Worst Alpha Ever

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Scott and Mitch had a thing, they were really close and acted like they were together, but Scott hadn't made the claim on him. So, Mitch was basically an unmarked Omega, which was a dangerous fate. Anything could happen to unmarked Omega's, especially males. 

Mitch is in love with Scott, no doubt about it, but he guessed Scott didn't love him like that, and he was alright with that... he thinks. Mitch was the only Omega in the pack, there was Kevin - the Beta - and two Alpha's, Avi and Scott. Scott was the newest member to the pack because it was just Avi, Kevin and Mitch to begin with.

Scott didn't love anyone more than Mitch. He really did love him and wanted to mark him, make him his. But that was going to change. Everything will change so fast and it'll destroy Mitch.

"Pack meeting," Avi shouted from the living room, causing all the family to come out, except Mitch as he was just finishing changing after his shower. They waited a few minutes until Mitch came out with a sorry look on his face. 

"Sorry, Alpha, I had just gotten out of the shower when you called, I apologise for being tardy," Mitch spoke, bowing his head - Avi hated him going into forgiveness unless he asked him - in respect. Avi smiled and walked to his Omega and wrapping him in a gentle hug. Mitch hugged back, happy he wasn't in trouble.

"It's alright, Mitchy. I just wanted to tell you all something. Go sit with the others so I can discuss something I think you might like," Avi spoke as he pulled away and gestured to the couches. Mitch followed the instruction without a pause and sat in between Scott and Kevin, the Beta gently hugging around his shoulders in greeting as Avi began speaking.

"Okay, so, I know we haven't talked too much about this, but we're getting a new pack member. She is called Kirstin and she is an Omega, like you Mitchy, but she only graduated last week so she is quite younger than you. However, I am giving her a week to get settled in before she has chores. I'll call Mitchy in to help me decide which chores she shall do, based on what you learnt in Omega school. Her bedroom needs dusting and vaccumming, Mitch, if you could do that, I'll do the dishes after breakfast and I'll make lunch in exchange, alright?" Avi spoke, getting as much information out as possible before speaking directly to his favourite Omega.

"Yes, sir, but I can still do the dishes and lunch too, I don't mind, I know you're busy with your senior Alpha duties," Mitch spoke softly, smiling up at his senior Alpha.

"It's alright, Mitchy, you have so many chores, I don't mind loosening your load every once in a while," Avi spoke, his heart melting at how sweet Mitch always was. 

"Now, she'll arrive in an hour, I know you were going to ask, Kev. I'll show you and Scott her file later, but that's everything, Mitch come with me," Avi spoke before holding his hand out to his Omega. Mitch grabbed his hand, happily and let himself be led into Avi's office. 

Kevin and Scott went back to what they were doing, Kevin reading and Scott making his way back to their home gym to continue his workout. Avi sat down and gestured Mitch to sit with him. He pulled a wheeled white board towards him and wrote Mitch and Kirstin's names at the top with a line between them to write two different lists about the chores lists.

He handed the pen to Mitch and watched as he thought for a moment before beginning his own list before moving to Kirstin's. Avi noted that his list was considerably longer than Kirstins was, but he waited until the Omega sat down before discussing it. "How come your list is longer than Kirstins, by almost twelve jobs?" Avi asked his Omega. 

Mitch looked down at his lap in sadness before looking at Avi, knowing the Alpha loved eye contact when talking. "Male Omegas, as rare as we are, are seen as the lowest of the lowest rank, we're the underdogs and no one wants to have them as Omegas. We're seen as playthings for Alphas, whereas, females are more cherished, although they are seen as physically weaker just because of their gender. I don't like it, but it's just the basic rules. Additionally, I am older so I should have more chores than I have, but I couldn't think of anything else that you ask me to do, sir," Mitch spoke softly, his eyes still emitting sadness. 

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