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Okay before I start this chapter, I just want to thank everyone who read the first two chapters. It really made me happy to see people reading it :) I hope you like this chapter, it isn't great haha, I have loads of ideas but it's trying to get to those ideas that's the hard bit. Also I confess, I planned to write in first person from Ally's perspective but when I was halfway through this chapter I realise I had been writing in 3rd person again so I'm sorry! I'll try to be a better author and stick to one writing style. It won't happen again! Mianhe!

Here we go with the story!


The car rocked over the gravel as it drove through the rough terrain. Ally could feel her whole body bounce in the seat she had been put in when she was forced in the car and she had no idea where these boys were taking her. She had lost count of how many minutes the car had been moving for as she had been tapping her fingers together behind her back every 60 seconds to try and keep track of time. She lost count at 20. Her inability to see and the bouncy journey made her feel slightly travel sick, she squeezed her eyes shut and let out a shakey breath. The boys around her were murmering quietly she could only make out little pieces of their conversation such as:

"What are we gonna do with her?"

"Hoseok and Jungkook will...."

"Boss knows what he's doing..."

"I swear..."

The car finally rolled to a stop and the engine was cut off. Ally tensed as the doors were pushed open and she felt the cold air bite at her legs and arms making her shiver. A hand roughly grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the car making her stumble and nearly hit the floor before she was dragged back up, the grip on her arm intensifying, making her whimper in fear and pain. She was then yanked around the car, she could feel the gravel underneath her feet as she was guided somewhere by the boy that held her arm. Her feet went from hard outside terrain to wooden flooring. She was inside. A loud bang was sounded behind her and the cold started to disappear as a warmth finally covered her body.

"Home sweet home!" A voice shouted and the bag was ripped off her head, Ally squinted to adjust to the light in the hallway that she was standing in. This must be their home...or base, Ally thought. Jimin let go of her arm and smiled at her as she looked around the hallway they stood in. The ropes that held her hands behind her back were untied and she rubbed her wrists and winced when she touched them looking at the red marks.

"Taehyung, take our guest here to the spare room. I need to sort out some matters regarding our new friend, Jimin, Suga come with me." The boss said as he began walking away, Jimin and Suga were quick to follow him. These boys were like little puppy dogs to the older boy, they followed him obediently and without question. He said jump, they would ask how high. It was strange, what did he have on these boys that made them like this or was it something deeper than that? Ally mused as it was just her and Taehyung left in the hallway.

"Ready? This way!" Taehyung smiled and led her towards a flight of large stairs. He was very happy as they climbed the stairs. He almost reminded her of the nice boy she had met before he drugged and kidnapped her. They walked down another hall and past several doors before Taehyung finally stopped and pushed open a door. The room was very basic, there was just a bed, a small broken down set of drawers, a mirror and another door that led into an en-suite. "So here we go, this is your new home...the boss'll wanna talk to you later, I suggest you get some sleep, it's pretty late and it's gonna be a busy day tomorrow..." he trailed off, almost as if he were day dreaming, but he quickly snapped out of it and said: "Don't leave the room until someone comes and gets you. See you later!" He walked out the door closing it behind him leaving Ally by herself.

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