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Quick Author Note: I shoukd be sleeping but I wanted to get this new chapter out for you as a thank you for all the love and support you've been giving me for this story.  Love you all.  Enjoy!  I apologise this chapter is slightly shorter! 


From the darkness came a slither of light as Ally grogilly began to open her eyes.  Her vision was blurred as the room she was in began to come into focus.  The light above her head caused her to wince at the stinging sensation brought on by the sudden change from dark to light.  Her head felt fuzzy, a side effect from being knocked out - she had come to know this feeling all too well.  

The room she was in was a moderate size, getting a better view of her surroundings Ally discovered she was tucked into a comfy bed, still in the old clothes she had worn to the book shop where they were ambushed.  Sitting up something caught her attention on the edge of the small bedside table beside her.  A small glass of water.  Giving it a quick sniff test Ally decided it would be worth drinking and quickly downed the cool liquid, her dry throat welcomed it gladly as she drank it.  Ally ran her tongue over her dry lips to moisten them before slowly removing herself from the bed.  Her feet almost recoiled back onto the bed as the soles of her feet came into contact with the cold tiles on the ground.  Her socks and trainers had been left for her at the foot of the bed.

Ally felt a little disoriented as she got up to walk around the room.  The room started spinning and she felt nauseous as she stood still waiting for the feeling to pass.  The first question in her head was: where was she?  Second: Who has kidnapped her...again?  Third: What happened to Bangtan after the ambush?  These thoughts plagued her mind and more.  She was curious zbout the fact that she was able to move freely and wasn't tied to a chair like the last time she was kidnapped by Bangtan.

Deciding to test the door to see if it was open Ally plaxed her hand on the handle and gently opened the door.  To her surprise it was unlocked.  Before venturing out into the unknown she quickly searched the room to find a weapon of some sort to arm herself in case she found herself in the middle of another gang, at least this time unlike when meeting Bangtan, she would be ready for them.  There was nothing in the room that would serve any use to her besides an old fire extinguisher, which was far too heavy to carry and she settled on an old compass she found in an old filing cabinet.  

Exciting the room she found herself in a large corridor...she was in a school?!  One that appeared to be long since abandonded, the old posters that were flaking away and the rusting lockers against the walls on the opposite side of the hall were a dead give away.  Was this another gang's hideout?

A laugh was heard down the hallway and Ally debated whether or not to follow the noise and meet her abductor head on.  The hallway was dark with very little lighting the only source of light came in from the light of the moon outside.  It made Ally question just how long she was asleep for?

Encouraging her feet to move forward Ally began the slow walk down the corridor to find the voices that she could faintly hear.  There were several voices, which meant there was more than one person in the building with her and this meant she was heavily outnumbered regardless of how many.  

Underneath a door at the end of the corridor a small beam of light was present, it was also the source of the noise and voices that were heard and the door was ever so slightly open, not by much but enough to allow the faint voices to travel and provide a little more light into the darkness which provided Ally with a small bit of comfort.  She looked around and took in her surroundings, doors lined the dark corridor, they were all closed and darkness loomed inside the small window that was present at the top of each door and there was enough space for 3 to 4 people to walk comfortably down the hallway.  

"Ha ha ha".  A loud laugh broke the silence in the desolate corridor where Ally stood.  It made her jump in alarm ahd she quickly turned her head in the direction of noise and bit her lip lightly.  She decided to put on a brave exterior, the one she was able to pull off (or at least horrendously fail to pull off) when she was living with Bangtan and quietly approached the door, but it was short lived as her bravery suddenly disappeared the moment she stood outside the room and placed her hand on the handle.  

More laughing emerged from the room and muffled conversations, the subject of which could not be distinguished as all Ally could hear was her own erratic heart beat which was pounding in her ears like gunfire.  

Finally she pushed the door open and prepared herself for whatever was on the otherside.  Inside the room it was set up like a stereotypical classroom, there were tables and chairs scattered about, an old teachers desk pushed up against the far wall and a dusty blackboard covered in scribbles of drawings and writing with '2 cool 4 skool' written bang smack in the middle  but something on the far side caught her attention.  On that particular side the word BANGTAN was written in large letters and what appeared to be a rough sketch of the layout of their hideout as well as words underneath such as 'kidnapping', 'drug dealing', 'murder', 'theft', 'breaking and entering', 'arson', 'GTA', 'espionags' and 'possible prostitution' to name a few of the offense written on the board.  

Were these the people that Namjoon and the boys thought had been watching them?

Were these the people who she had caught staring in at her through her window?

The room was covered in silence as the occupents of the room all turned their heads to look at the newcomer who had just entered the room interupting their conversation.  Like a deer caught in the headlights Ally tried to talk, her mouth opened but no noise came out of it.  Inside the room were several boys all sporting pretty casual clothing, nothing too fancy, it made them look like young boys.  But she wasn't going to let the young and innocent appearence fool her, she had to go through the same thing with Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook in Bangtan, they all looked so young but were pretty lethal when they wanted to be.  One boy in particular, wearing a leather jacket adorned by various zippers jumped off the table he was sitting on and gave off a small chuckle and approached her.  

"Look who's awake boys!"  He smiked warmly placing a hand on Ally's shoulder.  She almost flinched back in horror for fear of being pushed and it reminded her of Jungkook whenever he first taught her how to fight, when he attacked her on their first official meeting and lastly just before he kissed her.  The man noticed and quickly removed his hand, repsecting his boundaries and gave her a gentle smile and stepped back ever so slightly to give her some personal space, something she hadn't experienced in a while since living with Bangtan.  

"Glad to see your okay Ally.  You'll be safe here.  It's nice to meet you officially.  My name is Im Jaebum, but you can call me JB."



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