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AN: I just wanna apologise for how short this chapter is, but I wanted to get out a new chapter as you all seemed to enjoy it so much that I didn't want you to wait because you've waited long enough! I promise the next one will be longer!!


Seokjin was by no means poor.  No, he was the wealthy owner of a nightclub and owned a shady business on the side.  His name was known for his overnight success of building a reclusive night club for the people of Seoul willing to pay and que to get a chance to see the modern and somewhat mysterious nightclub.  He was locally known in the press and media but no one really knew the real man who owned the nightclub, no one truly knows the secrets that lay behind closed doors, no one knew that Kim Seokjin was one of Seoul's mysterious gang members that worked alongside Kim Namjoon.  One thing was clear Jin (as his close friends referred to him as) refused to work 'under' Namjoon, Jin preferred to call it a partnership of sorts, business partners if you will.  Jin worked alongside Namjoon.  Jin also had a huge list of contacts and his influences and knowledge of how to run and maintain and business was what brought Namjoon to Jin in the first place.  Overtime the two grew closer and Jin was now one of Namjoon's closest and most trusted friend.  Namjoon sought out Jin's opinion for everything and always valued him as a member of the team...or family as Jin liked to refer to their gang as.  Jin was wealthy and resourceful indeed, he even had a side business where he hired women to work certain tasks in his club and hired them out to potential customers who needed some important attention.  When Ally learned of this she was shocked, Jin ran a "sex" service from the club in which he worked.

"It's not a sex business" Jin had scolded her as he walked alongside her.  "These women are not just hired out for sex, that can be anything you want them to be...a friend, a shoulder to cry on, a lover..." he trailed off.  "But seeing as we can't take you out into the shops until word of your disappearance effectively dies off we need another method to get you all dressed up for tonight's festivities and you are going to look gorgeous".

Ally could see that Jin was right, she couldn't just walk around in daylight and not expect to get caught.  The question was did she want to get caught though?  This has been what the Angel and Devil on her shoulders had been arguing about over the last day or two about whether or not she should try to get away.  A part of her wanted to escape and go be with her friends and family, another part of her had started to get used to the situation she found herself in, no matter how badly she was being treated by SOME people, the rest of the boys seemed nice enough and they weren't intentially trying to hurt her.  Well she had a good mind that Jungkook thrived pushing her to the ground and declaring that he was going to break her.  That made her scared, that and having to put her life at risk to complete missions for these boys and she didn't know what was more terrifying.  The Angel and Devil were having a field day and she hated it.

Jin had made a few calls and invited a certain friend of his to meet with him to help Ally find an outfit for the casino tonight.  It was when he decided to tell her about what his side business was.  She was truly horrified for she never thought that Jin, who seemed to be a wealthy respected business man would be into that sort of thing...but then again he was a member of a secret gang hiding away in the outskirts of a forest near Seoul. 

Jin had returned her to his club, it was the middle of the day, so all the lights were on.  It took away from the mystery and the atmosphere as she seen the club for what it was without the crowded rooms, busy bar, loud music and bright lights.  The main room looked much larger than what she remembered it.  A man was behind the bar cleaning glasses and the table top making sure everything was perfect when trading hours began at 10pm.  He suddenly guided her down the long corridor that she remembered vividly from when she accidently interrupted Jungkook and J-Hope and the myserious man whose identity she would never find out.  Jin knocked on a door labelled 5 and let himself in without waiting for a reply and tilted his head indicating that Ally should follow him in.

The room was luxurious, matching the decor of the rest of the club.  It was a private room, there was a window that was opened letting the cool crisp air in which gently ventilated the room, quite literally a breath of fresh air for Ally who gently smiled as her eyes roamed the room.  A changing blind stood in the far corner of the room and a small but stylish two person sofa say against the wall opposite it.  A very feminine voice echoed around the room as Jin gently closed the door behind Ally who stepped further into the room.

"Jin, is that you?" A tall slender woman emerged from behind the changing blind and walked forward.  She had long dark brown hair, plump lips coloured a light pink, a gentle shade of brown on her eyelids and a small amount of mascara.  She looked really natural, not too slutty like Ally had imagined she would in her head.

Jin stepped forward and have her a light hug "Ji Hee, how are you...thank you for helping me out, I knew the other girls would be no help so I came to you."

"It's my pleasure.  Let's see what we have to work with hmm" Ji Hee smiled extending a hand and gently pulled Ally closer.  "You're like a little flower.  Let's make you bloom!"

"Ally, this is Ji Hee, she's gonna help you, she's not as dramatic as the others when it comes to her dress sense.  She's modest and innocent in comparison to the rest which is why I brought you to her.  You're in good hands."

Ally was quickly ushered behind the changing board and tried to various outfits and was to show them to Jin who turned down most of the outfits.  One was too short, one the colour wasn't right, the third was too low cut in the top and the next one wasn't appropriate for a casino.  Finally Ally tried on one more dress, Ji Hee told Jin he had to stop being so pickybut she felt they found a winner.  Ally sheepishly walked out from behind the changer.  The dress was long and black, it gently hugged all the right places, had a low neck but not enough to show her cleavage, the shoulder straps say gently on her shoulders and it flowed gently.  She looked innocent at the same time sexy.

Jin put his drink down and stood up.  "This is it, this is the dress!"

Ji Hee smiled at her hard work and smiled looking at her new model and instructed her to do a twirl.  Ally laughed sheepishly looking down to the floor as Jin looked her up and down. 

"She's ready.  Our little flower."

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