35 [FINAL]

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There he was, sat in his full glory.  His face relaxed, calm and controlled as he observed Ally sitting at the other end of the bar.  She held his gaze, her fingers slowly turning white as she gripped the bar tightly with one hand and her phone with the other.  The temptation to call out for Vernon stopped in her throat as Hoseok raised an eyebrow at her.  He was dressed very casually, a black baseball cap covering his messy hair which would be seen poking out from all angles of the rim of the hat.  An open plaid shirt partially hid the loose baggy white t-shirt he wore which complimented the dark jeans and combat boots he wore.  Ally would be lying to herself if she said she hadn't checked him out however briefly.  The silence wasn't as hostile as she believed, it was a calming silence, they both sat comfortably.  However Ally was yet to be convinced.  

"I'm not here to drag you back kicking and screaming if that's what you're thinking"  Hoseok spoke very quickly, the words rolling smoothly off his tongue as his gaze was yet to pull away from Ally's own.  "Let's have a chat, you and me...I missed you, you know..."

As he spoke Ally cut him off; "What you missed messing with my emotions?"  She let out a light laugh and rolled her eyes, finally cutting off contact and twisting her body away from his on her stool as she contemplated just walking away and being done with this.  However her body wouldn't physically leave the chair.  

"I wasn't playing around, at least not all of the time"  Hoseok started.  "It may have been Namjoon's big plan but in the end, I broke the rules and fell hard for you, just as you did for me.  I can also still see that those feelings never left."  

Ally closed her eyes.  She did fall for him, that much she could admit, but had he really fallen for her?  She wasn't sure if she wanted to believe him.  "What are you even doing here?" She asked the walls around her, the words were quiet but loud enough that Hoseok heard them and he could feel the pain behind those words.

She was trying to move on, and here he was forcing his way back in.  

"I'm here to see you.  I've been keeping tabs on you for a while now, making sure you're safe...happy.  Life with us wasn't a pleasant one, but it makes me happy to see you smile properly again."  Hoseok said, his voice travelling as he left his stool to stand right behind her.  He knew she wouldn't look at him, but he just wanted her to listen.  "Come away with me, right now.  We'll run away and no one will ever hear from us again.  Are you truly happy living in your fathers empire, the man who you rarely know, who left you and your mother?  With me, we can be whoever we want and do whatever we want"  The hairs stood up on the back of her neck as she considered his proposal.  Allie could feel the hot breath tickle the back of her neck and her eyes unconsciously closed as she let out a shaky breath.

She let herself indulge in his presence.

But only for a moment, before she stepped away and turned herself around to face him. 

"You know I love you."  She said quietly, playing her fingers and glancing down at them.  "I want nothing more in the world than to believe you and go away with you...But I don't think I can."  If she kept speaking, she would eventually break; her voice was already betraying her.  "I'm not the girl you need"

"But you're the girl I want" Hoseok interrupted her as she spoke, his voice considerably louder.  The last few occupants in the bar looked up from their drinks to see what the commotion was about.  But Allie lowered her voice a little so people wouldn't hear what was happening.    

"I moved on, I thought you were never coming to find me.  Please Hoseok, just let me get over you!"  Allie implored him. He stretched his hand out to her and she smacked it away before lifting her hands to her head and running them through her hair in exasperation.  

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