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The next level of the building was a lot quieter.  There was no rumble of noise from the guests making small talk, or the light clink of glasses as people toasted and the light music had all but been drowned out by the silence.  There was no click of the stilletos, there was no heavy footprints as guests loitered in the main entrance hall and there was no obnoxious laughs or boastful chuckles that the upperclass men were famous for.  

The floor had been carpeted on this level and there was little to no marble, which almost made it easier to sneak around.  Ally had opted to remove the heels by this point and held them lightly in her left hand and they gently swung as she moved along behind Jimin who strode down the hall, swiftly checking the barrell of the gun he had pulled out of the back of his trousers before holding it tightly in his hand.  He did it almost robotically only looking down the check the chamber and round of bullets before looking up and snapping it closed.  What only should have been a soft click sounded like an erupting volcano in the silence.  They couldn't hear any noise from the party downstairs, all was quiet, just how they wanted it.

The only downside to this mission was there was no comms, they were completely on their own.  Tae had been able to hack his way into the mainframe of the host and quickly secured a ticket for Jimin and his lovely wife under a false alias.  They had an emergency phone which could be used when they needed it, but this mission Namjoon had decided the pair were to go in blind.  Get in, get the contents of the safe, get out.  Simple right.  Jimin had probably done this type of thing more times than Ally had shot a gun...which hadn't been often.  All being said Ally couldn't help but feel a little uneasy about the whole thing.  It was too quiet in the upstsirs hall, there were novguards, no security and theyvwere able to walk about all too freely.  Shrugging it off due to the party requiring a large number of security detail Ally continued to follow Jimin as he followed the lone corridor, making a few choice turns here and there.  Ally was glad he had memorised the map before they came in here and not her, even though she did well in school, her memory wasn't the best when put under a large amount of pressure and she usually crumbled under the horrendous events of exams and pop quizzes.

Jimin finally stopped at a large door with golden handles, freshly polished and a slight smell came off them from the freshly used metal cleaner that had been used that morning prior to the event.  In establishments such as this cleaning was a regular thing and the smell of chemicals and air freshener filled the air.  Jiggling the handle once, Jimin was suprised to find that the door was already unlocked.  Ally tilted her head to the side and curiously looked at the handle before looking back at Jimin, who shrugged with a small smile and allowed her to enter the office first.  The room was quiet and the lights were still on, the red theme continued as the bright coloured carpet made the room seem a lot brighter.  A mahogany desk was at the far end of the room complete with a black office chair currently facing away from them.  

"Excuse me..."  Ally spoke out in her most professional voice as she slowly enetered the room with Jimin closely behind her who closed the door with a silent click.  Observing the room Ally looked for a safe, would it be out in the open or concealed away from prying eyes such as theirs.  No one answered her, so she briefly let down her guard and freely walked further into the room, the knife strapped to her thigh itched at her skin the more she moved.  

"Where do you think it is??"  She whispered to Jimin once he closed the distance between the two of them.  Jimin did a complete 180 and eventually stopped.  Something looked out of place and he waited for Ally to catch on, one of the pictures was crooked and was leaning against the wall rather than hung up against it like the other photos adorning  the walls of the bright office.  Ally with Jimin's help shuffled it to the side revealing the large black metal safe in the wall.  The handle was resting upwards instead of the usual downwards locked position most safes should be in.  Jimin carefully pulled the handle and the safe swung open, it hadn't even been closed properly much to their surpirse the contents of the safe were gone.

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