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AN: I am so sorry, this chapter took like two months to write! I don't know if I am 100% happy with this chapter but I have ideas and its getting to those ideas that is the hard part but I hope you enjoy the chapter and give some feedback :) I love to hear from you!


Ally had been sent straight back to the room she was given upon arriving to the house, escourted by Jimin and Taehyung. As the three of them walked away from the room she could hear Suga shouting about how he didn't want to be stuck eith her when dealing with clients and how she would only cause problems. The two boys did not stay long as they were quick to leave the room and make sure the door was shut firmly behind them. Ally was left on her own once more. Looking out the window it was still dark outside, there was nothing much to see out the window so Ally thought it would be wise to heed the boys advice and sleep for who knew what she was going to be put through tomorrow. Hitting off the lights she felt her way back to the bed and stubbed her toe on the side of the bed frame. She nearly cursed outloud but bit her lip. Finally kicking off her shoes she was able to tuck herself into the bed properly. The mattress was quite soft and comfortable compared to earlier on. The pillow welcomed her like an old friend and she closed her eyes, praying to God or whoever was listening that she would be safe and that she would survive the oncoming days and get home...somehow.

Ally woke up naturally, in comparison to the rude awakening Suga gave her in the middle of the night to go speak to Namjoon before getting thrown onto drug duty with Suga, who was highly opposed to the idea but refused to deny the job his leader gave him. She sat up slowly rubbing the remaining sleep out of her eyes, she observed her surroundings and winced as the light hurt her eyes. She climbed out of the bed and walked over to the door placing her hand on the handle before stopping, doubting her choices to leave the room. Should she? Throwing all fears to the back of her head Ally pulled open the door and stepped out into the hallway. Her bare feet hugging the soft rug in a welcoming way. She looked twice up and down the hallway before setting off the in the direction she came from last night with Taehyung and Jimin. Walking down the stairs she could hear laughing, when she reached the bottom of the stairs she followed the sound cautiously before coming to a room with an open door, it was a large living room, plenty of sofas, a tv, a coffee table and a large mirror above the fireplace.

There inside was various members of Bangtan.

Biting her bottom lip she loitered in the doorway as she watched them laughing over something one of the said before Jimin seen her out of the corner of his eye as he had been sitting closest to the door.

"Don't just stand there pabo, come on in" he said all seriously, Ally didn't know what to do until he chuckled and shook his head. "Aish, this kid..."

She walked in and sat down in a free seat as the boys all watched her, she noticed Suga wasn't in the room. Just Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin...and Jin.

"Hello Ally, I see the boys have been treating you well." Jin smiled from his arm chair, he had swapped the suit and tie out for a casual shirt and a pair of jeans, still sporting a decent pair of shoes. "Hope they haven't given you too much trouble". He glanced over at Taehyung and Jimin when he said this. "So Namjoon tells me you're going to be working with us, huh?" Ally couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not. All she could do was nod.

Namjoon sat silently in his chair, watching her, his head casually titled to the side quizically.

"Something wrong princess?" He asked. When Ally didn't answer Namjoon licked his lips. "I asked you a question, you'd do best to answer when someone talks to you."

"No" She replied silently, almost in a whisper looking down into her lap, her teeth gently nibbling on the edge of her lips. Namjoon seemed satisfied with answer, he rose from his seat and walked over to the young girl. He towered above her and he held her gaze. "Okay we are going to set some things straight here. You belong to us now, we tell you to do something and you'll do it without question, without hesitation, we are dangerous men, do not give an excuse for us to show you how we can really be, try anything and there will be consequences...my kindess will only extend so far if you behave and follow the rules around here". With that he left the room the door slamming on the way out making Ally flinch slightly in her seat.

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