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There was an unsettling atmosphere that lasted a couple of days.  The members of Bantan silently worrying over their leader as he lay on his bed in his room unmoving for the past 3 days.  The members all silently occupied themselves to avoid having to deal with the situation at hand, all of them were very anxious, refusing to let unpleasant thoughts break their hardened demeanours.  

Jungkook spent the days working out in the gym, his anger and aggression going into the ounching back which was looking worse for wear by the day, holes starting to appear and there was only so many time Ally could wrap up and treat his bruised and cut knuckles.

Taehyung and Jimin spent their time into researching intel, trying to find out where the company that had sold them the shipment had went to.  They had disappeared off the map, went rogue, off the grid, as if they never existed.  Hope for the two young boys were dading all they had was each other, as they always did there was only so many hugs and words of encouragement they could give each other before they snapped.  Smiles gone from their faces, the place almost seemed quiet without their antics and banter.  There was a chill to their air, almost a greyish tone, the colour had all been sucked out of the place.

Hoseok took time to relieve his stress in the one way he knew how.  Dance.  He no longer cared if anyone walked in on him, he had to let the raw emotions out.  Agonising screams could be heard from the closed doors of the practice room where many pieces of equipment were left untouched.  There was only so much Ally could do to try and lift his spirits, his hopeful mood was slowly dwindling by the day.  In his other hours of free time he would be out on missions, picking fights with other gang members and gathering resources.

Suga continued to do what he did best: creating and selling his drugs.  He left without a word in the mornings and returned late at night with a duffle bag full of notes.  He would go straight to his room and would do it all again the next morning.  He claimed that he was doing the runs of the local universities targeting young partygoers and students who were trying new things.  Business was still booming for Suga.  This was his way of coping with everything, burying himself into his work.  The little cup of coffee that was always left on his work bench every morning by Ally never went unnoticed.  He may have a strong dislike for her but he appreciated the kind gesture, there was only so many times he could say no.  At least she wasn't interrupting his work and just leaving him to it.  

Jin was struggling.  He refused to admit it but he was honestly struggling.  He had never seen the boys take a hit like this.  They were almost lost without their leader.  Jin could not rally the boys the way Namjoon could.  There was no trouble at the minute, no need for interrogations, no need for intimidation, no raids, no kidnappings and no take overs were needed.  Everyone was staying in line.  Jin felt lost and he hated that feeling.  He continued to run his businesses and maintain a calm exposure and appearances for the outside world who saw Kim Seokjin, succesful business man.  No one expected him to be a gang member on the side.  He handled keeping the police and other unwanted chadacters away from the gang.  But now as he stared out the window as the raindropsnraced each other down and the sound of thunder rolling in the distance continued, the room filling with light every so often when a sheet of lightning covered the sky, he couldn't help but wonder what the next move should be and how long it could possibly be until their fearless leader woke up again and business could continue as normal.  

Ally, wondering inside her head possessed her to do this, sat faithfully by Namjoons side every single day. She treated injuries, removd the glass, cleaned the blood and somewhat successfully bandaged his head and his wounds, trying to remember her basic first aid training she learned during the summer one gear between school terms.  She kept him cool using a wet cloth and gave him drips of water into the corner of his mouth to keep him hydrated.  She regulary changed his bandages and kept him comfortable, waiting for him to wake up and to make sure he continued breathing.  She wasn't a trained doctor and she felt way in over head and she wasn't confident at all at what she did to him to try and help him but it was the best she could do at the time.  The room she had set him up in was an old business room with a long table she was able to get the boys to place him on.  She had been running on adreniline and now she just wanted to sleep.  

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