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Ally woke up back in her own room.  A small smile rested on her face as she remembered what happened the day before.  Then she seen it, the little ball of paper that was scrunched up on the bedside table that JB had slipped her right as she willingly walked out of GOT7s hangout with Bangtan.  

There was a loud knock on the door, the grabbed it immediately, hiding it under the duvet before fixing her ruffled up hair and shouting: "yes?"

No answer, just another knock.  Pulling herself from the bed and slipping the note under the pillow Ally walked over to the door, paused as she put her hand ontop of the handle before pulling it open.

It was Jungkook.  He looked very casual today, his arms were hanging by his side, instead of his unusal folded arms and stern expression he usually wore when he was around her.  He almost seemed shocked to see her in her sleep wear, shorts and a t-shirt.  He quickly did a double take, blushed and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.  It took Ally a moment to realise he was still a teenager who was very much under the attack of hormones and going through puberty.  

"I just wanted to apologise...for my actions for what happened a few days ago.  It was very inappropriate and shouldn't have happened."  Had one of boys got Jungkook to apologise to her, Ally could see Jungkook was fighting an internal battle to actually apologise and his eyes gave it away. "I shouldn't have been mean to you.  Or kissed you.  Or made you fight with knives, I just don't want what happened to me, happen to you."

Ally furrowed her brows together, what happened to him.  He was just a kid.  But she thought in this life of gangs he must have seen and done some bad crap that would break even the nicest of people.  

"I wasn't always like this.  Before I joined Bangtan, I couldn't defend myself and found that out the hard way.  I was attackdd by two members of a gang one night for no reason, the beat me up, hit me, kicked me, punched me, strangled me and I couldn't do anything about it.  I got hit by their car too, some jackass working for them probably.  That's when Namjoon found me.  I had been angry at the world, I ran away from home because my parents preferred my older brother, he actually did well in school and I was the disappointment...they never actually said but I could see it in theirneyes and actions.  So when hyung found me that night I decided to train harder than I ever had before and to push myself so that nothing like that would ever happen again. Then you came along."


"Stop talking, then you, as innocent as you are, walked into that club that night and stumbled upon something you shouldn't have.  I get it, I once stumbled in on Jin trying to teach our fearless leader how to cut an onion...wasn't pretty, had to turn around and walk back out the door but you get the idea.  I knew what you would be like before I even met you.  You would be weak, easy to break, innocent and terrified.  All of which you were.  I hated you before I even knew you because you were me I was 4 years ago and I hated it.  Once I figured out I had to train you I told myself to push you to your breaking limit.  I almost did, but you got better and I beganto develop feelings I shouldn't have and I had to step back.  Hoseok came in howevee and stole you away before I even had the chance to redeem myself from being such an asshole and shownyou how much I actually cared and why I was treating you like I was because I got protective of you and didn't want you to get hurt like I had.  Or died...like she did..."

"Like who did?" Ally asked curiously.  

"My girlfriend...well ex-girlfriend.  She was a lot like you.  She was young and free, she knew who and what I was and she still accepted me for it.  Then another gang found out and killed her.  She couldn't protect herself when I wasn't there.  Now she's gone and I didn't want the same thing to happen to you."

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