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Quick AN:// I am so sorry haha I have no excuse...well I have one...I was in Dubai visiting my older sister who lives out there so I didn't get a lot of chance to write also I just found this chapter really hard to write for some reason...also my job is stressing me out so much. I work with babies in a daycare. So I hope you're all still there and reading, thank you for getting this story to 66.5k reads I could cry with how grateful I am.


"Don't freeze on me." Jimin laughed as he escorted Ally into the busy reception room of a fancy embassy. His hand ghosted the small of her back as they approached a lonely steward.

"I won't if you don't." Ally muttered under her breath as the man turned to them face and gently bowed. The two respectfully copying his actions.

"You're invitation please." He said politely, slightly outstreaching his white gloved hand.

Jimin tucked his hand inside his suit jacket and pulled out a small rectangular shape card. He passed it over to the steward who inspected it closely.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Lee. Do enjoy the party." He moved out of the way to allow them to pass without a doubt.

Guests milled about the entrance hall and made small talk with each other. Men dressed in tuxedos moved about like water between the invited guests holding trays filled with champagne in crystal flutes and various little entreés. Ally allowed her eyes to wander as she observed the behaviour of the rich elite of Korea. Jimin remained close by playing the part of the loving husband.

Light orchestral music played in the background setting the ambiance. Four young men and women (two of each) who if Ally had to wager a guess, she'd say they looked no older than 25, played various string instruments too absorbed in the music to notice the other guests.

Jimin quickly scooped up two glasses from the tray of a passing waiter and passed one off to Ally who wrinkled her nose as she smelt the bitterness of the bubbily, golden drink she now held in her possession.

Jimin gently turned Ally sideways to introduce her to another couple who had came over to chat. "This is my wife, Soo-Hee." He smiled looking at her fondly.

"Pleasure to meet you." Ally politely addressed the couple. They were middle-aged, very polite and formal and keen to meet new people who attended these parties.

To anyone else Ally and Jimin looked like a happily married couple, however they were anything but. Ally wanted nothing more than to rip off the blonde wig she had been forced to wear straight off her head, but she couldn't do that. She was here for a job. Inside this illustrious embassy there was a safe, her and Jimin were tasked with infiltrating the party and stealing the conrents of the safe - no suspicions, no casualties, Namjoon had warned. The hard part was getting in and out, the place was heavily guarded. Jimin was very calm, a small smirk on his face as he observed the room.

"Do you see what I see?" He asked Ally casually as he took a small sip from his glass.

Ally glanced around and looked through her peripheral vision. She took a quick mental note of the camera and guards. Jimin watched her with curiosity as he observed her examining the room. "Several security cameras, a guard stationed at the main staircase and two guards by the side doors. I'm guessing the safe isn't on this floor."

"Good girl, you're learning." Jimin praised as the two spoke in hushed tones to avoid suspicion. A small blush radiated Ally's cheeks as she listened to the compliment. An embarressed laugh quickly left her mouth. Biting her bottom lip she gently shook her head. Jimin smiled at her, gentky pulling the drink from her hand and placing both of their glasses onto the nearest side table and moved them both away.

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