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"You want me to what?" Ally asked from the chair she sat in after being summoned once again to Namjoon's office. The visits here were becoming to frequent for her liking. Ally felt uncomfortable under the hard gaze of the leader of Bangtan as he walked around his desk and perched himself on the front of it, folding his arms and crossing one leg over the other and setting his jaw.

"You heard me, I want you to prove that your good enough to help us further. That little drugs stint with Suga led to an undesirable outcome. I want to see that I made the right choice keeping you alive. Suga and Jungkook seem to think otherwise but I know it would be unwise to kill you off, despite what you seen or heard in recent days. Now as I was saying, tonight you're going to drive the van to the closest petrol station, fill it up and get us a fresh supply of water and a lighter. Simple. I want to see that we'll be able to trust you 100% before we start your 'official training' despite doubts in the back of my mind that you'll bail on us and tell the police everything that has happened to you so far. So let me give you a little incentive to come back. Firstly, we know who you are, it won't be hard for us to find you and bring you back dead or alive, second of all one of my boys will be tailing you to ensure you comply with instructions. This old phone, has enough money on it for one phone call to whoever is coming with you, you get into any trouble which I highly doubt, but you can never be too careful. I like to keep the boys safe."

After leaving the office without much resistance she shook her head in defeat, it was near impossible for her to escape if Namjoon was sending someone to keep an eye on her. Despite what Jin had told her prior, she felt like Namjoon was running a dictatorship among the boys, whatever he said goes and no one got a word in edgeways. The boys seemed close, like a family, but hey - the family that kills together, stays together. Ally knew that if she didn't start planning an escape soon she would be done for. Meaning that she would never leave, ever. That did shoot a small bit of fear into her already hammering heart. Pushing the thought of escape to the back of her mind Ally decided she had better get onto their good sides if she was going to have any chance of getting away unnoticed and not looking suspicious.

"Annyeong!" A voice quickly pulled her out of her thoughts. Glancing up she saw Taehyung standing before her, she smiled and muttered a hello.

He fell into step with her as she began walking down the hallway away from Namjoon's office.

"How are you doing?" He asked curiously looking over at her.

"I'm okay...how are you?" Ally asked back, she didn't really know where this was going or how she should reply.

"I'm great, glad to see you are doing a lot better since the other day. I was worried about you, ya know? So I really hope you like it here and I do want to apologise for drugging you. I hope we can friends..." he trailed off looking a bif unsure. He seemed like a child, his thoughts, actions and way of speaking was all very childlike. Yes he could probably do insane things and kidnap people in various ways that were unthinkable but behind the tough act when he was doing his job was a young innocent boy who was trying to survive in the world.

His big eyes were hopeful as he stared at Ally waiting for her response. Ally felt really bad for him and could see how genuine he was behind his eyes. "Yeah, I'd like that...I'm also sorry for...you know...shouting at you too."

If Taehyungs smile could get any bigger, his jaw would break open. Ally chuckled at how excited he got when she said they could be friends.

"Jjinja?? Wow."

We are Bulletproof [BTS Gang AU] *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now