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AN: I know the timings are weird, like the live stream was 2021 not mid 2020. I know. Also... I don't know how to finish the rest of it...

Mitch had been wanting it for a long time, now, but it cost way too much to buy - it was over five thousand dollars. He really wanted a Cartier love bracelet, but he couldn't spend that much on a bracelet that was meant to be given to someone you loved, right? So, Scott - being the good friend he was - went online and ordered the bracelet for his best friend.

The duo had some time off of work for a few weeks so Scott decided to book them a holiday - one to get away from their work and just spend time together. He booked the tickets and hotel before going into his bedroom and beginning to pack. He placed the bracelet in the bottom of the suitcase and placed clothes on top of it just as Mitch walked in from shopping.

"Queen?" Mitch shouted to see if Scott was in or not. He walked through the house to the kitchen for a bottle of water as Scott replied.

"Come to my room, bitch," Scott shouted back, just as Mitch grabbed his water bottle. He carried the few bags he had upstairs and placed them outside his door before walking to Scott's room. 

"You're so rude," Mitch spoke before opening the door. "Where you going?" he added as he walked across the room to wrap his best friend into a hug. 

"We're going to Paris for three weeks. We leave tomorrow, so get packing," Scott spoke, holding his best friend back softly. "How was shopping?" he added softly as they pulled apart.

"For work or?" Mitch asked. "It was just shopping, I honestly didn't enjoy it, which is weird but yeah," he added onto his half question.

"Just wanted to get away for a bit, like an escape or something. Is that alright?" Scott asked softly, looking up from his packing to look at his best friend with a worried look. 

"Of course, love, you know how much mommy loves Paris. Now, are you alright?" Mitch asked, looking up at Scott from where he'd laid on the blonde's bed - his water bottle now resting on Scott's bedside table. Scott walked around the bed before crawling on top of Mitch and laying in between his legs with his head on his shorted best friends' chest. Mitch's arms came around him and held him softly.

"Yeah, I just wanted an electronic free holiday with you. I literally decided it like ten minutes before you came home. Did you buy anything cool? Why didn't you enjoy shopping, you love shopping?" Scott asked, happy to just lay with his friend for a while. He was really nervous to give Mitch his bracelet. He hoped that Mitch would take it well and not think it was weird.

"I dunno, I just got bored and I was with Kirstie and the other girls but they were like getting on really well with little inside jokes so I just felt alone so I came home. Glad I did though, I'd rather be here in your arms. There's nowhere else that I'd rather be," Mitch spoke softly, happy to be buried under his giant best friend.

"Well, I love you being in my arms, it's like you're the perfect size to fit comfortably there, like you belong there, and you one hundred percent do. I'm sorry you felt lonely, I should've come with you," Scott spoke, snuggling his head into Mitch's chest.

"Yeah, it's like I was made to be with you, I'm so glad we met those years ago in CATS. You're my band mate, best friend and my soulmate, not everyone has that, so I'm happy we got that bond," Mitch added. For some reason he was feeling sentimental - and that never happened without quite a bit of alcohol being in him first. His eyes welled up at the thought of them having not met when they were kids and it caused his arms to subconsciously tighten around Scott. He couldn't imagine living without Scott, it broke his heart. 

"Don't cry, Mitchy. I'm here and I always will be, I love you," Scott spoke without even looking up at Mitch and just knowing what he was thinking and feeling. The duo laid there for a few hours, just reminiscing and basking in each other before deciding to finish - for Scott - and begin - for Mitch - packing for their impromptu holiday the following day. 

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