Daddy, Little, Death

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When Scott and Mitch began this relationship, everything was perfect, Mitch felt loved and protected and he was able to regress whenever he wanted because he knew that Scott would take care of him. Yes, Mitch age regressed from his normal age of twenty five to the age of four to six years old and Scott looked after him, they had been best friends for fifteen years and Mitch always felt safest with Scott so he looked to him for love and protection from the world when he regressed.

It was all going well until Scott brought home another little who'd been his friend for a couple of years but had just split up with his care giver. Scott ended up taking care of this other little more than Mitch because this little regressed to one to two years old and needed more attention. This little was called Melanie and Scott just ended up adoring her. One day when she was in big space, she went shopping with one of her friends and called Scott asking if her friend could move in because he'd just lost his care giver too. Scott said yes, not even thinking of asking Mitch, the person who actually paid for the house, for permission.

Melanie came back with a man causing Mitch to raise an eyebrow from where he was sat on the couch watching Jeremy Kyle. "Hi Melanie, who is your friend and why is he in my house?" Mitch asked, standing to hug Melanie.

"Oh, daddy said Alex could move in because he just lost his care giver when they split up, so here he is,"Melanie spoke, causing Mitch's heart to ache. Scott just invited someone to stay in his house? Without his permission? He needed to speak with him.

"Oh, okay, how old are you, Alex?" Mitch asked his new roommate.

"I'm twenty three but my little age is six to eighteen months," Alex spoke causing Mitch to nod.

"I need to go talk to Scott, but you can watch what you want. Scott has to show you the rules so at the minute you can watch anything. But don't watch Harry Potter, I'm halfway through it and it's saved where I am," Mitch spoke before turning to leave and making his way to Scott's office.

He walked in, even though Scott didn't let anyone in there and slammed his hands down on the desk in front of him. He was not happy. "Mitch, why are you in here?" Scott asked, jumping from Mitch's actions.

"Thanks for the warning, Melanie has her friend living in my house. You know the one I pay for?" Mitch spoke angrily before turning and going to leave. Scott wrapped his arms around Mitch's waist and turned him around to look at him before pulling him into a hug.

"It won't be long, Mitchy, I prom..." Scott started but Mitch cut him off.

"Don't try to promise, you said that about Melanie and now she's been here over a year without paying any rent," Mitch spoke, not that he needed the rent money because his career as a singer was awesome and he got a lot of views and listeners and buyers.

"Mitch, they just lost their care givers, Mel's one of my best friends and I just want her to be happy," Scott spoke, holding Mitch tightly, truly missing having the brunette in his arms. They didn't spend a lot of time together anymore.

"You need to tell him the rules. His little age is six to eighteen months and yes, I know, I'm the oldest and more responsible," Mitch spoke pulling out of the hug and pressing a kiss to Scott's cheek before turning to leave.

"I love you," Scott spoke softly, grabbing Mitch's hand and a notebook and leaving the room with him.

"I love you too," Mitch spoke softly, resting his head on Scott's shoulder gently as they got into the living room where the other little's were.

"Okay, hi, Alex, I'm Scott and I'm Mitch's care giver. You can stay here as long as you wish, as long as you follow all of my rules. Mel, I've been going through your rules and changed them too. I also changed some of Mitch's but he can check them later," Scott spoke sitting on his part of the couch and pulling Mitch onto his lap. Mitch relaxed into Scott, genuinely missing being there.

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