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AN: I began writing this so long ago that I can't figure out how to finish it... sorry. I am just posting it to clear out the last of my drafts so I can focus on new stories. I'm definitely halfway through writing a long story about Scömark and the proposal (I'm so excited for them) and I'm writing a Mitch X fem-reader  which I can't wait to show you. I'm working on a lot so I just want this one out of here to,focus on the future not the past... enjoy.

Scott climbed on top of Mitch, legs at either side of the brunettes and wrapped him in a big bear hug. "I'll let go in a minute, I just wanted to hug you," the blonde said softly causing Mitch to frown and hold him tightly, arms wrapped around the blonde.

"Don't let go, I love when you hold me, it makes me feel safe and loved," Mitch spoke causing Scott to pull his head back from where he was buried in Mitch's neck. He frowned at Mitch.

"You're always safe with me," he spoke before gently kissing Mitch's cheek and burying back into Mitch, allowing the intoxicating scent of his best friend to begin to lull him into sleep.

"I know, but it makes me feel extra safe, like nothing will ever hurt me when your arms are around me," Mitch said softly, also beginning to fall asleep, feeling safe with his baby. "One," was his final word before sleep overcame him.

The two slept together for a while before Mitch's alarm woke them up for rehearsal. Scott went to get off of Mitch but the brunette clung onto him. Scott smiled and picked the brunette up and carried him to his closet. "You gotta go back in love, get ready, I'll come get you in a few," Scott said placing him down and kissing his forehead. Mitch smiled up at him before hugging Scott softly around the chest and kissing his neck gently.

"Okay, love you," Mitch spoke pulling away and smiling at Scott who smiled back and walked off. "Two," he added in a whisper before getting dressed. Mitch and Scott met back up and went to rehearsal, both happy and relaxed from their time together.

A few weeks later and the band were hanging out at Kevin and Avi's house. Mitch stood and began walking to the kitchen to refill his drink when Scott grabbed his hand, catching the attention of the rest of the band. Mitch turned to look at him as Scott pulled him onto his lap.

Scott's arms came around his waist and held him softly as Kirstie grabbed both of their glasses and going to refill them for them, knowing Scott wouldn't let him go. "You alright, Buckets?" Mitch asked, an arm coming around Scott's shoulder and holding him gently as he relaxed on the blondes lap.

"Yeah. Just wanted a hug," Scott spoke softly before turning back to the conversation he was in the middle of with Kevin as Kirstie handed them both a drink.

"You guys okay? You've been pretty distant lately," Kirstie whispered into Mitch's ear quietly.

Mitch raised an eyebrow as he thought back and realised it was true. He just shrugged his shoulders confused about that thought. "I think so," he spoke softly as he leaned further into Scott, the blonde subconsciously holding him tighter. 'Three' he thought to himself with a soft smile

Kirstie nodded, she knew no matter what they'd be okay. She also knew that no matter what, Scott and Mitch could solve their way through anything that's wrong with them. And so, she went back to her seat and watched Mitch snuggle down into Scott and watched Scott hold him tighter without paying attention to his actions.

She watched as Mitch just laid on Scott for a while without the blonde paying him a second of attention and how... down Mitch seemed to be before sighing. "Hey, Scotty?" Kirstie asked gaining her blonde best friends attention almost instantly.

"Kirst?" He questioned back, worry in his eyes. Kirstie stood and left the room, Scott placing Mitch down next to Kevin and following the silent direction. Mitch laid so his head was on Kevin's lap, the cello boxer beginning to run his hands through Mitch's hair as he spoke with Avi about a new idea for the song they were working on.

Scott followed Kirstie through to Meat and Potatoes' back garden to their swimming pool where Kirstie sat at the edge with her feet in the pool. He sat next to her but crossed his legs in cross cross apple sauce motion, looking at her. The way she was acting, it was kind of freaking him out. "Kirst, what's going on?" He asked her softly causing her to look at him.

"What's wrong with Mitch?" She asked, straight to the point of the conversation. Scott raised an eyebrow in question causing her to sigh. "Scott, he's been looking so down and depressed lately, like all the happiness in him has gone, like he's going to crumble into nothing and I don't know why. I was hoping he'd talked to you about it," she elaborated and explained her question. Scott closed his eyes, yes, he did know what was wrong with Mitch. But it wasn't his place to tell her.

Scott opened his eyes and pulled out his phone and clicked on Mitch's phone number and called the brunette. "Hey, yeah come to the pool," Scott spoke as Mitch picked up the call. He put the phone down a second later and watched the back door as Mitch came out.

Mitch sat next to Scott and laid down placing his head in his lap before speaking up. "Yes?" He asked softly as he felt Scott's arm come around his chest.

"It's not my place to tell you, Kirst, ask him yourself, if he wants to tell you, he will, if not, I won't say anything," Scott spoke softly causing Mitch to smile, he knew he could trust Scott but hearing it aloud always made him happy.

"KK, what's wrong?" Mitch asked her causing her to frown.

"What's wrong? I know you're upset about something, you just don't seem as happy anymore. I mean, you don't have to tell me but please let me know you're okay," Kirstie spoke looking down at Mitch who raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow.

"Honestly, I'm just going through the inner wars. My depression has been up and down lately and it's started affecting my work. There's other stuff but that is the main reason. It's kinda hard to be as happy as usual when all I feel is tired and drained, and I don't want to leave my... or Scott's, bed. I'll be fine, Kirst, maybe not this week but I will be soon. Besides, I have to be, I have a lot of people depending on me. Plus, it's not like this queen is gonna let me be upset for too long, that wouldn't ever happen," Mitch said softly causing Kirstie to widen her eyes at his words. Scott clipped Mitch behind the ear softly at his words causing Mitch to smile up at him to show he was joking.

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