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Everything was a decision. An individual turns left instead of right, a child chooses orange juice over apple juice or even choosing to be kind or mean. It was always a decision. Everyone makes decisions, whether consciously or even subconsciously and sometimes these decisions hurt others, but sometimes they hurt yourself. For example, choosing one person over someone else could hurt the person not chosen - such as a mother choosing to take one twin to the shop instead of the other. However, choosing to turn something down could cause self-hurt as it could lead to regret and a decrease in self-esteem from the regret. But, that's too dreary of a thought, decisions are usually good - only occasionally bad. 

But, enough of that, maybe I should explain the story line of this book.

Scott made decisions all of the time. Sometimes they were great - such as his decision to start Pentatonix - but sometimes they were bad - such as deciding to pull his best friend into Pentatonix (this definitely not being a regretful decision, he loves Mitch) and making him miss his graduation - which he knew Mitch didn't really care for such parties but he still felt bad.

But sometimes decisions put him in bad situations. Like the decision that put him in the deepest and hardest situation. Let me explain...

Scott walked into the living area of the tour bus and looked around. All his band mates and his boyfriend were laid on the couches and there were two spaces left, one next to his boyfriend and one where he could lay on top of his best friend who just looked so snuggly and cuddly. Ahh, decisions, decisions. What ever should he do?

Although, that wasn't so much of a question, of course he would lay with Mitch. Nothing would ever change how much he adored snuggling and cuddling with his best friend. It could not be changed, Mitch was his favourite person to be with without a shadow of a doubt. Scott's mind was made, although it was one of the easiest decisions he'd ever had to make - he'd never chose anyone over Mitch, never. 

Scott walked over to Mitch's couch and laid down gently atop of his best friend, well, gently until Mitch pulled him down. Scott's arms wrapped around his best friend tightly, cuddling him tightly and burying his nose into his best friends' neck gently, taking his scent in and relaxing more than he would have or would ever with anyone else. Mitch spread his legs so Scott's fell between his own and relaxed under his best friend, knowing that Scott was with him was one of the most calming things to him. 

Alex look on enviously. Why does Scott always cuddle with Mitch, and never him? Why does his boyfriend spend more time with his 'best friend' than him, his boyfriend. Alex stood up abruptly causing everyone to look at him questioningly. "Scott, can we talk?" Alex asked, gesturing for the blonde to follow but he didn't.

"I'm not moving, anything you wanna say can be said in front of my best friends," Scott spoke, snuggling closer to his best friend - craving the affection Mitch gave him so easily.

"You need to choose," Alex spoke. Scott turned his head towards his boyfriend in question. What was he referring to.

"Can I have more information please?" Scott asked, his hands drawing hearts on his best friends' back. 

"You need to choose, me or him. I'm sick of you choosing to cuddle him, instead of me. Your decisions to be so close to that thing beneath you is not good decisions. So, I'll give you an ultimatum, it's me or him," Alex spoke, truly believing his argument will get Scott to choose him.

"Mitch, now, get off my tour bus," Scott spoke before snuggling back into his best friend. What a stupid thought, that he'd choose anyone over Mitch. Not in a billion years. 

"What? You'd choose him over me? I'm your boyfriend, Scott, you have to choose me," Alex half-shouted causing Scott to groan and get off of Mitch gently - however, it was extremely reluctantly.

Scott stood in front of Alex, his best friends watching their movements. Mitch sat up and without even looking, Scott moved his hand back and grabbed Mitch's - holding his best friends' hand gently. "I'd choose Mitchy over anybody. He's my best friend, I love him with my entire being, Alex. I've never loved anyone as much as I adore him. Besides, you just stuffed the chance at being with me by trying to stop me from being friends with him. That ultimatum not only cost you four of the greatest friends in the universe, but also a boyfriend with thousands of followers online who could easily post about this and cause you to lose all credit you had gained being with me in the first place. Now, get the fuck off of my bus before I call the cops on your ass for trespassing," Scott spoke angrily. He hated that anyone could think of him not being with Mitch. How could he be away from his best friend? It was physically impossible to stay away. 

Scott turned back to Mitch and practically fell onto him. The duo laid back down together, buried into each other and just basking in each other. It wasn't the first time this ever happened and it certainly wouldn't be the last, but Scott's decision to stay with Mitch was still one he'd never regret having. He didn't even feel sadness at losing his boyfriend, he just felt the relief that there's no pressure to keep away from his best friend.

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