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AN:// Just before I start I just want to say a HUGE THANK YOU!!! "We are Bulletproof" has hit the 20,000 readers mark! I genuinely can't believe how many of you have read this and how much you all love it :) Words can't express how much you all mean to me!  Once again I need to develop a writing schedule... haha...someone needs to tell me to sit down and write!


The kiss was very soft. It was a very cautious kiss, almost gentle as if Hoseok was scared that Ally was going to break. His thumb very gently caressed her knuckles in soothing circular motions. His grip wasn't too strong but was reassuring. Ally's eyes had slipped closed as she welcomed the warmth the kiss he gave her brought. She felt like she was dreaming, his lips were incredibly soft, not dry and rough like she was expecting but the kiss was a huge surprise and she almost choked but melted into the kiss like sinking into a warm hot bath. Time seemed to slow down and they were the only two people in the room. The silence was nice and accommodating as they poured out all the emotions they had bottled up into the one kiss they shared briefly with each other.

Pulling away they simply stared at each other, it wasn't awkward and it wasn't scary. It felt normal. A small smile graced Ally's lips and Hoseok breathed out a small sigh of relief. He had been daring himself to kiss her and was worried she would freak out or reject him altogether. He was about to lean in again when someone cleaned their throat by the door, the two stepped away from each other once they realised they weren't alone.

Standing there was Jungkook.

He didn't look happy.

"Namjoon wants to see you...now." He stated his voice devoid of emotion, his eyes darted once or twice between the two before nodding at Hoseok.  He briefly caught Allys eye and he promptly ignored her as Hoseok followed him out of the room.

Ally was excluded from the meeting about an upcoming mission, she had been left completely in the dark and was not to be included as instructed by Namjoon.  Namjoon told her it was something that didn't involve her as the door was promptly closed in front of her face.  Feeling a little rebellious she pressed her ear to the door and listened:

"I still have no idea who has been following us.  I've been monitoring the spys and they've no apparent connection to any of the groups that have territories in the area."  Hoseok mentioned.

"We have to find them.  I'm not risking everything we've worked so hard for to be taken away from us.  We've come too far to give up now and I'll be damned if we lose this fight.  Time to start planning ahead on more defense, expansion and expenses."  Namjoon commented.  Ally couldn't see them but she was convinced that Namjoon was not happy.  At all.  "Let's work on the boys Suho's gang...do we carry out an infiltration?  Maybe negotiate to bring down a gang that's a threat to both of us and split the bounty?  Keep playing nice or take them down, that is the question. "

"We've never had any problems with them before, so I think we should keep them on our good side till we know that we'll be able to have a strong advantage."  Jin's voice sounded.  It was a lot quieter. 

"You forget Jin that we have a new assest we can use.  She's not exactly ready for it, but she can give us a wildcard other groups won't be expecting.  Like yes Suho is aware of her but imagine what we could get by using her."

A small chuckle was heard and Ally tried to hear more by getting closer to the keyhole.  She knew they were talkkng about her and she needed to know what was going to happen to her.  

"You're willing to risk her life?  What happened to using her to help us?"  Jimin asked.

"She will be helping us.  She just isn't aware of how she'll be helping us in the long run, by the way which one of you was keeping an eye on her?"  Namjoon asked.

We are Bulletproof [BTS Gang AU] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now