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Ally still stood outside the door leaning her head back against the wood as she listened to the muffled sounds of the man refusing to talk as Jungkook near the crap out of him. Unleashing more and more hits on him the longer he refused to talk. It scared Ally. How could anyone do this to someone?

She brave herself and peeked through the door once again. A small trickle of blood rolled slowly down the man's head, some blood was also visible around the bottom of his nose and his face was covered in marks that would eventually bruise or scar. His head was rolling as he fought consciousness, he managed to take one glance up in his state and caught Ally's large eyes staring through the door. They made eye contact for a short second before she moved back once again as she didn't want to be seen. Hearing the final blow which was signalled by the loud bang of the chair being overturned and the man's head hittin the floor simultaneously, Ally let out a choked sob and ran back down the hall, making her way back to the main part of the house. She wanted to erase what she had just witnessed from her mind and forget everything was happening. She wanted to go home and she wanted to have a normal life again. She froze in her steps as she heard a door slam somewhere far away in the house.

They're back. She thought.

Moving silently back to her room where Hoseok left her prior to the incident, she climbed into the bed and pretended to sleep. The door clicked open ever so softly, if she wasn't listening she might have missed it. Keeping her back to the door she focused on steadying her breathing and relaxed so she looked like she was sleeping. Whoever had opened the door was loitering in the doorway and watching her, waiting to see if she was asleep or not.

"She's asleep..." She heard the voice mutter, Ally thought it might be Jin but she wasn't too sure. She let out a sigh of relief when the door closed with an affirming click and the room went silent once again.

Sitting up in the bed Ally brushed her hair out of her eyes and leaned herself back against the wall behind her. Still fully dressed she allowed herself to escape the small amount of warmth she had saved since escaping under the safety that was the large duvet. Upon leaving the bed, she realised that the skirt she had to wear earlier to the bar with Taehyung was still on her. Biting her bottom lip she searched through the small pile of clothes that had began to grow over her short stay here. Plucking a small pair of jean shorts from pile she swapped over her skirt for the shorts and finally felt a little freer. More at ease as she didn't have to hide her dignity every 2 seconds.

At the minute Ally was having a very huge debate inside her head whether or not to leave the room. She didn't know if she should because she wasn't sure if she would be able to face them properly after what she just witnessed behind the door, especially Jungkook, the boy showed no emotion and almost seemed to sickly enjoy beating the crap out of the man who Ally had never seen before in her life. After all since the incident during training, she now dubbed it as in her head, Jungkook had been ignoring her and it was starting to piss her off a bit which resulted in her training with Hoseok and Jungkook well it just annoyed her because she did nothing wrong and couldn't understand why he was doing this to her.

Finally summoning up some courage, she decided to ignore everything she just thought about an pulled open the door and walked out slowly into the hallway. She had to pretend nothing was wrong to avoid suspicion. It would be easier that way.

Making her way towards the kitchen area to get some water, Ally realised someone was following her. She could bear the quiet rise and fall of their shoes behind her and she quickened her pace ever so slightly trying to reach the kitchen first. Pulling open the kitchen door another hand zoomed in front of her and slammed it shut. Next thing she knew was that she was spun round, one hand by her head to keep the door closed and the other hand still on her shoulder to keep her still. Looking up she realised it was Hoseok.

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