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Park Jin Young walked confidently from his car.  He immediately locked eyes with Namjoon as he approached the group.  The steely determination never wavered as the internal fight for dominance began.  Both men remained silent as they sized each other up and down and weighed up their best options.  At present Namjoon had the winning hand and Park Jin Young had willingly stepped into the lions den with nothing more than the clothes on his back and his radiating confidence.  

A silent stand off.  There was nothing but mere silence bar the gentle breeze that was flow past at random intervals and the gentle rustling of leaves from a nearby tree that homed several birds who chirped at intermissions with each other to create a backdrop soundtrack to the intense meeting.

"Mr Kim."  Park Jin Young was the first to break the ice and placed his hands behind his back, his posture straightening and a slight smile graced his lips as he did so.  

"Park."  Namjoon replied, there was an evident history between the two.  No more words were required as the two familiarised each other from previous endeavours.  "You have my money?"

"You return my daughter."

"Funny." Namjoon laughed as he glanced at the young girl beside him who was switching her glances between her father and the man who held her hostage, not daring the hold either gaze for too long before settling her eyesight to the ground momentarily.  Namjoon then continued to speak bringing his gaze back to the main focus.  "You left your family, for what 'their protection'" at this he mockingly held up his hands and air quoted his words.  "Poor sweet Allie here had to grow up without a father, not understanding why he left.  But yet at the slightest hint of danger and once you discover she's with us, you finally take interest and send your little work lackies, who, let's face it, were actually quite a challenge for us.  I admit that, unlike yourself, Park Jin Young, I appreciate talent where I see it.  Little Allie had talent, once we got past her flaws and insecurities, but she ruined it for herself.  It's a shame, she had so much potential and was a cracking shot.  But alas here we are.  Now, where is my money."

Park Jin Young did not flinch at the accusations.  He knew Namjoon was bating him, but he wasn't one to give up.  This was a game to him as much as it was to Namjoon.  He just needed to get his daughter away so that she wouldn't end up as collateral damage.  "My boys have learnt from the best.  JYP Enterprises has been raising the best contractors for years.  We work for the good of our country, taking out gangs like yourself who mean to do harm.  Naturally, it means we have targets on our backs, but my teams have the experience to deal with it.  Funny isn't it."  He mocked in turn.  "I was the one that ordered them to take her.  I do apologise for that by the way.  Granted I may not have been the best father figure in life nor do I hold a standard office job to bring home the bacon but I have done nothing but support my family for years.  I've made sure they have been safe, enough money and are suitably well looked after.  Then I learnt about her disappearance and it just so happened to be at Seokjin's club.  There was no coincidence in that.  So I sent the boys to do a little digging.  They discovered your hideout and began to learn about your daily routines.  I even have some secret agents working on the inside, so when I heard from my dear friend Park Chanyeol"  at this he knocked on the hood of his car.  "That you turned up to his boss' casino, sending Allison in as bait, and infiltrating the casino because you had a hunch it was them.  Clever I admit."  While he spoke the car door opened and out stepped Chanyeol himself, he held a bright silver chrome case and walked to stand beside Park Jin Young, the briefcase easily passing hands.  

"Hiya kid."  He smiled, moving his unkempt curly hair out of his eyes and passed her a small smile.  Allie lightly acknowledged him by nodding slightly.  

"That's when I began planning to get her back.  Granted, our first attempt wasn't as successful.  Now here we are.  So I have your money, and you have my daughter."  Jin Young finished, lifting the case to Namjoon's eyeline.  

Namjoon "tsk'ed" in annoyance.  He was irritated and Allie could feel it as it radiated off of him like heat.  His fingers were twitching, it was clear he wanted a fight.  But he had the money dangling in front of him and this was his end goal.  The money and the power.  

"Jin...the money."  Namjoon ordered.  Jin moved forward, straightening his own suit and walking to meet Jin Young in the middle of the confrontation.  The case was passed to him and he nodded in acknowledgement before placing the briefcase onto the hood of the car.  He quickly unlatched it and opened the lid.  He observed the money and fingered through it, his posture hunched over as he checked it for authenticity.  

"It's all here."  Jin confirmed as he locked up the case and took it back to his side and held it in a clenched fist.  

"I honoured my end of the deal.  Now it is your turn."  Park Jin Young commented, gesturing his hand to Allie who stood awkwardly to the side as she watched the events unfold.  Namjoon looked once more at Allie.  He took her arm once more and went to escort her back to her father.  But something in him clicked, as quickly as it started he pulled Allie into him and held her close to his chest in a tightening grip.  One arm restricting her movements and the other pulling a gun from his pocket and holding it against the side of her head.  Allie let out a terrified whimper as she felt her cold metal make contact with her skin.  

"Now what did I say Princess.  You talk without permission and you are dead."  He whispered into her ear.  As Park Jin Young and Chanyeol were quick to point their own guns at Namjoon.  He spoke loudly to the two men across from him.  "Shoot me and your precious daughter dies, right here with me."  It was a stalemate.  "Now princess, you've done everything I have needed you to do.  You've been a good little girl and now I have no use for you."

A grunt got itself lost in her throat as she tried to shimmy her way out of his grip but it was too strong.  The adrenaline was kicking in and all she could hear was her own heartbeat.  Behind Namjoon, Hoseok went to rush foreword his eyes full of shock, but he was pulled back by an arm.  It was Jungkook, he gently shook his head, but his own eyes were full of worry.  There was no point in them blindly rushing in, lest they wanted to make the situation worse.   

"See, I always win."  Namjoon called out loud for everyone to hear him.  In her own struggling Allie thought briefly back to her fighting lessons with Jungkook.  She had been in this position with him before.  She would only get one shot and this and if she didn't get it right, she would be dead before she had a chance to breathe.  She feigned that she was pulling at Namjoon's arm to try and relieve pressure as his titan strength hold across her chest, but in reality she was trying to get her arms in underneath his.  She tried to control her breathing and waited for the opportune moment.  "You never should of trusted me.  I'll do anything to win."  Namjoon smirked, Allie heard the gently click to the hammer get pulled back.  It was now or never.  

She threw her body weight forward, pushing her arms and using the momentum to push her lower half back into Namjoon, then using the velocity to propel herself forward out of his arms and onto the ground.

As she hit the floor with a sickening thud, she whipped around to face Namjoon as a gunshot rang out through the air.  

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