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AN:// To everyone who waited for this next chapter, to everyone who commented, voted and everyone who is a silent reader, this one is for you!  I love reading all your feedback and excitement as you want to know what happens and even people who are only beginning their journey with Ally, I hope you find this story enjoyable as I enjoy writing it!

Thank you so much for waiting, I was on holiday with my family in Spain.

Also I don't know if any of you are religious like myself, but could you please pray for the 12 boys and their football coach in Thailand who are stuck in the cave.  This story is breaking my heart and I hope they will find a way to get them out and regardless of what happens the boys will find peace and be able to remain calm as they wait for help and for their families and the volunteers and divers who are risking their lives for them!

OKAY! Rambling over, please enjoy the newest chapter!


"What do you mean someone got to him first?"  Namjoon demanded as soon as the two had returned absolutely soaking wet.  A small wet pool of water gathering at their feet and soaking up into the carpet.  Jimin's hair stuck to his face and Ally's hair hung limply on her shoulders.  Both had large brown towels wrapped around them as the stood opposite Namjoon who was sat upright in his luxurious office chair, a couple of papers had been cast aside on the table.  It went eerily quiet in the room.  Ally kept her head down and focused on her feet, she could feel the awkward tension rising in the room and she worried that anything she said would erupt Namjoon's calm exterior and unleash the beast that waited within. 

"We got to the office undetected.  When we got there, he was already dead.  The safe was empty and whoever beat us there triggered the alarm and we were able to get out just in time, but I failed in the mission."  Jimin somberly said as he made eye contact with his boss.  "There was a single shot to the forehead.  Whoever did it was quiet and quick."

"The fact of the matter is Park Jimin, who are supposed to be good at your job.  Someone else killed our target and I must say I am extremely disappointed."  Namjoon sighed rubbing his forehead.

"Wait, 'target'?"  Ally inquired finally wrapping up the courage to face the ruthless leader head on.  "I thought you said 'no casualties'.  We were supposed to get in, get whatever was in that bloody safe and get out." 

Namjoon turned his head to look at her and cocked his head ever so slightly as he looked at the younger girl in front of him.  She was still in her soaking dress as Jimin was still in his suit, the small amount of make-up she had on (courtesy of one of Jin's part time girls) slowly smudged around her eyes.  

"Well, the matter didn't concern, you.  I didn't have to tell you everything or you might not have helped us at all.  Considering you are still new to this whole thing."  Namjoon calmly told her.

"So you lied to me?  What else have you lied to me about?"  Ally asked him her voice growing slightly louder.  

"I don't have to tell you anything!  You are nothing here, you work for me now.  Welcome to the world of gangs Alison, it is not a nice place and we are not good people.  You better wise up your little damsel in distress act because as far as you're concerned you now belong to me.  I own you and  you can damn well forget about going home because you're not."  Namjoon snapped, rising up from his chair.  "You don't think I've noticed how you're watching the exits and looking for ways out.  You want us to be nice to you and treat you fairly, then you better get your shit together and be like one of us."

"You have no right to keep me here."  Ally argued back.  "I promised to help you.  I have and have done what you've told me to, I co-operated.  I think I deserve a little bit of freedom."

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