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Scott had walked downstairs one Saturday morning around two hours before he usually does when he doesn't have a set plan for the day, meaning it was eight thirty in the morning. He looked around but noticed Mitch wasn't down, which was good because it meant Mitch was getting the rest he deserved after a long week of work they'd just finished. Scott made a drink, deciding to go Starbies later because he really wanted Mitch to get the extra sleep that the brunette rarely got, and drank it slowly whilst playing with Wyatt quietly. As much as the kitty was annoying sometimes, he and Mitch both adored him and playing with him was something they both loved doing, even if they complain that they have cuts from his claws on their hands later that same day. 

Scott looked back up at the clock after playing with Wyatt for a while and saw an hour and a half had gone past and decided he'd go wake his best friend and roommate up. He pulled Wyatt into his arms as he stood up and slowly walked upstairs, wanting to make sure he didn't trip on the stairs like he usually does because he doesn't want to hurt Wyatt. He made it safely and walked down the corridor, past his room into the next door and slowly opened it. He smiled, seeing Mitch curled up like a baby, before closing the door quietly and padding over to Mitch's bed. He lifted the covers on one side of the bed and placed Wyatt down next to Mitch before climbing in the bed himself. 

After a second or two Mitch turned around, lifted Wyatt onto Scott's chest before moving himself closer and resting his head onto his chest. "Sco-cough-tty," Mitch spoke sadly as he buried into his best friend. Scott lifted Mitch's left hand and placed it on Wyatt who purred in his sleep, content from the warmth of his daddy and the comfort of the hand of his mommy, before wrapping his own left arm around Mitch's shoulder and rubbing his arm up and down.

"I'm here Mitchy, I got you," Scott spoke softly before moving his hand so it was rubbing up and down his brunette-turned-purple's best friend's back gently. "What's wrong?" he asked gently.

"Cold, I think, it's been coming a few days, my throats been hurting, it's why I didn't really record to the best that I could this week, but I think it's just a cold that's finally catching up to me," Mitch spoke, coughing every few words.

"Do you want medicine?" Scott asked, one hundred percent ready to go take care of his best friend.

"No, I took some before you got up, I've been taking some each morning the past week and it helps a little but not too much. If I sleep will you promise nor to leave me?" Mitch asked through coughs as he began falling to sleep, knowing that Scott would look after him.

"I'll never leave your side, Mitchy, I couldn't dream of it," Scott spoke softly, feeling Mitch get heavier on his chest as he fell asleep. Scott laid there with Mitch for a good two hours before Wyatt pawed the purple head of hair softly. Scott watched, knowing cats sometimes saw what the eye couldn't and hoped Mitch was alright. It took a few seconds but Mitch gasped as he woke up, sitting up and coughing harshly. Scott placed Wyatt on his lap before going to get Mitch's cough medicine from his bathroom and coming back to give it to him. 

"Here, love, take this," Scott asked as he knelt next to the bed just as the coughs subsided. Mitch took the little medicine pot and downed the medication in it. Scott went downstairs and grabbed some light snacks for his best friend to eat, such as graham crackers, chips, toast and some ice cream to soothe his throat. He also grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge for his best friend, he could have something later when they ordered lunch. It took around three minutes to get everything together before he made his way back upstairs and as he walked into Mitch's bedroom he saw his best friend pouting at the door. "Mitchy?" he asked as he moved the food to one hand and grabbed their cat before placing the food on the purple haired mans lap softly.

"You said you wouldn't leave," Mitch frowned sadly. He hated when Scott left him, even if it was to do something as sweet as making him some food because he doesn't feel good. He had it into his head that Scott was going to leave him, it was something that had scared him since they were young. Scott frowned, he was really worried about Mitch, sometimes the purple head made little comments that really worried him about his mental health and things that just worried him in general.

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