Short little shots

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Mitch frowned. He was sat alone in his and Scott's shared house for the third time that week, Scott hadn't come home this week at all, and all over his stories was him posting about parties and how much fun he was having with 'the besties'. It hurt, lately, because he didn't feel like Scott wanted to be around him anymore.

He had tears rolling down his face as he cried on the couch where he and Scott used to spend countless hours sitting and laughing together. He grabbed his phone and opened the messages with Scott before typing two words, 'come home' was all he put and Scott answered in less than two seconds.

'Okay, I'm coming' was all he put but Mitch ignored it, slipping to the floor and sobbing his heart off. He just felt so alone and unwanted, but Scott agreeing so quickly really made him feel the emotions he'd blocked out. He grabbed Wyatt as the cat pawed his leg gently trying to see if his mommy was alright.

Scott got home after another ten minutes and walked in to see Mitch talking and crying with Wyatt and his heart broke. He hated when Mitch was sad, the brunette doesn't deserve to be upset. Scott slipped his shoes off before going over and sitting next to Mitch, pulling him onto his lap and holding him tightly, being mindful of their kitty as he didn't want to hurt him. "Shh, baby, I got you," Scott began consoling Mitch until the brunette finally stopped crying, not caring that it took almost fifteen minutes.

Mitch took a few deep breaths before resting his head on Scott's shoulder gently, turning his face to bury into the blonde's neck as Scott tightened his grip on him now that Wyatt had ditched them. "I've got you, baby, what's wrong?" Scott asked softly as he picked Mitch up and began to carry him upstairs, going into his bedroom that he hadn't used in forever.

As he placed Mitch on the bed and turned to go through his closet to change them both for bed Mitch spoke up. "Are you moving out?" he asked softly, but Scott was focused on listening for an answer so he heard it. Scott's head bashed against a shelf as he turned to look at Mitch with wide eyes. He grabbed his loose sweatpants for bed before coming back over to Mitch. 

He bent in front of Mitch and threw his pants next to him. "No, I wouldn't ever do that. I've just had a fun week, before we need to get down to business for work. I'm sorry I let you get this worked up. I never want to move out. I love living with you," Scott spoke softly, looking up into Mitch's eyes and watched the emotions push through his best friend.

"I... I love living with you too, that's why it got to me when the idea that you might be moving out came into my mind.Plus my anxiety has sky rocketed and I didn't have you here to help making it even worse because I was stressing over you and wanting to make sure you're alright," Mitch spoke quietly, tears filling his eyes once more.

"No, baby, don't cry, you don't need to, I'm right here. I didn't know you were feeling so bad otherwise I'd have come home in a heartbeat. You mean ever so much to me and there is never anyone I want to spend time with over you," Scott spoke as he stood and stripped before putting the sweatpants on and helping Mitch strip and putting the shirt he'd just take off over the brunette, it dropping down to his knees. 

He picked Mitch up gently and carried him over before placing him on the bed and tucking him in before crawling in next to him and snuggling down before pulling the brunette into his chest, holding him tightly. "I love you," Mitch whispered softly as he closed his eyes and let the scent of his best friend pull him into a slumber.

"I love you too, so much more than anything in the world. I'm right here, go to sleep, I'll look after you," Scott whispered softly and felt Mitch relax as sleep pulled him under, the brunette finally feeling safe enough to do so knowing that Scott was right there beside him, safe with him. Scott stayed true to his word and watched him for around fifteen minutes before sleep pulled him under too, pulling the brunette close to him before settling into slumber.

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