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AN:// I am so unbelievably sorry for how short this chapter is.  I am not even 100% satisfied with it and not really sure I like where I brought this chapter or if it flows right so please let me know your honest opinion because it helps improve my writing and I love receiving feedback and it makes me so happy!  Also I am now found on Tumblr and have transferred the story there under the same name and same user name :)



There was a dull throbbing in the back of Ally's head.  Her heartbeat was sounding like a sonic boom in her ears as the world began to slowly fade into focus.  In an almost drunken like state she tried to lift her head to see what had happened.  Everything was moderately blurry but slowly coming back into focus.  The world was upside down.  The heart beat was no replaced by a high pitched noise, similiar to one that a dog might cry at or white noise to lull crying babies to sleep, but this was not relaxing in any way, shape or form.  

The main windscreen of the car was completely smashed, whatever car drove into them must ave repetitively rammed the car or hit it at such a fofce that the whole car flipped.  

A slight cough sounded from Ally's mouth as she groaned at the discomfort she was feeling.

"Nam...Namjoon." Ally all but wheezed, her voice very strained and raspy a she squeezed her eyes shut and tried to repress the excruciating pain. 

No response.  Ally opened her eyes, and glanced to her side and looked for Namjoon amongst the wreckage in the car.  He was lying at a slanted angle, his head hanging down, mouth slightly agape.  He was unconcious, phone dropped precariously on the floor after the car was hit. 

At this point Ally could feel all the blood rushing to her head and made the call to remove herself from the car.  After fighting with her seatbelt she managed to free herself and braced her arm on the roof so she wouldn't hurt herself further.  Her head now beginning to feel slightly dizzy as she haphazardly kicked at the small window to try and give herself a way of exiting the vechile.  The window had already been cracked so a few kicks and the glass shattered, but also made quite dangerous escape method.  

Squeezing her small body through she winced as she felt the glass poke into her skin and scratch the surface, almost clinging at her to make her stay, not wanting to release her from its unrelenting hold.  Her hands clawed at the ground as she pulled herself through the window not bothering to check for any injuries on herself as she stumbled haphazardly on her hands and knees, body swaying ever so slightly as she stood into a crouching position still low enough to balance herself should she need to, away from the wreckage breathing heavily.  

Running a hand through the mess of hair she took a deep breath and examined their surroundings.  This was it, her chance to walk away, get herself somewhere where someone could help her get back home.  She cautiously moved foreward her own body weight trying to force her to the ground as she struggled through the slight pain from her bones screaming at her to stop.  

After a few steps she stopped and turned to look back at the car, glass all over the ground, the car in a state of disrepair and the taste of freedom calling out to her.  She stood and looked at the car, wanting nothing more than to turn away and run, run away from it all.  But something was holding her back.  She couldn't leave this man to die, she couldn't face the burden of knowing what had happened and she didn't do anything to help.

"Why me?"  She whimpered to herself as she returned to the car.  She gripped the handle tihtly and pulled, she gave it two hard pulls and the door finally caved open revealing Namjoon still bery much unconcious in the drivers seat.  Reaching over him she unclipped his seatbelt and he fell into her thanks to the positioning of the car and his dead weight.  She tumbled backaards onto the floor as the weight of him forced her down.  Rolling his body off of her she gripped him under the arm pits and attemoted to drag him away from the wreckage of his old car.  

She had only made it a short distance before the agony and unfitness caught up with her.  Ally sprawled him out on the ground panting, sinking to her knees beside him.  As she sucked in deep breaths of air, she could faintly hear the sound of another car skidding to a halt, a door opening and slamming shut before hurried footsteps approached.  Not daring to look in case the attackers had came back to finish the job she squeezed her eyes shut and waited for the inevitable.

"What the hell happened!?"  The unmistakenable voice of Suga rang out around the silent street as more footsteps approached.

"We came as soon as we heard the crash over phone...bloody hell are you alright?"  Jimin asked as he took in the sight of the bloody girl and unconcious leader before him.  Meanwhile Suga walked briskfully over to the side of the car and peered in through the shattered windows.

"The shipments gone"  he confirmed "the whole thing was a set up to draw us out..."  an angry undertone to his voice as he rejoined the group gritting his teeth together. 

Ally glared up at Jimin before returning to Namjoon as she watched him...it seemed like hours before she paled and whispered..."he's not breathing..."

Ally leapt forward throwing carelessness out of the window as she acted on impulse and decided she was going to try and save this mans life.  Performing her best CPR she had learnt on a weekend away with her school group she put al of her weight into the chrst thrusts. 

After what felt like hours were only a matter of minutes as the boys watched helplessly as Ally tried go revive their leader.  Tension and emotions were running high.

"Ally we need to leave now, before someone finds this mess!"  Jin exclaimed as all attempts at reviving Namjoon seemed hopeless.  He pulled on the arm trying to get her to leave but she fought back and continued pumping his chest.

"No I have to try!"  She shouted back angrily putting more pressure onto his ribcage, forcing back the tears that were threatening to flow from the surface.  

"Hoseok a little help here!"  Jin called in a stern voice as he tried to pull the hysterical girl off of Namjoon.  Hoseok darted forward past the distraught Jimin and Taehyung who watched on horrified unsure of their future if the man who had gave them lives when all seemed lost were to die.  "You're not thinking Alison, control yourself!  You're too hysterical!"  He grit his teeth supressing his own emotions.

Hoseok came and pulled Ally away from Namjoon.  Her impulsive reactions kicked in and she started crying, screaming to be let go, that Namjoon was going to die before finally giving into the emotions and sobbed into Hoseok's jacket.  He gently stroked her hair and held her face to his chest so she wouldn't need to see the body.  He felt sorry for her, dead bodies and situations like this were not the norm for her.  Even still, you could train someone for so long in theory and fighting but facing triggering events like these were enough to traumatize someone and that's when your fight or flight response kicks in.  This was all to emotional for Ally and she had never adapted to these types scenarios.  All Hoseok could do was rub her back unsure of what to do or what to tell her to make the hurt and fear stop.  

"We need to leave now."  Jin commanded in an authorative tone when he realised no one was planning to move.

"We can't just leave him here!"  Ally cried turning her head so she could freely speak the tears running down her cheeks.

"I'm afraid we have no choice..."  Jin began but was interupted by Namjoon who took in a large gasp of breath and started breathing heavily, his eyes flying open at an alarming rate and his hand moving to his chest to try and calm himself down.

"He's alive!"  Taehyung muttered suprised "it worked..."  he gasped.  


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