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Scott slipped into Mitch's bed late one summer night. They'd barely seen each other the past week and it was really hard on Scott's mental health. He just needed his best friend even as the brunette slept. He gently wrapped his hand around Mitch's waist and pressed three kisses to the back of his head before the scent of his best friend, his home, calmed his nerves allowing him to sleep.

The next morning Mitch woke first and turned to face Scott before burying his face under the chin of his blonde best friend. He didn't know why Scott joined him in slumber, but he loved it. He figured today was to be their day, the day they spend together each week. They had made it a thing to spend an entire day with just each other when they were twelve and they hadn't once missed it - they always found a way to spend the day together.

Mitch turned and reached over to his bedside table to grab his phone causing Scott to tighten his grip around his best friend and wake up from his not so deep slumber. "Mitchy, don't leave," Scott murmured pulling him tightly and pressing a kiss to the back of his neck. Mitch relaxed into the embrace and turned back to face him and wrapping his own arms around him.

"I wasn't, love, I was just grabbing my phone to post-mate food for us," Mitch spoke before leaning forward to press a kiss to his best friends neck. This action caused Scott to giggle as it tickled his beard slightly. Mitch stayed in that position for a moment before unlocking his phone and beginning to order I-hop and Starbucks. Scott kept a tight grip on Mitch - so tight it almost felt suffocating but Mitch loved it because Scott wouldn't hurt him and he felt safe and protected in his embrace.

"Mhmm, what have you ordered?" Scott asked gently although he didn't really care, he'd much rather be buried deeply into his best friend like he was right then. Mitch knew what he was thinking, however, so he knew today would be a home-friend day instead of going shopping or something akin to going out of the house.

"I-hop and Starbies as usual," Mitch spoke snuggling back into his best friend. As much as he pretended to not enjoy it, especially on camera, he really did adore being in his best friends arms and cuddling up with him, he didn't know how much Scott knew he enjoyed it but figured he knew at least a little how much he liked being in his arms. Mitch gently pressed a kiss to Scott's chest gently as he laid in his embrace. 

"Stay home?" Scott asked softly, happy that Mitch seemed content in his arms. Mitch just nodded and continued to lay there until he got a notification that the food were to arrive soon. He gently pulled away and walked to his closet and pulled out one of Scott's sweaters, one that went mysteriously missing when Mitch last did the washing - three weeks ago - before slipping it on and slipping into some leggings, fully aware Scott was watching in shock. 

"What sweater?" Mitch asked as he walked towards the door turning with a smirk and a wink to look at his best friend.

"I'm just gonna buy two of all my clothes so it doesn't matter if you steal them," Scott spoke with a laugh at seeing Mitch's pouting face. "I'm joking, I love when you wear my clothes and I'll eventually just steal them back when you buy more and your closet overflows," Scott spoke as he stood up and walked over to Mitch, wrapping his arms around him in a gentle hug. He pressed a kiss to the top of Mitch's head before pulling back and beginning to walk to his own room to get dressed into home body clothes.

Mitch watched him leave with a sad smile. Everything seemed so bittersweet between them lately. Scott, as always, was really sweet to him and always was really affectionate and loving, but he was busy with others all the time, he was spread so threadbare that Mitch was anticipating their days being cut when it came around each week and it was so bitter-tasting to Mitch, I mean, this had been something they'd always done, just dedicating a day to themselves to rejuvenate and to relax with the person they trusted the most and the thought of it being so close to being the last time they do anything like this made Mitch want to rip out his hair. He walked down to their living room and just sat there staring at a blank TV screen lost in thoughts about past days and how unlikely it seemed that there would be another in the near future.

"You know, to actually watch something you need to turn the TV on, babe," Scott said causing Mitch to jump as he came out of his thoughts. He turned to Scott who frowned and walked forward and grabbed his cheeks and gently thumbed the tears he hadn't known had fallen away. "Don't cry, it was a joke, why are you crying, angel?" Scott asked worried out of his mind. Mitch was fine a few minutes ago, right? What was wrong with his little fire cracker?

