Met and greeted who?

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Mitch sighed. He really was feeling out of it. He'd unleashed his other side, Messer, and now, when he was just Mitch, he just felt down and unhole. Everyone had been to see him during meet and greet as he was the first in the queue so he was just sat bored. Until he noticed someone walk in with a few body guards. His mouth dropped and he immediately began hitting Scott who was signing something for a fan. Scott turned to look at him with agitated eyes but Mitch didn't even look his way.

"What Mitch?" he asked grumpily, his fan waiting for his attention to be returned.

"Scott," Mitch spoke in disbelief.

"What?" he asked tiredly.

"Can you see her too, or is it just me hallucinating?" Mitch asked causing Scott to follow his eye line before hitting Kevin who was sat next to him.

"Scott?" Kevin asked, gaining the attention of Avi and Kirstie who looked at Scott.

"You're smart, Kev, do you see Beyonce too, or are we sick?" Scott asked not looking away from Beyonce. The rest of the band looked in the direction and saw her too.

"No, she's real. And she's holding my cello case," Kevin said in confusion. The fans turned before moving aside for Beyonce to move forward, respectfully.

"Hope you don't mind, I signed Beyonce for you, nice name by the way, Kevin," Beyonce spoke before placing the case gently in front of Kevin who immediately opened it in shock.

"I... thank you, not many people know the name of my cello," Kevin said in awe, looking back up at the singer in front of him. Beyonce smiled and turned to look at Scott and Mitch who were holding hands and looking like they'd pass out at her being there.

"I saw your Sup3rfruit cover, what a beautiful mashup of my songs. It brought me to tears and I know I tweeted about it, but I wanted to tell you in person," Beyonce said before holding her hands out for a hug, Mitch feeling like he could faint. "I've been keeping an eye on Pentatonix since the Sing Off, would you maybe want to collab sometime?" Mitch stood and slowly walked into her arms, his whole body shaking with nerves.

"We'd love to collaborate with you," Scott spoke, as the unoffical leader of the group. Beyonce smiled and hugged the rest of the band members after Mitch ended the hug, his anxiety building up. Beyonce wanted to sing with him? He wasn't good enough to even be in the same continent as her let alone the same song.

"Yeah, what do y'all think?" Avi asked looking at the fans who all cheered in excitement at that news. The band talked for a few more minutes with Beyonce before she left. They quickly finished with the fans, not noticing Mitch slipping into a panic attack and leaving for his dressing room. The meet and greet ended so Scott turned to speak with Mitch but found an empty chair.

"Where'd Mitch go?" he asked getting no reply so he stood with the band and went looking for his best friend, hearing him in their dressing room. They all went in and saw him on face time with tears streaming down his face but kept quiet, hearing Austin calm him down.

"Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi, you better not be overthinking the worst about yourself AGAIN. I swear imma come down there and slap you silly if you are. You're the most talented person I know and nothing will change my thoughts on that. Why are you panicking?" Austin spoke with a stern look causing Mitch to take a deep breath and hold it a moment before releasing, looking so much more relaxed.

"I'll remind you to slap me when I get home. Beyonce just walked into out meet and greet and Scott agreed to do a collab with her. I'm not talented enough to be on the same continent as her, let alone the same song. God, her fans are gonna hate me when I fuck up her career," Mitch spoke before smacking his head on the table with a groan.

"Aww, Mitchy. You still don't know how talented you really are, do you?" Austin spoke sadly causing Mitch to whimper out a 'no'. "Tsk, well, I don't kid when I say you are the most talented person in your band, your band agrees, I can see them nodding from here. But seriously, you help so many people and your voice is so angelic and with the control you have over it? Damn, you sound like a baby angel goddess when you sing. Now, Scott come hug him better before I fly down and do it myself," Austin spoke causing Mitch to smile sadly as his best friend came and brought him into a hug, sitting next to him on the vanity bench.

"Thanks Aus, you're the best, I'll talk soon," Mitch said getting a kiss and a wave in return before putting the call down and burying into Scott, the rest of the band leaving them alone.

"You are the most talented person I've ever met, Mitch, and I just met Beyonce. I'm sorry you feel so bad, we don't have to work with her, if you're not up to it, but you know you always feel bad until you've done what you feel bad about, I promise I wouldn't lead you down this road if you weren't up for the task," Scott spoke as he held his best friend tightly. Mitch physically relaxed in Scott's arms, something he always thought of as a safe haven.

"Thanks Scotty. Of course I'll do it, I just panicked, I left after she did," Mitch spoke causing Scott to kiss the top of his head, the duo sitting there for as long as they could before they had to get moving for their performance, which they nailed, as always. 

On stage after the first song, Scott got Kirstie to introduce the before walking up to his best friend and gently pulling out his in ears to speak with him. "You'll be alright, stop worrying, you always rock the stage. Put on a preface if you want, but you'll never fail to show how good you truly are. I love you, so much, go put on a..." Scott started when Kirstie got to introducing him so he pulled his mic closer to his face to speak up. "Hi, guys, you are gonna love this one, and Mitchy here hasn't been feeling well so we need to show how much we love him," Scott spoke gently causing the stadium roof to almost fly off with the amount of fans yelling their love to Mitch who smiled. Scott pulled back the mic and finished whispering to his best friend. "Don't ever forget how loved you truly are, angel. Put on a performance as if you don't get to do it ever again. I love you, don't forget that," he finished his words from before before pulling back to look at Mitch who nodded in response to his words with a smile.

"Aww, thank you, guys. I feel better now. I love you all too, and thanks Scotty for helping me feel better," Mitch spoke into his mic, pushing his in-ears back into his ears softly. The crowd cheered again at the words causing Mitch to laugh.

The concert went on and after the encore and back stage, the rest of the band came up to Mitch and Scott, the latter holding Mitch tightly in his arms and singing his praises. "Do you feel better, Mitch?" Avi asked softly, Mitch turning his head to look at him and holding Scott tightly when the blonde went to pull away.

"It was a fluke in my anxiety and self-doubt. But, again, Scott saw through it and helped me and I'm alright now, thank you," Mitch spoke softly to his other friends and band mates.

"Good, you don't deserve to be in pain," Kevin spoke softly causing Mitch to smile at him.

"I love you all, so much," Mitch spoke causing the other three to join Scott and Mitch's embrace for a while, just holding each other softly and lovingly. Mitch felt surrounded by love and affection and he never felt safer.

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