a week to just relax. Things were getting more and more weird and the tension was rising quickly, especially now that Justin returned. 

While Justin was having the worst time of his life, Seto was having the best time of his life. When he woke up he didn't see you around and was a little angry that you just left him but his mood improved when you came in the cabin with a large tray full of different foods, desserts and drinks. 

- Hello, I thought I'd bring something for you to eat. Sorry if I worried you.

His previous anger was replaced with joy, the fact that you were devoted to pleasing him always helped improving his mood. He loved that you wanted to take care of him, to spoil him with small, loving actions. Even when he would have called the pathetic and ridiculous in the past... it was pretty cute in his eyes, especially because he knew that you would get embarassed when he'd tease you about it.

- We could have gone to the restaurant together.

- I didn't want to wake you up. You were sleeping so peacefully, I thought it'd be a shame to ruin such a moment. You said while looking away, a small blush on your face. Seto smirked and got up, ignoring the fact that he was naked and placed the tray on the table before throwing you on the bed. He towered over and you were bright red... hell, if that wasn't embarassing then you couldn't really think what was.

- Not a good excuse. Therefor, you need to be punished. 

Your eyes widen and you opened your mouth to speak, only for Seto to dart his tongue inside and explore your mouth. That went on for a few minutes before he pulled away, you were panting and seemed more than ready to throw your clothes off... and then Seto just stood up and went to the bathroom, leaving you there looking at the ceiling like an idiot.

- He is a sadist, I married a sexy sadist. You murmured and you knew what he wanted you to do. So you took a deep breath and went after him inside the bathroom.

Masked Heart (Yandere Seto Kaiba x reader)Where stories live. Discover now