"It's nothing, Scotty, I'm fine," Mitch spoke extremely unconvincingly, nothing could fool Scott because the blonde knew the brunette inside and out. Scott just raised an eyebrow at Mitch's words, not believing a single syllable except his name. "It's just... Are we always gonna have these days?" Mitch asked so softly his lips barely moved and Scott thought he'd imagined them, but the look in Mitch's eyes showed him he hadn't imagined them, causing him to frown in confusion and worry. He sat next to Mitch, still holding him, but his hands having moved to rest on Mitch's lap and hold Mitch's hands in his own.

"Yes, just like we'll always be best friends and as close as we are now, if not more, these days are something I couldn't function without, they mean the world to me, but nothing means more in all of existence than you do, you're my everything, Mitchy and if there is one thing I know, it's that nothing between us is ever going to change no matter what. Us has been a constant for my entire life and I know if that were to ever sever I'd not be able to function. We always say we're each other's soulmates and our other halves but you are my entire being, I'm who I am as a person because of you, you're my everything, Mitch and nothing will change that. What brought this on?" Scott asked looking directly into Mitch's eyes the entire time he talked, just to make sure the brunette had heard and understood his words. Mitch continued to cry at Scott's words but at the end his heart broke as sobs overcame him. He allowed the blonde to pull him onto his lap and rock him comfortingly as he whispered comforting words.

"It's just... You've been so busy and working on so much, I'm so proud of you but all my mind says is that today is one of the last days we'll spend together like this, that you'll find something better and then I'd lose the most important thing to me. It'd break me, I can't lose you. Even if you decided to move out, I couldn't do it, I couldn't see you at rehearsals and know we aren't as close anymore. I'd have to make some heartbreaking decisions that I can't even fathom, but losing you would kill me. My mind won't shut up about it, and now I'm an ugly crying mess..." Mitch said but was cut off by Scott leaning and pressing a kiss to his lips gently but firmly. Scott couldn't stand to hear this but for Mitch to think these thoughts day in and out each and every day. Some best friend he was if Mitch was feeling like this and he did nothing to make him forget those feelings. Mitch kissed back, they were best friends and that's how it would stay, but Scott's lips were heavenly and he already knew he adored the blonde more than words can ever say.

Scott pulled back and just looked at the best friend on his lap with soft loving eyes just as the doorbell rang. He gently placed Mitch on the couch before going to get their food. He tipped the delivery person before going back to his best friend, discarding the food on the coffee table, and pulling him back into his arms, this time so his back was on one arm of the couch and his legs went across the seats. Mitch slipped between his thighs and slotted directly into him, like he was made for Scott's embrace and they both felt he definitely was. "Listen to me, ignore those voices in your head. I promise you, I need these days much more than you could fathom, without them I'd be so overworked and stressed you may as well call me Stressed Scotty. I promise these days aren't ending until one or both of us decease. I'd never leave you, and if I do, I'd be back soon. I may have been with lots of other people lately, but you hold my heart and soul. One message and I'd be on my way home, no matter where I am. You are my top priority. Nothing means more to me than your mental health, please don't listen to your voices, I'd rather be with you than anyone else at any point in the day. If I had to choose between working with Bey or being here with you, like this, curled up together on the couch and just relaxing, I'd choose you a hundred times. Nothing can ever break us up, alright? We're Scomiche and our friendship is stronger than the gravity holding us on earth," Scott spoke gently and slowly, just wanting to let each word sink into his best friend. 

Mitch nodded slowly, causing Scott to smile before they dished out their food and began eating together in relative silence, just basking in each others' presence happily. They didn't have to talk to know what each other were thinking and just being in each others' presence caused them to relax, even if they didn't converse and were just there. And neither would change a moment between them because these slow moments, the silent moments where they can just relax and reflect on themselves, those moments mean the world to them.

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