Are We Soulmates?

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"Are you each others' soulmates?" Mitch asked Scott during Superfruit. It was a Q and A because of tiredness and lack of time, so they just asked the kids for questions. They didn't mind as long as they got content and the kids loved learning about their 'saviours'.

"Well, define soulmates, like does it mean we're gonna be lovers and get married? 'cause I do think we're soulmates, our souls are like very in sync," Scott spoke in reply of the question. He didn't realise how that differs from what Mitch truly thought about it, but this was how he truly felt. He adored Mitch and they were always so close and he truly believed he'd met him when they were ten... or was it eight? for a reason, because they were soulmates and couldn't live apart.

They continued the video and did their weekly obsessions before singing goodbye before finishing. Scott turned the camera off before leaving towards his bedroom, not a word said to his best friend. He knew that Mitch wasn't feeling anything strongly towards them being soulmates, he knew his best friend more than he knew himself and it wasn't hard to tell he'd chosen that question to just tease the kids, but it hurt. A lot more than he thought it would, he just had to get out.

Scott closed his door before stripping and crawling into bed, tears beginning to roll down his face, he just felt so much love and adoration for his best friend but felt nothing in return and pretending and hurting non-stop was just so tiring that all he could think to do was cry. He knew Mitch was going out so he knew he'd have a while to cry to himself. Mitch walked past Scott's room and into his own before changing into the already planned clothes and grabbing his essentials - keys, phone, wallet, etc - before putting them into his Celine bag and going to Scott's room. He knocked on the door, something that didn't happen often in their household, he just felt like he should right then.

Scott sat up, wiped his eyes before walking to the door and opening it, wrapping his arms around Mitch before the brunette got the chance to speak. "Have fun, Mitchy, love you," Scott spoke as he felt the brunette's arms wrap around his waist. Mitch held Scott tightly, loving how together they felt and how their bodies fit together so nicely. 

"I will, you sure you don't wanna come?" Mitch asked gently, placing a kiss to Scott's chest gently. Scott pressed a kiss to the top of his best friends head before pulling back. He shook his head before gesturing his best friend to go. Mitch pressed a gentle kiss to his best friends' cheek before leaving. Scott turned and went back to his bed and just continued his cry, the entire time Mitch was gone - over seven hours.

When Mitch came back, he'd only had one glass of wine the entire time, it wasn't fun drinking without your best friend so he'd just stayed with their band mates the entire time, using Avi as the usual arm candy Scott was to keep the boys away. Avi didn't complain, he was close friends with Mitch and if he'd let Mitch out of his sight for even a minute and he got hurt, Scott would murder him. When he walked in all he heard was sniffles and whimpers from his best friend, but he wasn't too worried, he knew if something was bad that he'd feel it himself, their souls were extremely connected and their pain was felt by the other. 

Mitch went to the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water before grabbing Scott's sweater off of the back of the couch before stripping and slipping on his best friends' clothes. He went back to the door and locked it before grabbing the bottles and his cell before making his way to his blonde's room and letting himself in. His heart broke at the sign of his best friend sobbing so pathetically into his pillow. He crawled over the bed and moved the pillow and helping Scott sit up. He opened one of the water bottles and helped him sip it a few times before replacing the lid and placing both bottles and his phone on the night stand before pulling his best friend to him.

"Scotty, you're alright, princess, I'm right here. Calm down, love, you're safe," Mitch whispered gently as he rocked his best friend slowly, one hand running up and down the squiggly line the blonde called his spine. Scott just took in his presence and managed to calm down immensely, very quickly.

"Love you," Scott whispered quietly to his best friend, moving so he was laid in between the smaller man's thighs and head buried in his neck. Scott slipped his arms under his best friend and Mitch's arms wrapped around his best friend in return. He may seem like he hated Scott's affection on camera - often pulling a face or flinching when he was being hugged - but he adored it. It reminded him of Scott's love and protection and those arms were his biggest safety, wrapped in them nothing could hurt him, so it seemed. 

