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Mitch was on another date when Scott was left home alone, something that wasn't good for his mental health, not at all. He was online reading fanfiction about him and Mitch which wasn't something he did often but he really enjoyed when he did. It made him get the butterflies he was always told would happen when he was in love as a kid. Sometimes they were romantic and sometimes they were funny, but this day just decided to hate on him because he didn't realise he'd picked a really sad story.

Mitch came in laughing, his date following behind him. He didn't know if Scott was home or not since he'd taken the blondes car as his was being checked in the shop but he didn't shout to check, he just lead his date to the couch and went to get them some drinks. He came back out with some wine and they both laughed together for a long time, Mitch not knowing Scott was going crazy upstairs.

Scott had gotten to a really dark part of the story. Mitch had began self harming and he had to make sure it wasn't true. He didn't realise he had tears streaming down his face as he silently walked across the corridor to Mitch's room. He went into Mitch's bathroom and checked the cabinets, but there was nothing there to cause him self harm, but Scott did take the painkillers from the medicine cabinet, the only type of medication in there just in case. He went back to his room and continued to read, the pills now laid next to his iPad that he was reading off of. He continued to read as the author skips back to the happenings of Mitch downstairs.

Mitch was having a blast with his date, they were joking and laughing like they'd been friends for ten years even only knowing each other for a few weeks. Mitch was having so much fun, still not knowing Scott's feelings.

Back with Scott he'd just read Mitch killing him self three times over, not wanting to let the words sink in, but they did anyways. He reread the words because it seemed so real, as if his brain shut out the fact that Mitch was down... Mitch was downstairs, he thought before jumping out of bed and sprinting down to the living room where he could hear his best friend before all but leaping on him, whispering the same words over and over, "you're alright," over and over until the words blended together. Mitch looked at his date who nodded.

"I'll message you later, thanks for the date," Roy spoke before making his way out. Mitch kept his attention on his sobbing best friend, rocking him gently and wanting him to calm down before bothering to speak. Scott eventually calmed down enough for Mitch to speak up.

"Scotty, what's wrong?" Mitch asked loosening the grip on his best friend as his arms were going numb, but as he did so Scott just whimpered and moved closer to him as though scared he'd disappear if he didn't.

"You're okay," Scott spoke softly, so softly that Mitch thought he'd imagined it.

"Yeah, Scotty, I've just been on a date, why what happened?" Mitch spoke gently, not really knowing what was wrong with Mitch.

Scott took less than a second to think, "a fan sent me a link to a website called Wattpad, asking me to read one of their books and in one of the chapters you, uhh, you killed your self. But the story before that, it was my fault, and I've been crying about it for like two hours, it's a long story. You hung yourself on the balcony, I lost you," Scott spoke softly, snuggling his face into Mitch neck when he'd finished, wanting to engage the scent of Mitch to make sure he was really alive.

Scott's eyes widened as he thought of something before he abruptly pulled back and all but dislocated Mitch's shoulders pulling his sweater off. Mitch let him do what he wanted, hoping he'd calm down or something soon. Scott grabbed Mitch's wrists and checked them thoroughly, even spitting on his thumb to wipe away any possible make up there, sighing as he realised his arms were scar free. "Scotty?" Mitch asked softly, wanting to know what he was doing.

"There's no scars, you're alright?" Scott spoke softly, turning to look Mitch in the eyes. He could tell if he lied, his left eyebrow twitches and his right eyelids close and open in less than a second.

"I'm fine, I'm worried about you, but I'm perfectly happy and alive, Scotty, I'm not going anywhere. I promise that," Mitch spoke wrapping his arms tightly around his best friend in the entire world. Scott finally relaxed, assured that Mitch was alright. He didn't know what he'd do if the brunette wasn't. Mitch pressed a few kisses to Scott's hair as he began rocking him softly. "Come on, let's go to bed, we'll take a nap," Mitch spoke pushing his back softly to get Scott standing. Scott followed instructions and went towards his bedroom but keeping tight hold on Mitch's hand.

Once upstairs Mitch rocked Scott to sleep before going to grab Scott's iPad. He wanted to read this story if he could find it, but he found an app called Wattpad and clicked on it, this was the website Scott said he'd been linked to go on. He went around it and saw Scott had an account with his own books that all seemed to be relating to him being with Scott. He raised an eyebrow but kept looking. He found Scott's library and looked at the books and saw they were Scomiche filled and Pentatonix filled and his heart swelled. Scott really did seem to love him and the group oh so very much.

He clicked on a random book called Scomiche One Shots and began reading, making sure to keep tight hold on Scott as the blonde slept. He read and his heart melted at some parts of each story, each chapter was a different story, but his heart ached at some, such as when Scott was suicidal in His Last Words. He was reading as Scott woke up two hours later groggily.

"Scotty, what is this?" Mitch asked after Scott lifted his head and buried it in Mitch's shoulder like he always did when they first woke up together. Scott turned to look at what Mitch was doing and his eyes widened seeing the book.

"This is fan fiction. This is actually one of my favourite one shot books, it's got everything in it and I really enjoyed reading it a few weeks ago. I read a lot of fan fictions, it's just relaxing, usually, except today where you as a character decided to kill yourself," Scott spoke looking at Mitch sadly before bowing his head and resting it back in Mitch's crook of his neck.

"Aww, Scotty, listen, I promise I'm alright, I'm right here and I always will be. Why do you have my pain killers from when I sprained my ankle a few weeks ago?" Mitch spoke softly before asking the question on his mind.

"The story, it got to me so I went snooping. I knew you brought that guy home and I didn't want to disturb you so I snooped to make sure you didn't have anything to hurt you. In the story you used painkillers to try to kill your self but it didn't work so I took them just in case," Scott spoke shyly. He was so worried he was going to lose the brunette. "Then you actually did die and I couldn't stay up here anymore, I had to make sure you were alright," Scott added.

"You, that is so sweet. I love you, Scotty. I don't care where I am, just call me and I'll be there, always. I don't care what I'm doing, you come first," Mitch spoke, pulling Scott out of his neck to look him in the eyes before leaning forward and kissing his lips gently, something familiar to Scott but something he cherished more than anything.

"I will and so will you," Scott spoke as the kiss ended, "thank you," he added. Mitch smiled before pulling Scott back to his chest and continued to read as Scott read with him, them only talking softly when something happened and just loving being in each other's embrace.

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