Missing You

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Scott laid out on his couch late one night scrolling through his phone. He'd had a dream of some of his and Mitch's - his best friend in the entire universe - memories and it made him miss his friend even more than he already did. So he'd crawled out of bed, grabbed his phone and made his way to his and Mark's - his boyfriend - couch and was just looking through their photos together, it was an easy thing as he had a folder in his camera roll named 'Scomiche' which is their friendship name. His eyes welled up, he remembered every photo taken, he remembered every memory and he remembered the fact that they weren't as close anymore, and that destroyed him. Mitch had even deleted all pictures of them off of Instagram and that tore through him, the brunette really didn't want to be his friend anymore.

He looked at the time on his phone and saw it was around four thirty in the morning so he went to his bedroom quietly and grabbed some clothes and dressed himself into some of his fanciest clothes, knowing that all of Mitch's friends dressed fancily all the time so deluded himself into keeping their friendship alive by dressing up too, before grabbing a travel case and filling it with clothes. He grabbed his phone charger, his laptop and charger and his camera and charger and placed them in with his clothes, too before silently going back to the lounge. He wrote a note on some paper telling Mark where he was going and how long (around a week) and left it on the coffee table with some money for food - since it was his turn to buy it - before grabbing his car keys, case and leaving.

He locked the door behind him before going to his car and driving off. He drove straight to Mitch's, not caring about the extremely early hour and let himself into the house, having a key since Mitch moved in. He left his case in the car, deciding to fetch it later, and silently let himself into the house. He re-locked the door behind him and went to Mitch's lounge. He just sat on the floor thinking about why he was there, what he was doing, what he was thinking and hoping that Mitch didn't want to lose their friendship.

The brunette was so busy lately, and with them being in a lock down it was really hard keeping in touch. Mitch didn't answer his messages anymore, they never did Superfruit - the channel being pretty much dead - anymore, they never hung out outside of rehearsals and when they did see each other it was like they'd become strangers over night. And it destroyed him, he missed the friendship they once had - he'd lost it briefly once and he was not prepared to lose it again.

So he sat there, on his best friends floor, hoping that when Mitch decided to wake up that he wouldn't get angry at his presence, hoping that their friendship wouldn't completely crumble into nothingness. He hoped beyond hope that Mitch still held him in his heart, if only minutely, he didn't care how small a slither of his presence was in Mitch's heart, as long as he was still there. He really didn't want to lose his best friend, but he was almost certain he would, and that's when he started to cry silently, not wanting to wake the brunette and anger him. They'd been friends since they were 10... or was it 8? He couldn't remember but for over half of his life they'd been friends and the thought of possible losing that made the blonde feel dizzy, sick and like he'd lost half of his soul, he'd lost his soulmate. Why did he come here, again?

He didn't know how long he sat there crying, but eventually he heard Mitch moving around upstairs in his room telling him he had to calm down, so he quietly made his way to Mitch's balcony door and let himself out. He leaned against the railing just looking out into the abyss. He didn't know how long he was out there for, but he did know he'd become really cold, his skin turning almost purple, before Mitch had dressed and made his way downstairs.

The first thing the brunette noticed was that it was cold in his house, it was never cold so he didn't know why until he'd made his way downstairs and saw the door to his patio/balcony open. He was almost positive he'd not opened it in the past week so why it was open was unknown to him, until he went to shut it and saw Scott just off to the left of the door. Why and how was Scott here? Mitch slipped out the door and wrapped his arms around Scott from behind, leaning against the blonde's back and pressing a kiss there before just holding the blonde gently.

He didn't know why Scott was in his home at nine thirty that morning, but he wasn't complaining. He'd missed the dumb blonde, his best friend in the entire world. He'd been so busy lately that he barely had time for Pentatonix, his main career, but he preferred to work and having friendships was basically not gonna happen, not at the current time, so having his day off with his best friend sounded like heaven right then. "Come in, Scott, its very cold out here," Mitch spoke softly, unwrapping himself from his best friend and grabbing his hand and pulling him inside, not yet noticing the red puffy eyes of his best friend. Everyone knows hell will break loose when the brunette realises it, but until then there was a calm feel to the air.

Mitch led Scott to the couch before leaning and grabbing his phone from where he'd left it on the coffee table when he came down that morning and ordering breakfast. He turned to ask the blonde what he wanted and that's when he noticed the teary eyes. He grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around Scott's body before gently sitting on the blonde's lap, knowing without a doubt that Scott wouldn't let him fall or get hurt, that being proven when the blonde subconsciously wrapped his arms around Mitch tightly, still deep in his head, not wanting to come out and lose his best friend.

Mitch let the blonde hold him as he finished ordering them food before turning so he was straddling him and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, head resting on his own arm. He saw how out of it Scott was, so he pressed a kiss to his cheek effectively pulling him out of reverie. He watched Scott's eyes come back into focus and snuggled closer to the blonde, who - in turn - held him deeper and closer, both adoring the closeness they'd missed lately. "I got you breakfast, hun, how come you're here so early?" Mitch asked softly, wanting to know why his soulmate was here.

"I've been here since around 5. I just need to be here, you know, until I lose the ability too," Scott spoke softly, his eyes filling with tears once more. He was so set in his thoughts that Mitch wanted to ditch their friendship that he couldn't stop crying, non-stop ugly crying at that.

"Lose the ability to? What's that supposed to mean? You know you can always come here, well we're on lock down but the motions still stands," Mitch spoke gently, cupping Scott's face with his hands and forcing him to focus on him.

"It's just... I can't tell you," Scott spoke, breaking eye contact, not wanting to look at Mitch when the brunette tells him he doesn't want to be friends anymore. Mitch grabbed his face again and brought it back to him, wanting to know what Scott meant. He can always tell him any and everything and he knows that. What was wrong with Scott?

"Tell me?" Mitch asked. He hated when Scott was all sad and depressed and he couldn't do anything to help because the blonde just won't talk to him.

"If I tell you then you'll be mad and realise what I'm saying is the truth and that everything I say makes sense and will definitely come true if the words come out, and I couldn't bare to lose you and..." Mitch stopped Scott's harsh words by just kissing him, he didn't know why Scott was being like this or why he thought that he'd ever lose Mitch but he had to stop those thoughts.

"You wouldn't ever lose me. Look, I've been really busy lately, I'm working on PTX, my original album is almost finished, I'm making a podcast with Austin, working on fashion and so much more that I don't have a lot of time to break. I want to work on Superfruit and I want time to be with friends and family, but I just have no time. You know more than anyone how much I love working, and yes, I miss you and all my other friends, but I still adore working," Mitch spoke, holding eye contact with Scott, not even needed to think about his words, he adored his best friend and losing him was so unfathomable because it just wouldn't happen. Mitch got up and got the food when the door bell rang before coming back to his best friend and sitting back on his lap.

"But, you never reply to my texts, you never call me, you deleted all pics with me in it off of your Instagram and..." Scott began but Mitch kissed him once more.

"That's because I don't have time to reply to your messages, I don't reply to anyone else anyways, it's not an attack at you. I don't have time to call you, but I will make more time to stop you becoming like this, I deleted all my Instagram posts because Austin and I are going for an entire new theme to me, I kept every single picture, my entire camera roll is photos of us. You're my best friend, Scott, whether we have time to talk or not. Nothing will ever change that, I promise, you're never gonna lose me, Scotty, I promise," Mitch told him strongly, enforcing his words to make sure the blonde was truly listening to him, he adored Scott and nothing would ever change that.

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