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AN:// Can I just start this chapter by saying a HUGE thank you to everyone who is reading this story.  I never believed this story would get any support and over 3,000 of you have read the story and it has actually motivated me to keep writing this and I now have confidence to keep writing and making even more stories even after I finish We are Bulletproof!  I hope you continue to enjoy this story and thank you so much for everything!  I love you all!!

Also I want to apologise whole heartedly, I didn't think it would take this long to get this chapter out.  I really struggled with this one and rewrote it a few times and am still not 100% happy with it!  I hope you enjoy it regardless, it'll only get better from here!  I hope xD


Ally stood in her room, having a stare down with her mirror. The girl looking back at Ally was almost foreign. She didn't recognise herself at all and she almost felt like she wasn't wearing her own skin anymore. Once again resuming her old habit of biting her lip she cast her eyes up and down her body that stood in front of her.

"You can do this...no pressure." She muttered to herself and slimmed the sides of her dress down and gently pulled a hand through her hair to calm herself. "All you have to do is...seduce the rich guy" she inwardly groaned. She was anything but glamourous, she was a Plain Jane, a wall flower, she immediately thought of all the beautiful women that worked for Jin, they could have easily asked one of them do it...but no they asked her. She felt slightly happy at the thought of being able to help and not sit in some corner like a damsel in distress and that was the last thing she wanted to be. Yes, the whole thing scared her to the core and having to live with a notorious bunch of gang members against her free will, who were actually pretty decent...well most of them.

Her thoughts were briefly interrupted by a soft tapping on the door which she had left open. "Hey, you ready?" The voice behind her asked, she looked over her shoulder and noticed J-Hope was standing on the threshold. She almost had to do a double take, he had smartened up, he wore a black suit and tie with black dress shoes. His hair had been pushed back with gel to reveal his forehead.

Swallowing the lump in her throat, Ally turned back to face her reflection one last time before letting out a deep breath to try and calm the nerves. "Ready or not..." She mumbled to herself before reluctantly turning away from her girl in the mirror and joined J-Hope at the door. To lighten the mood he comically offered her his arm and pretended to be a gentleman. Ally chuckled lightly under her breath and J-Hope smiled at seeing her smile at his action. Her nerves slowly disappearing, not quite, but slowly.

Coming down the stairs with J-Hope, Ally noticed all of the boys waiting by the door, The boys to Ally's surprise all scrubbed up nicely well the ones that were going to the actual casino as guests. Namjoon had on a shirt and blazer, his shirt was opened a few buttons at the top and his hair was gelled into an up style, he also wore a pair of black work trousers and fancy black shoes. Jin was also in his usual business man apparel, every day for Jin was a shirt and tie day although today he wore a white long sleeved shirt, a grey waist coat and grey trousers, black dress shoes finished his outfit.

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were all dressed in a different fashion, Taehyung was dressed as a waiter, his hair slicked right back, a black vest over a white shirt, a black bow tie and white gloves. Jimin and Jungkook wore all black, black t-shirts and black jeans as well as black trainers, Jimin's hair now died from his usual orange to brown. If anything Ally thought it made him look nicer.

Two cars were being used.  The younger boys were going to arrive first and get themselves blended into the party.  Ally, Namjoon, Jin and J-Hope were going to arrive last and join the party as guests.  Jungkook and Jimin would be on surveillance on the clubs cameras and communication to the other members via an earpiece, Taehyung would be patrolling the party as a waiter hoping to find out some information and keep an eye on things.  To avoid running into 'unnecessary problems' as Namjoon stated bluntly when explaining the plan.  The older boys were going to be directly in the firing zone.  Namjoon was going to play a game with the members of the casino and hopefully distract the members of the gang in question.  J-Hope Jin were going to gamble here and there but ultimately be there for insurance purposes, being able to help where needed.  Suga was out on business and would join the party later.  Ally on the other hand, was going to be watch the main game and hopefully get the attention of the gang's leader.

We are Bulletproof [BTS Gang AU] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now