Pranked You

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Mitch decided that Scott needed to be taught a lesson. Recently the blonde hadn't been paying much attention to him due to spending a lot of time before the tour with his boyfriend, but the tour starts the next day so Mitch decided to prank him. He decided he was going to do the ignoring challenge where he can't talk to Scott and just ignores him. Scott was going to flip, he hated when Mitch was mad at him so Mitch was going to have fun with it.

Scott came back to the house at seven the night before the tour was due to start and Mitch decided to just begin then. He was sat on the couch watching television while scrolling through social media. Scott immediately walked in and cuddled up into Mitch, like always, but not today. Mitch turned his phone and the television off and stood up abruptly before walking straight to the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water before leaving for his bedroom, Scott watching his every move from the couch with an eyebrow raised in question, Mitch noticing but not actually looking at Scott.

Scott watched Mitch walk towards his room and the blonde followed in confusion. Scott opened the door Mitch shut in his face and walked in right behind the brunette and wrapped him in a hug. Mitch just pushed Scott away and Mitch just walked to his closet and changed into one of Scott's old shirts and one of his old pairs of shorts, causing Scott to raise an eyebrow again, because Mitch only dressed like that for bed when he was mad at Scott, otherwise he'd just be in a shirt and boxers. But Scott couldn't recall anything he'd done wrong. What Scott didn't know was Mitch's next plan.

Mitch crawled into bed after turning his bedroom light off and closed his eyes, seemingly falling to sleep quite quickly, whilst Scott had to leave as he still had to pack. After Scott left, Mitch stood and locked his door and called the rest of the band on FaceTime with earphones in so Scott couldn't hear.

Mitch: guys I need your help.

Kevin: what's up bro?

Matt: Yeah, Mitchie.

Kirstie: should we get Scott here?

Mitch: don't you dare. I'm doing something crazy but Kirstie, you need to promise not to tell him after I get tell you.

Kirstie: of course Mitchie, what is it?

Mitch: well I've spent the past few weeks watching YouTube videos and came across an idea, except I'm doing it in real life instead of for Superfruit.

Kevin: what is it?

Mitch: I'm gonna prank him for the whole of the first leg of the tour. I'm doing the ignoring challenge. So... guys, we need to meet up for breakfast like an hour before we should be meeting in the morning because I want to make him think I've gone missing and he'll ring you guys loads asking if you've seen me, but you'll have to ignore his calls until one of you 'accidentally' looks at your phones and calls him back panicking. Then be like, he's already here and you're late, or some shit. I'm not going to talk to him for a long time, no matter if we're on stage or not. Can you help?

Matt: this is the worst thing I think I've heard off, shouldn't it only be like 24 hours or something? This is gonna be insane.

Kevin: it's not gonna get to pain right? I don't want to hurt him too bad, but I'll help.

Kirstie: same, I'll help you. We should add him to the call and be like were just finalising times and things now and Mitch can ignore him if he like asks you a question just ignore it until one of us repeats it.

Mitch: Kirstie that's brilliant, I'll add him now.

Mitch Grassi is adding Scott Hoying to the call.

Mitch heard Scott's phone ringing and immediately pulls his earphones out and begins laughing at his friends as Scott answers, resting his phone on his bedside table as he continues packing.

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