"I love you too, baby, what's wrong?" he asked softly, not wanting to harm his best friend or hurt him even more than he was already feeling. Scott just shrugged, honestly feeling so tired that the scent of his best friend, the safety and protection of the arms just made him want to sleep.

"Tired," Scott mumbled, feeling the pull of sleep wanting to undertake him. Mitch just held him tighter and ran his hand up and down his best friend's back until he felt him completely relax into slumber, they could talk in the morning. He closed his eyes and let himself fall asleep, as well, happy to have Scott in his arms and around him lovingly. 

When Mitch woke in the morning, he smiled, Scott was still wrapped around him - his grip only tightened as they slept together - and the blonde made for a perfect blanket, it provided a safety that might seem deceitful but truly showed the blonde's love for him, it provided a warmth a blanket could only hope to give off and he knew he was loved and protected in those arms, the arms that could never hurt him, even when the owner was in a deep sleep. Mitch didn't care that his legs had gone numb from being spread all night to find space for Scott to fit in between them and snuggle down into Mitch during the night, and besides, Mitch couldn't complain, he adored the blonde and knowing he'd been so upset the night before really hurt him, enough to start talking to him as his soulmate slept. 

"I love you, Scotty, I know you're asleep but I need to tell you. I don't tell you enough, but I adore you and I know you know that. I truly couldn't live without you, I guess that's why fate made you come up to me after performing at CATS but I wouldn't change a moment with you. Except perhaps how long we spent not talking after I broke your precious heart. God I was so mad at myself for doing that, I hated how hurt I'd made you and I'll never forgive myself for it. You're my best friend, Scotty, I love you so much more than you'll ever imagine, a little more than yesterday and a little less than tomorrow, but so much more than I love anyone, including Nel and Mike, and that won't ever change. I don't know completely why you were so down trodden yesterday, but I'm here if you need anything, I'll do my upmost best to help you through whatever you need, love, I promise," Mitch spoke softly to his best friend, Scott listening to every word, heart melting knowing each word was true. 

How could he have forgotten how much Mitch adored him, enough to sob himself almost to sleep about feeling like his best friend didn't love him as much as he did him. Scott had tears falling down onto Mitch's neck, once more, arms tightening - as if that was possible - around Mitch as the brunette held him tighter (again, an impossible feat) in response. He now knew that Scott had heard him and hoped he hadn't hurt him anymore. "Scotty?" he asked softly, the blonde pulling his head out enough to look at his younger best friend, love and happiness being the only emotions in his eyes, before pushing his lips against Mitch - the brunette kissing back with a passion only they had for each other.

Once they pulled apart Scott rest his head on his Mitchy's chest before squeezing him a little tighter. "I love you too, I forgot how much you loved me and after the soulmates question yesterday, I guess my emotions got the better of me. How stupid," Scott spoke softly, not wanting to dampen the love-filled air around them but having to explain to his best friend.

Mitch's face dropped slightly, he knew he should keep his puppy-like friend happy and show love and affection to him, he'd just been busy and not had enough time for such activities recently - something he was going to change - and to know that Scott had doubted and forgotten his love for him, really upset him, even though it was, technically, his fault. Mitch gently lifted Scott's head with his hand causing the blonde to look up at him in confusion. Mitch ran his fingers over Scott's face before moving his hand back around Scott, holding him even tighter.

"Listen, Scotty, don't ever doubt my love for you, I've been busy lately, yes, but nothing is ever gonna change between us, you're my safety, my protection, and the only person I'll ever love. You mean so, so much to me, love, I'm sorry I let you forget that. You are my soulmate, I've always known that, I just passed it off yesterday as a little tease for the kids, they could show how they felt about us. Listen, I wouldn't change you for anyone and no one could ever replace you in my life. You're my entire world, Scott, and I'm sorry you lost sight of that," Mitch spoke softly.

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