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It didn't take long for Ally to realise that the reason the boys kept putting this sack over her head when she got into the car was so she was unable to see where she was, so she wouldn't be able to escape and find her way back to town which could lead to their possible capture and jail sentence. They couldn't let her go on the premise that she might let something slip to someone or someone would be able to put two and two together. The boys were looking out for each other by keeping her in the dark about their location. Ally was never afraid of the dark but driving to an unknown location with a highly skilled individual from a gang and being blind made something in her click, it made her anxious and scared, she was terrified.

The car continued the journey from the base of operations into the town. As they got into the town centre once again Suga ripped the bag from her head and tossed it carelessly into the backseat. The sunlight temporarily blinding Ally causing her squint and rub her eyes to try and let them grow acustomed to the light.

"Nearly there." Suga muttered under his breath as he drove through the winding streets and into some back alleys. "Don't want anyone seeing me driving with a bag over someones head. People might get suspicious" Suga clarified for Ally as she looked over to him.

There was no music playing in the car which made things slightly awkward for the two inhabitants as Suga slowly manouvered it to the desired location he'd been looking for. Pulling to a halt, he applied the hand break and killed the engine. Silence.

Ally looked around her out the windows in the car, she didn't recognise where they were but had the feeling that they were somewhere she shouldn't really be. The atmosphere was calming, there was little to no sound, the only sound she could actually hear was the low drawl of traffic coming from a distance and Suga's light breathing as well as her own shaky breaths. Ally kept subtly glancing over at Suga as more and more time passed.

"How much longer do we have to wait?" Ally asked.

Suga glared at her from the corner of his eye before sighing and returning his attention out the front window again.

"What's your pr-"

"Here we go!" Suga interupted her and Ally could not believe that he silenced her, not only that but he held his hand up to make her stop talking but true to his word approaching the car was a boy, his head and face were covered by his grey hoodie, his hands stuffed into the pockets. Suga clicked open the internal locks and stepped out of the car. "Get out." He said as he disappeared to meet the kid.

Quietly Ally followed his orders and stepped out of the car watching intently as the two met each other a few paces in between them. Suga beckoned her over with a nod of his head and caught Allyglancing behind her to see if there was any possible escape route, but she soon recalled Namjoon's words of warning from earlier on. Suga gave her a warning glare as she approached.

"Hey man, can you hook me up? They said you're the guy who delivers..." The boy asked his voice quiet, just about meeting Suga's eyes. He seemed shifty, almost scared as if he would get caught any minute. Ally believed him to be a young teen boy experimenting and falling into the trap that is peer pressure or just looking a good time.

"That all depends..." Suga drawled out, his voice getting lower than Ally had ever heard it and she wasn't gonna lie when she felt chills running down her neck. The boy pulled hand out of pocket revealing a fistful of notes. A small smirk appeared on Suga's face, he accepted the notes and nodded. "Well you heard right my friend." Suga put his arm around the boy and guided him to the rear of the car before throwing open the boot and pulling open the large bag. Ally grimaced as she remembered the events that happened while she filled it. Suga pulled out two of the wallet sized bags filled with the white substance and gave them to the boy. Who quickly stuffed them into his pocket. "Don't forget, you never seen or heard of me before. Or her. None of this happened." Suga's voice dropped down into the lower tones once again, the look in his eyes made Ally feel really uncomfortable.

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