IDK what to call this

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I made this like three years ago - I don't know how to end this nor what to call it (as the title states)

Mitch grabbed Scott's hand tightly, not caring that Scott was talking with his boyfriend, before burying his face in his friend's chest, using Scott's scent to calm himself down. Scott's boyfriend looked at Mitch in disgust when Scott looked down at his best friend, not completely knowing what was happening. Was Mitch mid panic attack? Did he just want a hug? Was he wanting to be taken home? There was so much that could be happening and it worried the blonde to no ends of the earth. 

Scott squeezed Mitch's hand once in question and got a squeeze and a tap on the back of the hand back, showing that Mitch wasn't feeling good with the amount of people at Kirstie's party. Scott immediately took note of this and made an escape route. He gently picked Mitch up on his hip, Mitch burying his face in Scott's neck, and walked towards Kirstie's stairs. On the way there the rest of the band joined him and followed him upstairs to the bedroom that Scott and Mitch share when they sleep at Kirstie's. 

Scott sat on the bed he usually uses before shrugging off his jacket and pulling it around his best friend before wrapping him up tightly. Kevin, Matt and Kirstie went and sat on the other bed, Mitch's bed, so as to not over bear the second youngest member of the band. Avi, who'd been at the party and noticed Scott carrying Mitch upstairs, walked in and knelt in front of Mitch, knowing how much Mitch had been needing and using him for comfort recently.

Avi placed his hand on Mitch's back causing Mitch to turn and see who it was, and after seeing Avi he turned on Scott's lap, pulling his best friend's arms tighter around him, gesturing to Scott to not let go, before leaning into Avi's chest and wrapping his arms around his favourite bass' shoulders as Avi held him tightly as tears began falling down his face. 

"Shhh, Mitchy, it's okay, I got you. Scott's right here and so are the rest of your band, they love you Mitchy, I promise," Avi spoke quietly, but the rest of the band heard him anyways. "It's just us, baby, no one else, you're safe, he isn't here, I promise. I wouldn't let him be here, you know that, calm down baby, you're safe," he continued, worrying the others who had no idea what Avi was referring to.

Mitch pulled his face away, looking at Avi with large doe eyes, to ensure he was telling the truth, "you promise?" Mitch asked in a child-like voice of worry and panic. Avi looked Mitch in the eyes before leaning his hands up to brush Mitch's tears away.

"Oh, honey, I've been telling you for a while now that I'll protect you, and I know that Scott will too. I'm assuming from their confused looks you still haven't told them? Do they know anything?" Avi asked gently.

"I can't Avi, it'll only get worse. I shouldn't have even told you, I deserve it anyways, it's my own fault that..." Mitch spoke but was cut off by Avi's lips, shocking the rest of the band, except perhaps Matt who didn't know Avi as well as the others, who believed he was straight. He wasn't, but he also wasn't one for labels. Mitch relaxed with Avi's actions.

When the bearded dragon pulled away he kept Mitch's eyes locked with his own before speaking to him, "how many times must I tell you that it is NOT your fault, baby? You don't deserve anything that happens to you, I promise and I know that you know that deep inside."

"Can we know what this is about?" Kevin spoke up gently, causing Avi to look at him for a second before turning back to Mitch.

"I promise, they'll believe you, and they'll tell you exactly what I did all those months ago when you told me and I told you to tell them. They love you, Mitchy, I know that much," Avi spoke, advising Mitch to tell them.

Mitch tightened Scott's arms around him, them having loosened slightly and him being scared of Scott wanting to leave. Scott, knowing what Mitch was thinking, wrapped his arms around Mitch as tight as he could without winding his best friend. It was a sign that he was here and ready to listen, it was a sign of love and friendship and a sign of protectiveness and hopefulness. It was a sign of Scott's love for Mitch, a love that overpowers any and all love Scott has in his heart for anyone else, except maybe his family.

Mitch turned and placed a kiss on Scott's cheek before looking at the rest of the band, grabbing Avi's hand and squeezing tightly. "You know how I've been acting strange recently, not taking up literally any social interactions and such?" Mitch asked gently. Kirstie nodded, having asked Mitch multiple times to go shopping or hang out with her. Scott's arms tightened slightly, not knowing if he wanted to know what Mitch was going to say, it felt too pressuring how Avi practically told Mitch what to do.

"Well, I'm not exactly allowed to. He doesn't let me. I have a set schedule for everything I have to do and if I mess up then I get messed up," Mitch spoke, tightening his grip on Avi's hand.

"What do you mean, Mitchy?" Kevin asked, hoping his assumptions weren't true.

"I get it beaten into me, Kev. Everything I do wrong, that Avi says isn't wrong but why else would it happen? It's my 'boyfriend' guys. He's really not the person I, or anyone, thought he is. The incident I was talking with dragon about was when he had to take me to hospital as I turned up on his doorstep almost dead, around a month ago. Scott it was when you went home with Mark, so you didn't know about it. Avi stayed at ours the whole time with me, I didn't want to be alone or bother anyone so I practically begged him to stay," Mitch spoke, turning and kissing Avi's cheek. He was so thankful of his friend that he was there for him all the time, even though he left the band all those months ago.

Kirstie forgot why she was sat so far away and practically leapt over to Mitch. She wrapped he arms around her best friend as tears fell down her face. She continued to cry as she crawled on top of Mitch's lap, barely any weight was added to the little amount on Scott's lap, seeing as both Mitch and Kirstie were extremely light weight.

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