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Scott nuzzled into Mitch's neck, arms wrapped tightly around his friend. The duo were on a live stream with their fans and were just having fun when Scott decided he needed to be affectionate right then. He was an overly affectionate person, especially with Mitch, and his brunette best friend was more affectionate off cameras. But even though Mitch was currently pulling a disgusted face and saying 'ew', Scott knew that Mitch was content in his arms, from the way the brunette relaxed slightly - not enough to tell from an outside perspective but enough for Scott to tell. 

The live stream continued for a while after that with a few jokes locked in there about their 'relationship' but Scott wouldn't give it up for anything. Scott loved joking with his best friend and teasing their fans, except he wouldn't if he knew how much it hurt Mitch's feelings. Mitch loved affectionate Scott - but the Scomiche jokes took a toll out of him, it really hurt him emotionally because Scott was joking, whereas Mitch went to sleep every night on thoughts of them progressing into a relationship once more. 

After the live stream ended Mitch went to walk to the mini bar but before he could Scott pulled him onto his lap and carried him to one of the beds, wanting more affectionate snuggles. Mitch didn't complain, no matter how hard his heart burned at the fact that Scott didn't love him, not like Mitch did Scott anyways. Mitch didn't know how much Scott truly adored him. Mitch went to move out of Scott's arms but the blonde tightened his grip around the brunette, not wanting Mitch to leave him. 

Mitch resisted the grip causing Scott to speak up sadly, from where he'd buried his face in Mitch's neck. "Mitchy, don't leave me, please," Scott spoke so sullenly, with tears dripping onto Mitch's neck, that Mitch froze, having not heard Scott be so sad in a very long time. Mitch fought Scott's arms even more causing Scott to sadly let go, believing that Mitch was leaving him, but the brunette just rolled over - now having that option since Scott let go - and wrapped his arms around Scott, pulling the blonde into his chest and holding him as tight as possible.

Scott just whimpered and pushed himself closer to Mitch causing the brunette to speak up, worried beyond a shadow of a doubt about Scott's well-being. "Aww, honey, what's wrong? You were fine during the stream, what happened?" Mitch spoke softly, running his hand up and down Scott's spine (that's a squiggly line). Scott whimpered again, wrapping his hands slightly tighter around his lovable best friend.

"You're leaving me. I can't live without you, Mitchy. I love you so much more than you'll ever know. It hurts that you don't love me as much as I love you, babe," Scott spoke so quietly it was like a mouse talking. Mitch's heart broke so painfully he was sure that Scott could both feel and hear it.

"I'm not leaving, Scotty, not now and now ever, how did you even come to that? I love you so much more than I should, too, baby. You don't even know," Mitch spoke gently, wanting to get his point across to the blonde, but not wanting to disturb their peaceful tranquillity. 

Scott pulled his face out and wiped his eyes before burying his face back into Mitch and speaking up once more, "you're always trying to leave me, whether it be for a few minutes - which feels like centuries - or for a few hours or more, it just hurts, Mitchy. If you want to go, just go, don't pull it out cos you feel guilty," he spoke before pulling off of Mitch and turning away from him. Mitch just rolled his eyes and wrapped him arms around Scott from behind, in a spoon position. Scott linked Mitch's hand through his own before turning onto his back allowing Mitch to rest his head on the blonde's chest gently.

"I only wanted you to let go so I could get a drink, then you know I'd come right back to your arms. Those arms of yours are my home, and yes we have a house together, but it's you that is my home, nothing is going to change that. You'll never be rid of me because the thought of being away from you makes me want to rip my esophagus out and stab myself in the face. I couldn't process being away from you. I love you, Scotty, nothing will ever change that fact," Mitch spoke gently, snuggling himself down into his best friend. 

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